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IPCO Secretary-General Commends Libyan People's Adherence to Al-Qaddafi
Posted: 2011/07/28
From: Mathaba <>     [image: Share on Twitter][image:

International People's Conference Organization: promoting democracy
throughout the world

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  *The Secretary-General of the International People's Conference
Organisation <> (IPCO) has commended the
Libyan people's adherence to their historic revolutionary symbol who handed
them the reigns of power in 1979 after a less than 10 years in government.
The statement reads:
Historical facts show that Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi seized power from a corrupt
King on the eve of 1st September 1969, before proceeding to nationalise the
oil wealth and eject foreign military bases from Libyan soil, under the
leadership of the Revolutionary Command Council, chaired by the Colonel.

In 1977, after publishing The Green
the Libyan revolutionary leader inaugurated and encouraged the formation of
People's Conferences throughout Libya, so that the population as a whole
could participate in democracy and become the government themselves.

This led to the Sebha Declaration of People's Authority on March 2nd, 1977
as the first session of the General People's Congress (National People's
Congress) of Libya, and Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi became General Secretary
of the GPC for the next 2 years.

In 1979, al-Qadhafi left power and devoted his time and efforts to leading
the Libyan Revolutionary Committees Movement which was to be a proselytizing
movement to put forward the ideas of The Green
Book<>and encourage mass
participation in the People's Conferences.

Refusing to ally with the Soviet Union or the United States or any other
super power, Libya pursued a vigorous path of non-alignment and played a
leading role in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and especially in the
formation of the African Union (AU) which came into being on 9.9.99 in Sirte
at an extra-ordinary meeting of Heads of State of the Organisation of
African Unity (OAU).

Two years later the AU was ratified at another meeting of the African Heads
of State, held in South Africa, and the AU became the formal successor to
the OAU and embarked upon a bold plan of African Unity which has borne many
fruits. ]The official AU web site is for further information.]

Since then the Libyan symbolic leader Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi has largely
devoted his time to developing the African continent and combating
corruption, with the incredible achievements of countless billions of
dollars as one of Africa's 5 largest contributors, all of which are clearly
recorded in the public record.

Prior to this, during the 1980's the Libyan leader had devoted his efforts
to supporting many popular movements around the world, through the "World
Mathaba organization against Imperialism, Racism, Zionism, Fascism and
Reaction", which has led to many of those who were fighting against those "5
evils" coming to power.

Famous among these were Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Lula da Silva of
Brazil, also many other parties, whilst this earned the wrath of those who
were threatened by the collective resistance, notably Israel, the United
States of America, Britain and France. The Europeans too in general were not
supportive of non-white, "third world" people having access to their own

Consequently in April 1986, NATO launched an aggression against Libya, in
particular with the aim, as ordered by Ronald Reagan and his British
accomplice Margaret Thatcher, of assassinating the Libyan leader and
attacking the headquarters of the World Mathaba. This became known as the
most expensive assassination attempt in history, and it failed miserably.

In the following years, after laying the blame on Libya for various
false-flag terrorist operations, most famous of which was the downing of Pan
Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988, the NATO leaderships forced through a
sanctions regime against Libya by using their powers on the United Nations
Security Council which they dominate by a power of "veto".

Finally a way out was sought for Britain, Israel and the USA because the
Lockerbie issue was about to leak as to the real perpetrators, and the
bluffs had been called, by offering a trial of the Libyan accused. The
results of that trial, and the blatant interference in the course of justice
by both the British and U.S. intelligence agencies, caused international
uproar at the time.

Therefore the original Libya plan, this time put forward by Nelson Mandela
as interlocutor to the Anglo-Americans, was adopted. Mandela complained of
the constant shifting of goal posts and the utmost contempt for
international norms, displayed by the Anglo-Americans. Traps were laid for
the Libyans to pay compensation for crimes they did not commit, as a way out
of the sanctions.

When finally sanctions were lifted, Libya was able to fully develop the
country and its infrastructure, while contributing a large slice of its
revenue toward the development of Africa during the past decade after the
agreed lifting of the imposed sanctions on Libya.

This however clearly has earned the wrath of the NATO countries once again,
which at the same time are facing bankruptcy due to having run out of the
resources plundered from nations around the world, including almost the
entire African continent, for the past hundred years. Germany, the only
capitalist success, having been the only state to make its wealth by hard
work, and not theft.

It was therefore decided by the British, French and U.S. Americans, to
launch another attack against Mu'ammar Qadhafi, calculating that the current
generation of youth around the world, do not know about him and his
tremendous works. This now became, 25 years after the last, once again the
most expensive assassination attempt in all human history, and again it has

The aggressors seized all Libya's money held in banks abroad, thus also
committing the greatest robbery of wealth in human history, and embarked
upon a massive bombing campaign that has wiped out much of the Libyan civil
society infrastructure built up over the past decades, and confiscated the
entire funds for the September 2011 launch of an African Monetary Fund.

Because they have not succeeded to kill Qadhafi, and in spite of the media
blackout of the truth about Libya <>, finally large
numbers of people around the world, including youth, are waking up to know
about this man and The Green Book
<>as well as the massive
achievements of Libya.

The IPCO is supporting the calls for 8 regional World People's Conferences
on Crimes Against Humanity <> in order to
once and for all collect and coordinate the data of past and present crimes
being committed that are destroying the world in every sense of the word, so
that there is a hope of a future world free of the mechanisms that have
allowed for this abysmal state of affairs.

IPCO also commends the General Secretary of the General People's Congress of
Libya, Dr Al-Baghdadi Al-Mahmoudi, who is the national delegate of more than
2,000 Basic People's Conferences across Libya, who confirmed the adherence
of the Libyan people who rule themselves through direct democracy, saying:

"He [al-Qadhafi] is the leader for whom Libyans have nothing but love and
respect, and all voices demanding the leader to leave as such should be
silenced by these masses of people coming out to the streets expressing
their views."

"We believe that the Libyan population have made itself very clear: They are
not negotiating the future of the leader."

IPCO has also received numerous advices for the Libyan democratic government
from many sources and is hopeful that the people of the world will study the
concepts of direct democracy and adopt its methods as the way forward to a
world of transparency, accountability and resulting peace and prosperity.

We can all learn from each other, and IPCO mission is to provide an
educational and academic resource for the study and practice of direct
participatory democracy. To this end we welcome cooperation and exchange of
views, experience and information, with all instruments of governing which
seek to serve their respective people's interests.

-- Visit IPCO website for more information:<>
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