-       Who designs cities: Engineers, Biologist, Planners, Sociologist, 
Ecologist, or Politicians or stake holders? Make your take! 

-       Which town, city or municipality in Uganda is planned, designed 
environmentally, residentially, the infrastructure both communication and 
amenities – NONE!!

-       See what has happened with the former Commercial Bank Building – isn’t 
it terrible – I challenge KCC to produce a SITE MAP of UCB building location, 
APPROVED original architectural design UCB building, AND  the reasons why the 
building was built the way it was originally constructed. 

-       After a thorough investigation into urban planning issues in this 
country, I am more than convinced – the government, local governments, 
municipalities and town councils including Kampala City Council have no ability 
what so ever; to plan, design, model and organise this country’s; towns and 

-       Which town, city council or municipality in Uganda has for example a 
map making or road engineering design department in this country – NONE!! 

-       I challenge Kampala City Council (KCC) to produce Economic, 
Topographical and Thematic maps of Kampala, this challenge goes to Entebbe and 
Jinja Municipality too.

-       I challenge KCC, Jinja and Entebbe municipality to produce detailed 
local council road designs maps as per topographical studies, environmental 
studies, weathering and erosion principals. 

-       I challenge KCC , Jinja and Entebbe municipalities to produce micro 
climatic data and maps of all buildings that have been built in Kampala in the 
past recent 10 years and even those newly approved plans.

-       You are free to visit us at www.idrconslting.com for instant 
consultancy for urban planning and design in your region.

-       How do you plan without maps and how do you built roads without maps 
and engineering design or civil works studies?!!!!!!

-       In Uganda you ask in bewilderment who built a house on a hill side – 
poor people and their educated counterparts quickly without reflection answer a 
one MUGAGA(rich fellow)!

-       Mark you, there are no planned roads, water, sewerage or 
telecommunication facilities in place so the mugaga digs a huge sceptic tank by 
the side of his mansion on the hill, leading to contamination of water tables 
below: where the poor slum dwellers live!!!! 

-       My findings shows, Uganda’s media too, disturbingly and shockingly, 
both written and visual has boxed itself into a corner for being self 
subversive and telling excessive lies to gain political credence, in order to 
make money! 

-        They therefore fear to write and or talk about urban issues afflicting 
even these media houses maybe more, than people who have nothing, for fear of 
closure and imprisonment!

-       Then there is a problem of hierarchal structures in administration 
combined with NRM tribal structures. 

-       The man or woman above can’t be advised or antagonised lest a lower 
officer looses his or her job- a stalemate warranted. Tribal sentiments are 
also rampant when an officer in the hierarchy is a western, trust me no one 
will ever mention any mistake in the organisation for fear of implications! 

-       Billions of Uganda Tax Payers Money, is wasted year in year out on 
foreign trips by City, Town, and local council workers in tickets and 
allowances, to educate them about urban planning issues. 

-       It’s a waste of time since there is no visible transfer of such 
experiences on ground or anywhere in this country’s town or city. 

-       Moreover it is nonsensical if not out right stupid to assume, a person 
uneducated specifically in urban planning will visit a city or municipality and 
draw any lessons thereof instead of fancying nothingness. They learn lessons 
about what?

-       On the outset, I will propose that any future Mayor/s, Town clerk/s, 
Town and City Planners, Engineers all must have shown and documented experience 
in planning besides academic documentation in urban planning.

-        The above officials must be sworn and contracted government workers 
and not elected officials affiliated to any political organs per their 
professional duties, and only committed to their contractual work.

-        KCC and/ or any other entity offering the same duties, will never 
develop any town, city as they are ravaged with; corruption, hedonism, 
incompetence, ignorance and lack of will to resolve this country’s urban issues.

-       For example the problems, Jinja , Kampala and other towns and 
municipalities are facing are primary; political, organisation and innovation. 

-       These problems have been acerbated by government officials and 
antagonistic political organs sometimes based on sheer malice and ignorance. 
These politicians at times have got no clue what so ever about urban planning, 
design and appended socio-economic, technological and environmental issues. 

-       Many of these officials have commercial interests in areas where they 
serve and for that reason have got no; ability, disposition, propensity, and 
properties, what so ever as per their duties to stand against their own 
interests in pursuit of national urban planning goals.

-       Some of the unfinished buildings in dangerous structural state in 
cities, town and municipalities belong exclusive to government officials. Those 
employed as Mayor/s, Townclerk/s, Town and City Planners, Engineers.

-       For example, many town centres and cities; Mayor/s, Town clerk/s, Town 
and City Planners, Engineers own buildings, businesses and other investments 
which contravene; urban, health, engineering, architectural policies and urban 
laws, as put down local council by-laws and national laws.

-       Because we have nothing to loose or fear, despite the threats and 
hindrances levelled on us, we will continue to write, work and do consultancy 
work, with the same propensity about these and other issues. 

-       You are free to visit us at www.idrconslting.com for instant 
consultancy for urban planning and design in your region.




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