Uganda Unviable Nation State 


Buganda /Baganda Parliamentary Caucus   
Professor Nsibambi Apollo
Professor Bukenya Baribasseka
Professor Kiwanuka Ssemakula
Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
Dr. Kiddu Makubuya


Speaker of Parliament Hon. Ssekandi Edward 
Parliament of Uganda, Kampala, 
Parliament Avenue

Soon the air Buganda and Baganda breath will be poison. The water they drink 
will be filled with bacteria and faeces. I’ve followed were Lubigi crosses the 
road to Ndegye – it as dirty as at Kawempe! The Towns modelled by the British, 
for Baganda to live in are now, pig stables and slums. Buganda is a free 
Baganda Internally Disposed Camp where Baganda can sleep under an African 
colonialism and enslavement.  In Buganda no day goes by without a child, a 
woman or a person being murdered. Murder is so common that the entire 
population of Buganda is immune to grotesque murder scenes! The rate of 
civilian homicide in Buganda is hitting all record high. Modernisation!

How much are Baganda and Buganda knowledgeable, about what exactly happened in 
Buganda and to Baganda in Luwero? Only two days ago, I was informed how a 
childhood friend, who spent seven years in Luwero bushes, was looking for me 
and subsequently run mad. Know one could assist him.

My grandfather was at Nakaseke hospital, after a stomach operation on the fate 
full attack of the hospital, he died on his way home and remained unburied 
besides the road for a month, from where he was later picked, to hurriedly be 

We advise the Baganda and Buganda MPs to interest themselves into the issues of 
Baganda and Buganda besides “eating” and just following. Set-up telephone 
lines, radio programmes etc., were the Baganda and Buganda can offer direct 
information, on the execution of the war in Luwero. You will be horrified and 
knowing exactly what happened helps Baganda and Buganda history.

I also congratulate the NRM government for having shown the world the skulls of 
People in different areas of the so-called Luwero Triangle were innocently and 
ruthlessly murdered. It disturbs the Baganda and Buganda, whenever they hear of 
Kony International Criminal Court, this and that. Was their no Kony in Luwero?! 

The Baganda and Buganda will not rest until justice is served. 

Power, Governance and Corruption
The current Professors Nsibambi and Bukenya’s regime in Kampala, has no ability 
what so ever; to run, administer and transform Baganda and Buganda. If attempts 
are made to do so, given the hundreds of years Buganda and Baganda have 
accumulated; administrative, political and organisational abilities, the 
transformation will be a NEGATIVE TRANSFORM. A distortion of well-known facts, 
this is already happening with cutting down forest, agricultural decline, slum 
development all Buganda and moral characters. 

There is no way, one can transform a transform, since the question becames from 
what to what? 

In all sectors, Baganda and Buganda were internally or external transformed; in 
agriculture i.e. commercial farming, internal and foreign trade, socio-economic 
administration, environmental sustainability or otherwise. The Baganda and 
Buganda did all, even before pseudo revolutionaries emerged. 

The above social trajectories, are well embedded into the material wealth of 
Buganda and Baganda. Practiced as; cultural, linguistic and sociological 
arrangements. It’s a social embodiment, as well as a realistic philosophy of 
the political and cultural Baganda and Buganda!    

Facts on ground speak for themselves, based on several years of analysis of all 
sectors and proxy NRM strategies, starting with running down of both the Uganda 
Commercial Bank and the Cooperative Bank.

There is detailed information, on the exact reasons why UCB and the cooperative 
banks worked perfectly well why during and under Field Marshal Idi Amin. Not a 
single shilling was stolen from those banks.

A perverted civilised NRM government, once in power, set itself to vandalise 
these banks by loaning its bush lumpens millions of shilling, they used to 
acquire premises they had very little knowledge to manage and develop.  
Besides, vandalism of UCB started well before, through direct robbery of money 
from those banks as directed by those who run NRM/A.

How can such an entity be of any use and good intention to Buganda and Baganda?

Buganda Utilities 

If one travels along any given major road from the capital city of the Kingdom 
of Buganda Kampala, you will realise the total break down of the basic 
infrastructure. What used to be telephone lines, are now dry lame poles, with 
broken wires hanging helplessly into the air. Despite the low telephone 
distribution, estimated to be about 2,000,000 people, owners of both mobile and 
fixed lines, of the entire population of all nations of Uganda composed of 
approximately 27,000,000 million people about 14 percent.

Electric poles and power lines especially in Buganda trading centres are more 
scenic, giving yet another bizarre NRM modernisation misconception. When one 
goes, where water is being distributed and a road grader passed by, be sure of 
finding a broken pipe, signalling another a typical African NRM sheer 
primitivism and idiotic nature the regime runs the state. 

Buganda is sticking, all latrines and sewer lines where they exist are flowing 
into lakes, rivers and water channels and nobody can see the terrible mess!

Buganda in both its traditional and modern structure never went to such a 
lowest level of organisational and administrative archaicism. Why the Baganda 
and Buganda were fooled, only to be led into self-destruction is mind-boggling! 
For the past 20 years, the most grotesque things have happened in Buganda and 
to Baganda without MPs raising a finger. The bush war was conducted in Buganda 
and it is logical enough, Baganda and Buganda would have a proportional 
representation in the highest military offices, and at ranks of generals. No! 
Baganda and Buganda were so uneducated to lead others.  Can that be true?! 

NRM sectarianism is more systematic than it could be imagined.

Baganda socio-economic infrastructures:

Ssekabaka Muteesa I, set to modernise Buganda and Baganda, and a good amount of 
modern facilities had been set-up in Buganda namely; hospitals and 
dispensaries, schools i.e. colleges and vocational training centres, water 
distribution facilities, road and railway network, transport facilities, 
telephone and power facilities, very well planned housing estate, churches, 
industrial locations and well organised trading centres. 

What is here today? Crumbling churches and commercial buildings in wetlands, 
slummy trading centres, commercialised education facilities, vendors power 

In addition there were efforts by Baganda and Buganda to develop cottage and 
basic industrial facilities.

NRM strategy, has been systematic and directed knowingly or unknowingly towards 
dismantling the entire infrastructure for Baganda and in Buganda.

Criminality and the regime 

During the year 2001, there were massive robberies in the city and some of the 
robbers met their death in a shot out with state agencies. Very little to this 
day is known about those robbers and how they were so systematic in stealing 
money from well-protected banks.

What do Baganda and Buganda know about these robbers and how did they in the 
first place get instruments of terror and start these criminal groups, they 
used in their trade? 

These are pertinent issues you the Baganda and Buganda elite should understand 
to grasp the pathology of your leaders.

This country knows very well that four-wheel drive vehicles were stolen in 
Kampala only to be sold in Congo through Entebbe airport. Isn’t that most 
revealing? What happened to those who were involved within the state agencies? 

Is it not the most serious issues as per your political offices?! How and where 
were those robbers recruited into those gangs of people?

How did Ssekisiyivu, a student of Namilyango college end up as robber in those 
criminal gangs? How did it come about? I opposed Wembley acts on that single 
basis-Baganda and Buganda needed to know the structure and facts about the 
structure of crime in Uganda to date.

And you will be amazed.

Bwanika, Nakyesawa Luwero.



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