Orombi Succeeds Nkoyooyo

CHOSEN TO SERVE: Archbishop-elect Henry Orombi of Nebbi Diocese
Felix Osike
BISHOP Henry Orombi, 54, of Nebbi Diocese, was yesterday unanimously elected the head of the Anglican Church in Uganda to replace Archbishop Livingstone Mpalanyi Nkoyooyo.

Nkoyooyo told The New Vision that the 32-member Church of Uganda House of Bishops elected Orombi after two days of fasting and praying for spiritual guidance at Namirembe Cathedral, the provincial seat of the Church of Uganda.

“The House of Bishops sat today (Friday) and elected my successor, who will take over in January next year,” said Nkoyooyo, adding that his 10-year term expires on January 25, 2004.

Nkoyooyo, formerly bishop of Mukono Diocese, was elected archbishop in 1994.
The House of Bishops also elected Rev. Dr. Canon Edward Muhima as the bishop of North Kigezi, Rukungiri.

Muhima was formerly team leader of the African Evangelical Enterprises. Rev. John Muhanguzi was also elected new Bishop of North Ankole Diocese in Mbarara district.
The House of Bishops also approved the retirement of Bishops Zebidayo Masereka of South Rwenzori Diocese and that of John Kahigwa of North Kigezi.

“I think we made the most appropriate choice,” said Bishop Paul Luzinde of Mukono.
Orombi is a renowned evangelist, orator and fiery preacher.

Nkoyooyo declined to name the three other bishops who vied for the top job. He said the matter was closed after Orombi garnered the required two-thirds majority vote.

Rev. Canon Jackson Turyagyenda, the COU communications officer, said Orombi was a good mobiliser.

“With his good education, I believe he will lead the Church to a prestigious position,” said Turyagyenda.

Orombi holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology from London.

Nkoyooyo thanked Christians for their support in the execution of his pastoral work and urged them to extend the same to Orombi.

The bishops also considered and approved the construction of the Church House by Roko.

Published on: Saturday, 5th July, 2003

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