Re: [Ugnet] Omowale Malcolm X a symbol of Pan-Africanism andmaterialist logic

2004-10-20 Thread RWalker949
In a message dated 10/19/2004 7:54:21 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I wonder what he would have thought of the Bishop Tutu's and other traitors of this world. Yes the guys who conducted the 'Truth Commission', and sent only two people to prison. Two convicts who were black. Not a single white racist faced justice. In fact justice became a dirty word.   
But I also get the impression that Omowale Malcom X expected revolution and emancipation as inevitable. May be I am misreading him. Otherwise that would be a very falacious viewpoint!!

I do not think his view of the general process in South Africa, including the TRC would have been favorable; as to his expectation for revolution, I don't think he thought it was inevitable in a predeterminist way, as much as he felt that the only way out of our position was through revolution. 1)  He constantly emphasized that revolutionary consciousness could only come from a process of political education, a proper understanding of history and serious work to overcome the psychological and general cultural dysfunction that is the legacy of our oppression.  2) He was very aware of the propensity of a large section of African leadership around the world to betray the cause of the people, this is why in the last months of his life he constantly warned agaiinst the dangers of neo-coloniailsm
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[Ugnet] Omowale Malcolm X a symbol of Pan-Africanism andmaterialist logic

2004-10-19 Thread Mitayo Potosi
Brother Malcom X, while crying against the crimes of the early 1960's in Congo, still had hope. The hope that, soon, justice for the African would be at hand.
I wonder what he would have thought of the Bishop Tutu's and other traitors of this world. Yes the guys who conducted the 'Truth Commission', and sent only two people to prison. Two convicts who were black. Not a single white racist faced justice. In fact justice became a dirty word.   
But I also get the impression that Omowale Malcom X expected revolution and emancipation as inevitable. May be I am misreading him. Otherwise that would be a very falacious viewpoint!!

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[Ugnet] Omowale Malcolm X a symbol of Pan-Africanism andmaterialist logic




"You can?™t separate the militancy that?™s displayed on the African continent from the militancy that?™s displayed right here among American Blacks. The positive image that is developing of Africans is also developing in the minds of Black Americans, and consequently they develop a more positive image of themselves. Then they take more positive steps--actions. So you can?™t separate the African revolution from the mood of the Black man in America. Neither could the colonization of Africa be separated from the menial position that the Black man in this country was satisfied to stay in for so long. Since Africa has gotten its independence through revolution, you?™ll notice the stepped-up cry against discrimination that has appeared in the Black community. " "Everybody would like to reach his objectives peacefully. But I?™m also a realist. The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are Black people. I?™
 ve never heard anybody go to the Ku Klux Klan and teach them nonviolence, or to the [John] Birch Society and other right-wing elements. Nonviolence is only preached to Black Americans, and I don?™t go along with anyone who wants to teach our people nonviolence until someone at the same time is teaching our enemy to be nonviolent. I believe we should protect ourselves by any means necessary when we are attacked by racists""The Democratic Party is responsible for the racism that exists in this country, along with the Republican Party.""You waste your time involving yourself in any kind of organization that is not directly connected with our brothers and sisters on the African continent. Can I prove it? Yes. There was a time in this country when they used to use the _expression_ about Chinese, 'He doesn't have a Chinaman's chance.'"Remember when they used to say that about the Chinese? You don't hear them saying that nowadays. Because the Chinaman has 
 more chance now than they do"It was not until China became independent and strong that Chinese people all over the world became respected Once China became independent and strong and feared, then wherever you saw a Chinaman, he was independent, he was strong, he was feared and he was respected. It's the same way with you and me You and I have to get our people behind us, our people in our own motherland and fatherland. Just as a strong China has produced a respected Chinaman, a strong Africa will produce a respected Black man anywhere that Black man goes on this earth. It's only with a strong Africa, an independent Africa and a respected Africa that wherever those of African origin or African heritage or African likeness go, they will be respected And all thinking people today who have been oppressed are revolutionary. Any time you find somebody today who's afraid of the word revolution, get him on out of your way. He's living in the wrong era. He's b
 ehind the times. He hasn't awakened yet. This is the era of revolution ""We've got to link up with our people who are in the Caribbean, in Trinidad, in Jamaica, in all the islands, and we've got to link up with our people who are in Central America and South America. Everywhere you see someone who looks like us, we've got to get together. And once we get together, brothers, we can get some action, because we'll find we are not the underdog.""Probably there is no better example of criminal activity against an oppressed people than the role the U.S. has been playing in the Congo, through her ties with Tshombe and the mercenaries. You can?™t overlook the fact that Tshombe gets his money from the U.S. The money he uses to hire these mercenaries--these paid killers imported from South Africa--comes from the United States. The pilots that fly these planes have been trained by the U.S. The bombs themselves that are blowing apart the bodies of women and c
 hildren come from the U.S.  So I can