[Ugnet] TorontoShareNews: Sudan genocide nothing new

2004-08-31 Thread Mitayo Potosi

Sudan genocide nothing new By CLEM MARSHALL 

We don't need a crash course on 2000 years of Sudanese history in order to name as genocide what we are witnessing in Darfur. It may be hard to put into words because we have been raised on stewed confusion, half-truths and rusty anti-Kemetic (anti-Black) prejudices cooked in a sauce of plausible lies. But, Sudan's First Nations' are being crucified. 
It's an ancient tale of innocent Aboriginals infiltrated, dominated and then decimated by human predators from the outside. To understand what's going on in Sudan, we have only to consider how Europeans came to dominate the Miq'Mac, Ojibway and Cree on "Canadian" soil today. 
Suspiciously, the UN Security Council dithers while more and more Black folks die. An Arab killing machine, fueled by fictions of superiority, recklessly cuts short the lives of innocents who resemble our daughters, mothers, fathers and sons. 
An Afrikan, Kofi Annan is their cover, but White nations remain in charge. Meanwhile, the cutthroats running amok in Sudan don't even have to hide their racism. Their communities use the Arab word "abd" for every person they count as Black, and it's no coincidence that "abd" is also their word for "slave". 
Ten thousand years ago, when our brilliant, diamond-Black Ancestors imagined the Sphinx and sculpted it in stony majesty 25 stories into the sky, there was not a single "Arab" in sight of a civilization probably stretching across Sudan through Libya, down to Uganda across to Somalia and beyond. 
Around 1275 B.C.E. (Before the Common Era), "Abraham" found shelter and food in that super-rich land, the original "Garden of Eden" that its First Nations called "Akebulan". Judeo-Christian Scriptures name Abraham the father of all "Habiru", wandering shepherds who morphed into 'Arabs' and 'Hebrews' later on. 
The first "Arab" travelled to Kemet (Egypt) from "Ur", a Babylonian town near the mouth of the Euphrates down by the Persian Gulf. His band of 70 found such generosity among Kemet's ("Egypt's") 10 million population that Hebrew prophets in the Old Testament warned their descendants to be kind to strangers in memory of those "Egyptians" in Akebulan who were kind to them when Hebrews sought survival among them as economic refugees. 
There was no "Middle East" in those days. Nor was a "Middle East" possible until the artificial Suez Canal cut off the Northeast branch of Afrika from its trunk in 1869. It was as late as WW II (1939-45) that European war correspondents invented the name "Middle East" and inaccurately imposed it on lands that had been Akebulan from before Biblical times. If you're interested in learning more get The Original African Heritage Study Bible, and for a Canadian Christian's views, try Tom Harpur's The Pagan Christ. 
That "Arabs", whether in the Sudan or Mauritania, continue to mow down the populations of "Kushites" (Black folks) in our ancestral lands is hard evidence of their relentless, serial genocide. Scholars add up the Afrikans destroyed by Arab enslavers over generations to more than 17 million. They murdered us before, during and since as Europeans unleashed their own brand of havoc on Afrikan civilizations. 
Today we must continue to bear witness to the ongoing, catastrophic extermination of Afrikans in the lands of our origins and the deliberate settlement of Arabs, Europeans or Asians in our place. It's an ugly, old horror story. This chronicle of mass murder, fabricated wars, infanticide, rape, castration, beheading, roasting alive, kidnapping and violent uprooting of ancient cultures reads a lot like the stories of apartheid in South Afrika, Australia, Namibia, Kenya, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), the U.S., the Americas and the Caribbean. A cult of genocide against Afrikans runs rampant in today's world. 
Up to now, I know of no Arab leaders who seem ready to admit the indignities inflicted on Afrikans in the name of their culture and religion. Like Paul Martin, George Bush, the heads of Christian denominations and the European Union they, too, refuse to pay reparations. Both Arabs and Europeans want to lobotomize away the memory of the Black folks' blood they spilled in order to wrest control of oil, diamonds, coltan for cell-phones, cultural treasures and priceless real estate from our hands. 
From over here, however, women and men of good conscience can and do get confused when we see Black Sudanese massacring each other in the name of Arab supremacy. It's like South Africa, under apartheid, where the Nazi Nationalist Party paid thugs loyal to Zulu leader Chief Buthelezi to murder "their own". Even more appalling, some corrupt ANC agents in Joe Slovo's refugee camps killed many of the very boys and girls who fled racist helicopter gunners in Soweto in June 1976. Self-hatred is baffling but real. 
When we see Darfur on CBC or CNN we should think Toronto. Most Black people here call themselves "Christian" instead of "Muslim" and their culture "Canadian or American" as 

RE: [Ugnet] TorontoShareNews: Sudan genocide nothing new

2004-08-31 Thread vukoni
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mitayo for posting this.

 Original Message Subject:
[Ugnet] TorontoShareNews: Sudan genocide nothing newFrom: "Mitayo
Potosi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, August 31, 2004

Sudan genocide nothing new By

We don't need a crash course on 2000 years of Sudanese history in
order to name as genocide what we are witnessing in Darfur. It may be
hard to put into words because we have been raised on stewed confusion,
half-truths and rusty anti-Kemetic (anti-Black) prejudices cooked in a
sauce of plausible lies. But, Sudan's First Nations' are being
It's an ancient tale of innocent Aboriginals infiltrated, dominated
and then decimated by human predators from the outside. To understand
what's going on in Sudan, we have only to consider how Europeans came
to dominate the Miq'Mac, Ojibway and Cree on "Canadian" soil today. 
Suspiciously, the UN Security Council dithers while more and more
Black folks die. An Arab killing machine, fueled by fictions of
superiority, recklessly cuts short the lives of innocents who resemble
our daughters, mothers, fathers and sons. 
An Afrikan, Kofi Annan is their cover, but White nations remain in
charge. Meanwhile, the cutthroats running amok in Sudan don't even have
to hide their racism. Their communities use the Arab word "abd" for
every person they count as Black, and it's no coincidence that "abd" is
also their word for "slave". 
Ten thousand years ago, when our brilliant, diamond-Black Ancestors
imagined the Sphinx and sculpted it in stony majesty 25 stories into
the sky, there was not a single "Arab" in sight of a civilization
probably stretching across Sudan through Libya, down to Uganda across
to Somalia and beyond. 
Around 1275 B.C.E. (Before the Common Era), "Abraham" found shelter
and food in that super-rich land, the original "Garden of Eden" that
its First Nations called "Akebulan". Judeo-Christian Scriptures name
Abraham the father of all "Habiru", wandering shepherds who morphed
into 'Arabs' and 'Hebrews' later on. 
The first "Arab" travelled to Kemet (Egypt) from "Ur", a Babylonian
town near the mouth of the Euphrates down by the Persian Gulf. His band
of 70 found such generosity among Kemet's ("Egypt's") 10 million
population that Hebrew prophets in the Old Testament warned their
descendants to be kind to strangers in memory of those "Egyptians" in
Akebulan who were kind to them when Hebrews sought survival among them
as economic refugees. 
There was no "Middle East" in those days. Nor was a "Middle East"
possible until the artificial Suez Canal cut off the Northeast branch
of Afrika from its trunk in 1869. It was as late as WW II (1939-45)
that European war correspondents invented the name "Middle East" and
inaccurately imposed it on lands that had been Akebulan from before
Biblical times. If you're interested in learning more get The Original
African Heritage Study Bible, and for a Canadian Christian's views, try
Tom Harpur's The Pagan Christ. 
That "Arabs", whether in the Sudan or Mauritania, continue to mow
down the populations of "Kushites" (Black folks) in our ancestral lands
is hard evidence of their relentless, serial genocide. Scholars add up
the Afrikans destroyed by Arab enslavers over generations to more than
17 million. They murdered us before, during and since as Europeans
unleashed their own brand of havoc on Afrikan civilizations. 
Today we must continue to bear witness to the ongoing, catastrophic
extermination of Afrikans in the lands of our origins and the
deliberate settlement of Arabs, Europeans or Asians in our place. It's
an ugly, old horror story. This chronicle of mass murder, fabricated
wars, infanticide, rape, castration, beheading, roasting alive,
kidnapping and violent uprooting of ancient cultures reads a lot like
the stories of apartheid in South Afrika, Australia, Namibia, Kenya,
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), the U.S., the Americas and the Caribbean. A cult
of genocide against Afrikans runs rampant in today's world. 
Up to now, I know of no Arab leaders who seem ready to admit the
indignities inflicted on Afrikans in the name of their culture and
religion. Like Paul Martin, George Bush, the heads of Christian
denominations and the European Union they, too, refuse to pay
reparations. Both Arabs and Europeans want to lobotomize away the
memory of the Black folks' blood they spilled in order to wrest control
of oil, diamonds, coltan for cell-phones, cultural treasures and
priceless real estate from our hands. 
From over here, however, women and men of good conscience can and do
get confused when we see Black Sudanese massacring each other in the
name of Arab supremacy. It's like South Africa, under apartheid, where
the Nazi Nationalist Party paid thugs loyal to Zulu leader Chief
Buthelezi to murder "their own". Even more appalling, some corrupt ANC
agents in Joe Slovo's refugee camps killed many of the very boys and
girls who fled racist