Mao not a true DP - Ssebaana
By Kennedy Lule
June 2, 2003

The Democratic Party treasurer John Ssebaana Kizito has blasted Mr Norbert Mao for saying some leaders have squandered the party's money.

"If he is a true DP member, why has he never brought it to our attention?" Mr Ssebaana, who also is the mayor of Kampala, said in a telephone interview yesterday. "He is a populist and I suspect he has been sent to make such allegations in order to divide the party."

Mr Ssebaana declined to name the person who is behind Mr Mao's outburst.

Press reports yesterday quoted Mr Mao, the Gulu Municipality MP, to have said that the opening up of political space will expose DP's lack of financial accountability, amongst other issues.

But yesterday Mr Ssebaana challenged Mr Mao, who wants to stand for president on a DP ticket in 2006, to name people who have mismanaged the party's finances.

"No donors have ever complained about mismanagement. But I need the said money if it was misappropriated because we have to run the party's activities," Mr Ssebaana said.

Mr Ssebaana said they last received about $6,000 to set up the DP's Web site, which was done with additions from local contributions.

He said Mr Mao is on the periphery of DP affairs and is not in a privileged position to comment on the party's accounts.

"Mr Mao is not an active member. He just comes to our functions and makes exciting comments, and he goes away," he said.

Mr Ssebaana said Mr Mao does not even contribute mabugo (condolence fees) when a party member dies.

"He does not appreciate any work we do. We file petitions in court. We organise political rallies where police confront us with live bullets and others," he said.

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