Some among us blamed poor Kibaki when Obama and his sponsors destroyed
Kenya's economy and orchestrated the killing of wananchi !!And Obama gets a
Nobel Prize for killing us?
  Corruption Behind the 2009 Nobel Peace
*by Thierry Meyssan*/

While the Nobel Peace Prize award has led to a chorus of praise from the
Atlantic alliance leaders, it has also raised skepticism around the world.
Rather than discuss the reasons that might after the fact justify this
surprising choice, *Thierry Meyssan* exposes the corruption of the Nobel
Committee and the ties between its chairman, Thorbjørn Jagland, and Obama’s
19 October 2009

*Madeleine Albright and Thorbjørn Jagland, during a meeting at NATO
headquarters *

"This morning, after listening to the news, my daughter came and told me:"
Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize” [1]. This is the touching story that
the United States President told complacent reporters to attest that he had
never wanted this distinction and was most surprised. Without any further
inquiry, newspapers ran front pages on the "humility" of the most powerful
man in the world.

Indeed, it is hard to say what is the most surprising: the awarding of such
a prestigious distinction to Barack Obama, the grotesque staging that went
with it, or the method used to bribe the jury and divert the prize from its
original purpose.

First, let us recall that, according to the Nobel Committee rules,
nominations are to be submitted by institutions (national parliaments and
political academies) and by qualified persons, mainly judges and former
recipients. In theory, a nomination may be submitted without the candidate
having been notified. However, when the jury makes its decision, it
establishes a direct link with the grantee to ensure that he is informed an
hour before the press conference. This would be the first time in its
history that the Nobel Committee failed to this courtesy. According to the
Committee spokesman, he did not dare to wake the United States President in
the middle of the night. Perhaps did he not know that counselors take turns
at the White House to receive emergency calls and wake the president if
necessary? Moreover, the Nobel Committee had at least informed the
journalist Gerhard Helsok who announced the news a day earlier on the
Norwegian channel TV2.

The lovely scene of the little girl announcing the Nobel Prize to her daddy
does not allay the discomfort caused by this distinction. According to
Alfred Nobel’s will, the prize should be awarded to "the person who [during
the previous year] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity
between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for
the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

In the founder’s spirit, the purpose was to support militant action and not
to issue a certificate of good intentions to a head of state. The winners
having sometimes flouted international law after receiving the prize, the
Nobel Committee decided four years ago not to reward a particular act, but
only to honor persons having dedicated their lives to peace. Thus, Barack
Obama was the most deserving of all peace activists in 2008 and did not
commit any major infringement of international law in 2009. Without even
mentioning those still held at Guantanamo and Bagram, or Afghans and Iraqis
facing a foreign occupation, what do Hondurans crushed by a military
dictatorship have to say about this, or Pakistanis, whose country has become
the new target of the Empire?

Now to the heart of the matter that White House public relation officials
and Anglo-Saxon media want to hide from the public: the despicable
relationship between Barack Obama and the Nobel Committee.

In 2006, the European Command (i.e. the regional command of U.S. troops
whose authority then covered both Europe and most of Africa) solicited
Barack Obama, a Senator of Kenyan origin, to participate in a secret
inter-agency (CIA-NED-USAID-NSA). The goal was to use his status as a
parliamentarian to conduct a tour of Africa that would allow both to defend
the interests of pharmaceutical companies (against off-patent productions)
and to counter Chinese influence in Kenya and Sudan [2]. We shall only
examine the Kenyan episode here.

*The destabilization of Kenya*

Barack Obama and his family, accompanied by a press officer (Robert Gibbs)
and a political and military advisor (Mark Lippert), arrived in Nairobi on a
special plane chartered by Congress. Their plane was followed by a second
one, chartered by the U.S. Army and carrying a team of specialists in
psychological warfare led by the supposedly retired General J. Scott
Gration. Kenya was then experiencing a booming economy. Since the beginning
of the presidency of Mwai Kibaki, the growth rate had increased from 3.9 to
7.1% of GDP and poverty had declined from 56 to 46%. These exceptional
results were achieved by reducing economic ties with post-colonial
Anglo-Saxon partners and replacing them with more equitable agreements with
China. To put an end to the Kenyan miracle, Washington and London decided to
topple President Kibaki and impose a devoted opportunist: Raila Odinga [3].
To that effect, the National Endowment for Democracy oversaw the creation of
a new political party, the Orange Democratic Movement, and plotted a "color
revolution" in the forthcoming parliamentary elections of December 2007.

Senator Barack Obama campaigning for his "cousin" Raila Odinga. Senator
Obama was greeted like a native son and his journey was hyper-publicized. He
interfered in local politics and participated in Raila Odinga meetings. He
called for a "democratic revolution" and his "companion", General Gration,
gave Odinga one million dollars in cash. These actions destabilized the
country and raised official protests from Nairobi to Washington.

Following this tour, Obama and Gen. Gration reported to General James Jones
(then head of the European Command and NATO Supreme Commander) in Stuttgart
before returning to the United States.

The operation continued. Madeleine Albright, as NDI President (the branch of
the National Endowment for Democracy [4] that specializes in handling
left-wing parties) travelled to Nairobi, where she oversaw the organization
of the Orange Movement. Then John McCain, as chairman of the IRI (the branch
of the National Endowment for Democracy that specializes in handling
right-wing parties) complemented the opposition coalition in dealing with
small right-wing organizations [5].

During the parliamentary elections of December 2007, a survey funded by
USAID announces the victory of Odinga. On election day, John McCain
announced that President Kibaki rigged the election in favor of his party
and that in fact the opposition led by Odinga had won. The NSA, in
conjunction with local phone operators, sent anonymous text messages to the
population. In areas populated by the Luo (Odinga’s ethnic group), they read
"Dear Kenyans, the Kikuyu have stolen our children’s future... We must treat
them in the only way that they understand... with violence." In areas
populated by Kikuyu, they read: "The blood of any innocent Kikuyu will be
paid. We will slaughter them right to the heart of the capital. For Justice,
establish a list of Luos that you know. We will send you the phone numbers
to call with such information." Within days, this peaceful country sank into
sectarian violence. The riots caused over 1 000 deaths and 300 000
displaced. 500 000 jobs were lost.

Madeleine Albright came back. She offered to mediate between President
Kibaki and the opposition trying to overthrow him. With finesse, she stepped
aside and placed in the spotlight the Oslo Center for Peace and Human
Rights. The board of this respected NGO was newly chaired by the former
Prime Minister of Norway, Thorbjørn Jagland.

Breaking with the Center’s traditional impartiality, he sent two mediators
on site, whose expenses were entirely footed by Madeleine Albright’s NDI
(that is to say ultimately out of the U.S. Department of State’s budget):
another former Norwegian Prime Minister, Kjell Magne Bondevik, and former UN
Secretary General, Kofi Annan (the Ghanaian is very much on the scene in
Scandinavian states since he married the niece of Raoul Wallenberg).
Compelled to accept the compromises forced on him in order to restore civil
peace, President Kibaki agreed to create a prime minister post and to
entrust it to Raila Odinga, who immediately began reducing trade with China.

*Small gifts between friends*

The Kenyan operation stopped then but the lives of the protagonists went on.
Thorbjørn Jagland negotiated an agreement between the National Endowment for
Democracy and the Oslo Center, which was formalized in September 2008. An
attached foundation was created in Minneapolis that allows the CIA to
indirectly subsidize the Norwegian NGO. It acts on behalf of Washington in
Morocco and especially in Somalia [6].

Obama was elected President of the United States. Odinga declared several
days of national holiday in Kenya to celebrate the outcome of the election
in the United States. General Jones became a national security adviser. He
appointed Mark Lippert as Chief of Staff and General Gration as Deputy.
During the presidential transition in the U.S., the President of the Oslo
Center, Thorbjørn Jagland, was elected chairman of the Nobel Committee,
despite the risk that such a crafty politician would pose to the institution
[7]. The nomination of Barack Obama for the Nobel Peace prize was filed no
later than January 31, 2009 (regulatory deadline [8]), twelve days after he
took office in the White House.

Lively debates took place as the Committee was still unable to agree on a
name in early September, as outlined in the usual timetable [9]. On
September 29, Thorbjørn Jagland was elected Secretary General of the Council
of Europe following a behind-the-scenes agreement between Washington and
Moscow [10]. This called for a favor in return. Although membership of the
Nobel Committee is incompatible with a major executive political position,
Jagland did not resign. He argued that the law strictly prohibits the
combination with a ministerial office but says nothing about the Council of
Europe. He then returned to Oslo on October 2. The same day, the Committee
appointed President Obama for the 2009 Peace prize.

In its official statement, the committee stated quite seriously: “Only very
rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s
attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is
founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on
the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the
world’s population. For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought
to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for
which Obama is now the world’s leading spokesman.” [11].

For its part, the lucky winner declared: “I am both surprised and deeply
humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee (...) I will accept this
award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the common
challenges of the 21st century.” In other words, this “humble" man believes
that he embodies "all nations". This does not bode well for peace.
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