*A licence to lie is western world’s gift*

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Tuesday, 16 April 2013 00:00

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*John Pilger*

*A full-scale invasion of Africa is under way. The United States is
deploying troops in 35 African countries, beginning with Libya, Sudan,
Algeria and Niger.
The invasion has almost nothing to do with “Islamism” and almost everything
to do with the acquisition of resources, notably minerals, and an
accelerating rivalry with China. *

*Unlike China, the US and its allies are prepared to use a degree of
violence, as demonstrated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and
As in the cold war, a division of labour requires that western journalism
and popular culture provide the cover of a holy war against a “menacing
arc” of Islamic extremism, which is no different from the bogus “red
menace” of a worldwide communist conspiracy.*

*Reminiscent of the Scramble for Africa in the late 19th century, the US
Africa Command (Africom) has built a network of supplicants among
collaborative African regimes eager for US bribes and armaments. In 2011,
Africom staged Operation African Endeavour, with the armed forces of 34
African nations taking part, commanded by the US military.*

*Africom’s “soldier-to-soldier” doctrine embeds US officers at every level
of command from general to warrant officer. Only the pith helmets are
It is as if Africa’s proud history of liberation, from Patrice Lumumba to
Nelson Mandela, has been consigned to oblivion by a new master’s black
colonial elite, whose “historic mission”, Frantz Fanon warned half a
century ago, is the promotion of “a capitalism rampant though camouflaged”.*

*A striking example is the eastern Congo, a treasure trove of strategic
minerals, controlled by an atrocious rebel group known as the M23, which in
turn is run by Uganda and Rwanda, the proxies of Washington.*

*Long planned as a “mission” for Nato (not to mention the ever-zealous
French, whose colonial lost causes remain on permanent standby), the war on
Africa became urgent in 2011 when the Arab world appeared to be liberating
itself from the Mubarak’s and other clients of Washington and Europe. The
hysteria this caused in imperial capitals cannot be exaggerated. Nato
bombers were des patched not to Tunis or Cairo but to Libya, where Muammar
al-Gaddafi ruled over Africa’s largest oil reserves. With the Libyan city
of Sirte reduced to rubble, the British SAS directed the “rebel” militias
in what has since been exposed as a racist bloodbath.*

*The indigenous people of the Sahara, the Tuaregs, whose Berber fighters
Gaddafi had protected, fled home across Algeria to Mali, where the Tuaregs
have been claiming a separate state since the 1960s. As the ever watchful
Patrick Cockburn points out, it is this local dispute, not al-Qaeda, that
the west fears most in north-west Africa. He writes, “poor though the
Tuareg may be, they are often living on top of great reserves of oil, gas,
uranium and [other] valuable minerals”.*

*Almost certainly the consequence of the joint French/US attack on Mali on
13 January, a siege at a gas complex in Algeria ended bloodily, inspiring a
9/11 moment from David Cameron. The former Carlton TV PR man raged about a
“global threat” requiring “de — cades” of western violence. He meant the
implementation of the west’s business plan for Africa, together with the
rape of multi-ethnic Syria and the conquest of independent Iran.*

*Cameron has now ordered troops to Mali, and an RAF drone, while his
verbose military chief, General Sir David Richards, has addressed “a very
clear message to jihadists worldwide: don’t dangle and tangle with us. We
will deal with it very robustly” — exactly what jihadists want to hear. The
trail of blood left by British army terror victims, all Muslims, their
“systemic” torture cases now heading to court, adds necessary irony to the
general’s words. I once experienced Sir David’s “robust” ways when I asked
him if he had read the courageous Afghan feminist Malalai Joya’s
description of the barbaric behaviour of westerners and their clients in
her country. “You are an apologist for the Taliban,” was his reply. (He
later apologised.)*

*These bleak comedians are straight out of Evelyn Waugh and allow us to
feel the bracing breeze of history and hypocrisy. The “Islamic terrorism”
that is their excuse for the enduring theft of Africa’s riches was all but
invented by them. There is no longer any excuse to swallow the BBC/CNN line
and not know the truth. Read Mark Curtis’s Secret Affairs: Britain’s
Collusion with Radical Islam (Serpent’s Tail) or John Cooley’s Unholy Wars:
Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism (Pluto Press) or The Grand
Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski (HarperCollins), who was midwife at the
birth of modern fundamentalist terror. In effect, the mujahedin of al-Qaeda
and the Taliban were created by the CIA, its Pakistani equivalent,
Inter-Services Intelligence, and Britain’s MI6.*

*Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, describes
a secret presidential directive in 1979 that began what became “the war on
terror”. For 17 years, the US deliberately cultivated, bankrolled, armed
and brainwashed jihadi extremists who “steeped a generation in violence”.
Code-named Operation Cyclone, this was the “great game” to bring down the
Soviet Union but it brought down the Twin Towers.*

*Since then, the news that intelligent, educated people both dispense and
ingest has become a kind of Disney journalism, fortified, as ever, by
Hollywood’s licence to lie, and lie. There is the coming DreamWorks movie
on WikiLeaks, a fabrication inspired by a book of perfidious title-tattle
by two enriched Guardian journalists; and there is Zero Dark Thirty, which
promotes torture and murder and is directed by the Oscar-winning Kathryn
Bigelow, the Leni Riefenstahl of our time, promoting her master’s voice as
did the Führer’s pet film-maker. Such is the one-way mirror through which
we barely glimpse what power does in our name. —* *www.johnpilger.com*
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