Allow Amin back, his children plead
By Kefa Atibuni

July 21, 2003 -Monitor


Relatives of former President Idi Amin have reacted angrily to reports that the government won't allow him to return and die in his own country.

Distressed relatives and members of the Muslim community, who sought audience with The Monitor in Arua yesterday, said that President Yoweri Museveni should let Mr Amin return home.

Their reaction follows reports that the former President is in coma at the King Fahad Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Close relatives and friends said that their demand is in line with the norm in Islam (Amin's faith) where dead people are buried immediately.

"This is a question of belief. Amin is not returning to capture state power. He is just returning to be buried," one of the relatives said.

"Even if our father was a wrong leader, I think the President should treat us with some degree of leniency," one of Amin's sons said.

The general has about 10 children living in Arua.

In August last year, Amin wrote a letter to the Arua RDC, Mr Okoth Nyalulu, introducing his sons who would inherit his farmland here.

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