Name less

You are making me tired because you write a whole lot without making sense, for 
example you ask and I quote "Raila has never advocated that there be violence. 
If you know of any statement made by Raila where he advocated violence, please 
post to readers, instead of making priposterous claims, thereby painting 
yourself into a corner you may never get out of. " End quote

Well can you explain what he meant by I am going to fight GEMA? Do you want to 
explain what he meant by as soon as I am in power I will destroy GEMA?  Just  a 
note to those that do not know what that term means GEMA is Gikuyu Embu Meru 
Akamba. Was Raia going to be against all those Kenyans and were you going to be 
comfortable with it? Where do you think we got our predictions from? From such 
speeches for Kenyans can not allow a leader with such ambitions, we expected 
them to be smart and yes they carried through.

Let me add too that not only him that was pleading for violence, but Oketch if 
my memory of his name is right, stated inmwananchi that if Kibaki wins the 
solution will be guns, Is that an organization that does not believe in 
violence? An lastly, for I am not going to write 16 pages like you. Ever since 
the president has been sworn in, violence has erupted in Kenya, do you have it 
on any record when Raila's party is calling for calm? Any where. The government 
has done so but do you have Raila's side calling for peace on Kenya streets so 

Any idea why not?


   The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is under anarchy"
      Groupe de Communication Mulindwas
"Avec Yoweri Museveni, L'Ouganda East Dans L'anarchie"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Africare- NewPublications 
  Cc: Africa-oped ; Africare Publications ; Camnetwork ; Voice Of Uganda ; 
IgboEvents ; Abuja Nigeria ; Afrocentrik ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 3:38 PM
  Subject: [abujaNig] Re: [camnetwork] Re: [Mwananchi] Re: The Loser Declared a 
WINNER!!!----Chaos Rent Nation

  If you do not understand, Africare is a publication. And the publication 
acronym is ARJP. That means postings through Africare emailing does not mean it 
is "Nameless". You may continue to disregard this explanation. It is your 
choice; you are free. But all depends on the level of education.

  Security apparatuses have absolutely NO REASONS to detain Raila and his team. 
Raila has never advocated that there be violence. If you know of any statement 
made by Raila where he advocated violence, please post to readers, instead of 
making priposterous claims, thereby painting yourself into a corner you may 
never get out of. 

  You associating Raila with violence, without any iota of proof, is only a 
risky immagination on your part, if not attempt to unsuccessfully suppress some 
ANTI-LUO in you. Pretends are one thing; realism is another. So far, it seems 
realism is catching up.

  Raila and his team are free to go anywhere in Kenya, including the H/Q of 
electoral commission, to listen to the results being delivered. There is 
absolutely nothing wrong with that. Raila could have even gone to government 
H/Q to listen to the electoral results being delivered; there is absolutely 
nothing wrong with that. Raila and his team could have even gone to Jupiter or 
Mars if you like, to listen to the electoral results being delivered; there is 
absolutely nothing wrong with that. Or better yet, Raila and his team could 
have gone to Kibera, and immersed himself among the suffering people, to listen 
to the election results. Now are we coming out clear enough?

  Therefore, Raila and his team going to the electoral H/Q to listen to the 
election results being delivered, was indeed the right thing to do, especially 
given that the election has been rigged. Security apparatuses cannot detain 
Raila and his team for doing so! There is nothing under law, anywhere, not only 
in Kenya, that states, going to electoral H/Q to listen to election results 
delivered by eletoral commission is criminal, or amounts to advocating for 
violence! If there is any law anywhere that says so, please avail it to readers.

  Your attempt therefore, to associate Raila and ODM with violence shall fall 
flat on its face, and hope thereafter you shall me brave enough to face any 
challange coming your way, as in demand for further clarifications.

  Further, security apparatuses cannot detain Raila and his team in order to 
curb insecurity. What Raila did was campaign, and he did it successfully. Do 
you know or have it anywhere that Raila called for violence during the 
compagin? If so provide readers with facts. 

  What is currently going on in the country, where so many lives have been 
lost, is due to emotional feelings Kenyans have, after noting that the election 
was rigged. Whatever they do, therefore, they do it as human beings with 
emotional attachments. It is the State, that should have realised longer than 
this too late, that the era of election rigging is coming to an end. Obviously 
the Kibakis have not learnt a thing, that even after 40+ years as member of 
legislature and now president, he still commit the same grave mistakes.   

  Insecurity was therefore ushered into the nation through vote rigging! If the 
Kibakis wanted absolutely no insecurity in the country, they would have 
respected Kenya peoples' decision on the election outcomes instead of rigging 
it! Rigging is what brought insecurity in the country and you cannot turn 
around and blame Raila. Raila has nothing to do with the insecurity in the 
country. He has never advocated anywhere for violence; he has not called upon 
wananchi to go burnt houses, or smash buildings. People are doing these out of 
emotional attachment, and you either are going to be very very careful, or 
travel the avenue of blaming ODM and Raila. But we can tell you that that 
avenue is a dead end. 

  So, those who rigged the election contributed to the insecurity that, as we 
speak, has caused the lives of many Kenyans. These deaths are deaths that the 
Kibakis can never run away from. It is a dark history in Kenya, and the only 
noble thing to do would be to re-run the election.

  To conclude, you seemed to be quite stupid to even understand clearly what is 
going on. If this election was not rigged, and ODM delcared the winning party, 
as it did, there would not have been violence. Violence is stemming from years 
of oppression and marginalization. Million of people are living in squalid 
conditions, and that is what breeds violence! And this situation is not going 
to change until when meaningful change is embraced. 

  But one thing is, the politics of one side taking violence, is going to have 
to stop; otherwise the situation is going to spiral uncontrollably to the point 
that no one will have a hand on the head or tail. That is why we are advicing 
Raila to calmn his people; BUT NEVER concede; and continually call for election 

  Therefore, who takes the violence should not be of any concern; Africans have 
seen even more of that, but there still shall be people, the same. Eventually, 
with determination, things will change, especially when the centre cannot hold 
it anymore. With pressure mounting, PNU would not be able to hold it, and the 
only option would be to call for election re-run. 

  They might dispatched security apparatus to intimidate or even kill people as 
is the case now. But for how long in a population of 36 million people. Some 
PNU will say enough is enough! NO MORE POLITICAL DYNASTY!

  And guess what? 

  ARJP Management 

  Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Name less

    You are asking irrelevant questions to be real, "Security detaining Raila! 
On what ground are the security apparatuses detaining Raila and his officials 
of the ODM? " To curb insecurity, you see the moment that man swears on the 
bible he is the head of state.

    Now before you yell at me go back and retrace his campaign, has he been 
building on violence?  The answer is yes, now ask your self why did he go to 
the election head quarters instead of remaining at his campaign head quarters? 
Do you know of any political leader that has ever gone to the election head 
quarters to hear the results being read? Again that is another sign that he was 
itching for violence.  But let me say this too, look carefully at the final 
tallies, Kibaki has not won by that much, it has ended up a tie with very few 
votes over for Kibaki, what does that really tell you? Have the Kenyans seen a 
great deal of deference between these two men? And that is the question we 
should have discussed today. So if the country has been divided basically into 
two potions, do you think that if Raila had won that election and sworn to 
power there wouldn't have been violence on Kenya streets? I thought I stated 
long ago that there will be violence after this election and reason being that 
we have two groups of Kenyans and they vote not based on the future of Kenya 
but on their tribes. What we did not know is whose camp would take the 
violence, but this is not a surprise for real.


       The Mulindwas Communication Group
    "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is under anarchy"
          Groupe de Communication Mulindwas
    "Avec Yoweri Museveni, L'Ouganda East Dans L'anarchie"
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Africare- NewPublications 
      Cc: Africa-oped ; Africare Publications ; Camnetwork ; Voice Of Uganda ; 
IgboEvents ; Abuja Nigeria ; Afrocentrik 
      Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 1:16 PM
      Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [Mwananchi] Re: The Loser Declared a 
WINNER!!!----Chaos Rent Nation

      Policemen and women deployed are already shooting people at will. The 
nation is shut down; people in cities are going hungry as there are no food; 
not markets open. This is a very unstable situation.

      But violence should not be an option; even going to court is not an 
option. The only option is to continuously call for election re-run. As long as 
oppositions are peaceful and continually call for election re-run, we do not 
see the situation getting out of hand.

      Finally, there is need to keep abreast with the new developement: 
Security detaining Raila! On what ground are the security apparatuses detaining 
Raila and his officials of the ODM? 

      ARJP Management

      Chifu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        Do you think this is a temporary situation and it will be over 
        within a matter of days? question is I have a feeling the government 
        will send GSU with shoot to kill orders and primarily on those areas 
        that are ODM.

        It is a waste of time for Raila to go to court to challenge the 
        election as all the judges are kibaki appointees. What is the next 
        course of action for Raila now? 

        Your inputs?


        --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], john vorster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        > Folks, 
        > The situation is getting out of control. The military is having 
        hectic time to contain the demonstrations. The death toll will be 
        high come Monday afternoon. Transport paralyzed, stores and banks on 
        heavy guard.......I do not want to speculate but it is like the 
        Nation is fighting with a community resemblance......too bad....too 
        bad folks....too I wish Kibaki would have realized the 
        impact BUT it is too late now. The Loser declared and sworn as a 
        WINNER....Chaos rocking this once peaceful nation. Diplomats are 
        calling for calm....
        > John Vorster
        > Chifu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        > Folks
        > 6 dead and now the riots have spread to Mombasa.
        > More later.
        > Chifu
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