>From Middle to Medieval class

Professor Lule Kironde Yusuf had a rebel army, which joined with another rebel 
army to form NRA. The question is, where are Professor Lule Kironde Yusuf’s 
commanders and of those how many are Generals, Lieutenant Generals and 
Brigadiers in Uganda defence forces?  

In a sentence, “Baganda were not educated, capable, competent enough to become 
Generals, Lieutenant Generals and Brigadiers in Uganda “peoples” defence forces.
Wild, Justice Odoch, Ssempebwa commissions, now it’s coming to a hundred years, 
Baganda overwhelmingly saying we Baganda are for Buganda federal status. 

What more can be truer than justice?! 

Mabira Forest

What is it now that we read in the media? 

These people will pay highly for their indiscretion and recklessness on Buganda 
land and soils. 

Even if it takes Buganda several decades, Bidco will leave Bagala Kalangala 
islands with its palm trees. Metha too does, not benefit the poorest of our 
society. His sugar is too expensive Baganda who have long ceased to buy it. 
Imagine sugar from Tanzania cost less!  

For that very reason, the battle will be intensified, total and fierce and 
we’re ready to died for what we believe in. 

Bidco, Metha, pine and eucalyptus growers, in Buganda’s natural forest must 
leave our cultural heritage immediately.

The entire Kalangala island and other pieces of land claimed by Uganda 
government but once Buganda land, will be reclaimed and turned into gardens of 
Eden and eco-tourist venues, with highly classical facilities, from which His 
Majesty and his kingdom, will earn a good revenue.

 Long live, the King! Long live Buganda!

Planner & Conservationist

As a conservation biologist and planner, I’ve got in possession a well-designed 
programme for Kalangala that will make the island, flourish at a very small sum 
of money, we have already calculated. We intend therefore, to turn Kalangala 
into a marine, botanical and zoological research centre of world acclaim. 
Zoologically and botanically, we intend to plant Kalangala Island with rear 
species, to increase on our biological diversity hence its value. Some of us 
have for long studied countries like Brazil for that sole purpose.

All Pine and Eucalyptus trees as a result, planted in Buganda’s natural forests 
must be removed or BUGANDA WILL REMOVE THEM. Pine and eucalyptus trees must be 
planted in sandy and dry regions of Buganda, far away from our rich natural 
diverse eco-systems. 

Those who have into the past hurt Buganda have regretted it. Those who have 
encroached and destroyed, Lake Nalubale will also leave in total humiliation 
and will never be compensated. 

Buganda shouldn’t be a labyrinth for nation state criminality and adventurism. 
Buganda has its own glory, it is historical, based on genuine Baganda needs. 
Buganda shouldn’t join the East African community, unless Buganda elects her 
own representatives to sit in that disaster-prone parliament.
Long live the King! Long Live Buganda!

Buganda doesn’t want a backward, ignorant and primitive establishment to spread 
faeces and filthy into Buganda waters and environment. Kampala is in Buganda, 
its expansion therefore, should be at the desecration of Buganda Kingdom.

That implies therefore, these medieval robbers, the so-called investors 
stupidly polluting and ghettoising our land, will face the full force of 
Buganda outrage. We are not going to stop unless the injustices meted on 
Buganda are fully stopped.

Baganda working with evil will regret it. 

Katikiro Daniel Mulika, should encourage renown world consultants, to come and 
train all Buganda, and Baganda, but also help the Acoli, Toro, West Nile, 
Ankole, Bunyoro kingdom sub-county and county chiefs in making money by 
promoting their Kingdoms, as corporate entities do promote their businesses 
entities and images using jewellery, confectionary design etc.,. 

It’s every Muganda’s obligation thus, to intensify the struggle and do what 
ever it takes, to fight and defeat a backward and uncivilised establishment. 
Buganda cultural heritage should be abundant and everywhere; in schools, 
hospitals, on roads, homes, hotels, bars, radio and television stations, cars, 
aeroplanes etc., in form of images, readable material, cloth, jewellery, 
perfumes etc.   

Buganda and the Baganda, the onus is on you: to start with, pave way for a 
battles against the malevolent indoctrination, trying to obliterate Buganda 

Don’t talk, DO! 

The following should be accomplished soonest; 

a.      Buganda chemists should design a Queen Naginda’s perfume box i.e. Lady 
S perfume full with necessary toiletries. That is totally emancipating all 
Buganda women from NRM colonialism and futile liberation theological 

b.      Buganda has a flag and an emblem, which should be in possession of 
every Muganda’s home. Distribute them to Buganda. Why are Baganda not wearing 
their flag?

c.      Use Arcview, for those who have the knowl-edge to design a map of 
Buganda from satellite images and distribute wildly wherever you can distribute 
it. You can buy the satellite image from EUROPEAN SPACE EuSpaceImaging.com 
Support : Phone: + (49) 89  130 142 0 • Fax: + (49)89 130 142 22 • 

d.      Use some of your earnings to design Buganda Kingdom; Rings, Watches, 
Badges, Bracelets with the Kings & Queen’s faces, Lady S, Muteesa I, King Chua, 
Muteesa II. I can assure you, if they are designed with a test of social 
classing, you will be rich in a single week of launching it.

e.      Design T-shirts, blouses, caps, with designer fashion with any piece of 
Buganda culture or past glory and distribute or sale at a small (marginal fee). 
There are a lot of Baganda in this industry – do the needful.

f.      Start Buganda special hire facility; for weddings, baptism, and other 
such social events and functions for both poor and rich Baganda. The church can 
do it what is more powerful? 

g.      Musicians should join the bandwagon and sing about the destruction of 
Buganda cultural heritage. They can go a step further and start His Majesty’s 
Buganda recording studios.

h.      Post cards, pens, bags, and diaries should not be forgotten. Imagine 
carrying around a pen with King Muteesa I or the most beautiful queen Naginda.

i.      Filming and video making has become the simplest technology. Buy 2000 
computer disk and get busy with documenting Buganda cultural heritage and past 
glory- distribute 500 hundred free of charge and 1500 at a fee. Allow 

Man makes his own history. Buganda material wealth is her never diminishing 
social and cultural heritage.

Think big and act small with things that matter across the section of Buganda 
people. Done, with His Majesty’s will, royalties can be paid on earnings and 
the Kingdom will regenerate, in the most possible shortest time.

Buganda Women, children misery:

I’ve been grappling to lay my hands on certain facts and finally luck smiled on 
me. In the past recent, I’ve written about the collapse of the state. Some 
people wrote back to condemn me of being a conservative, without asking how I 
came to such a conclusion.

Virtually all institutions that are socially and economically vital, to the 
existence of a nation state were either privatised or vandalised by NRM thugs 
and subsequently collapsed. In essence, a nation state called Uganda does exist 
in name but not in its service to the citizens.

The most vital entity today that exists in Uganda is Uganda Revenue Authority. 
It taxes the medieval traders and hands over the proceeds to a robbery state. 

Today, the country called Uganda has no ability what so ever, to design and 
later build; a road, a hotel, even latrines, hospitals, a shoe, even a shirt. 

Ugandans have no capability of doing so.

Roads are designed by foreign entities, hotels designed by Ugandan can easily 
be classed and defined because of their simplicity, class rooms collapse, 
hospitals are donated; dresses, shirts and trousers are virtually imports from 
Asia or Europe, shoes are got from Dubai and the used ones.   

In economics and I think, it was meant a nation state essentially provide, the 
most basic services as; shelter, food, and medicare.

Today Saturday, 26 August 2006, early in the morning I embarked on a journey 
that has seen me deep into Luwero. I visited all homes I know and acquaintances 
that still exist. Effectively all are manned by old fading souls. The majority 
are women yet with their grandchildren and distant relatives in company.

Some are so weakened with not having enough food, living in collapsing homes 
and indeed all of them lack medicare, even the most rudimentary. There is no 
better definition of desolation, poverty and despair in this country than the 
state of affairs in which old people and especially women and children find 
themselves into.

I am so stricken by the despondency of our people are facing.

Thugs and the medieval (middle) class

What amazes me, is the growing number of filthy rich. However this should not 
be taken as the rich one known to you and me, the hard working people here, in 
Asia, European and North American countries. 

There is a very simple process through which one can become filthy rich in this 

a.      The very lowly have turned to petty trade living by crook or pure 
robbery: here falls the school teachers, health workers, policemen and women, 
bodaboda, taxi drivers, shop owners, importers of old cloth and shoes etc,
b.      People without connection within the state apparatus form churches and 
carnivorise on there followers. The trend is disturbing were the old fashion 
religion as well the modern Black American church has blended invoking a rear 
type of day light robbery and criminality. Children are offered, and 5000 
shilling can be turned into a prado by an apostle so and so of the full gospel 
Christian liberty nonsense. 
c.      People within the state apparatus, by virtual of their positions have 
taken to stealing read corruption.
d.      People at the highest level paid for doing nothing including ministers 
and members of parliament. 

Bwanika, Nakyewa Luwero.



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