U.S. Soldiers Killed by Attack in Iraq
3 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Two soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division were killed and another wounded in northern Iraq (news - web sites) early Sunday when their convoy was struck by rocket-propelled grenades and gunshots, the U.S. military said.



All three soldiers were rushed to a hospital, where two of them died, said Corp. Todd Pruden, a spokesman for the military in Baghdad.

The attack occurred near Tal Afar, just west of the northern city of Mosul and about 240 miles northwest of Baghdad, Pruden said. There were no reported enemy casualties and no arrests were made.

U.S. soldiers have come under increasing attacks in recent weeks. The deaths bring to 151 the number of American soldiers killed in action since the March 20 start of the war, four more than the total killed in the 1991 Gulf war (news - web sites).

Most of the recent violence has taken place in an area north and west of Baghdad called the Sunni triangle, where some support for Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) remains. Mosul is north of the Sunni triangle and has not been the site of much previous violence

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