ugnet_: Small scale and micro-hydro power production potential

2003-07-20 Thread dbbwanika db
Small scale and micro-hydro power production potential


* Uganda has an endowment; of large, small and medium water bodies namely; lakes, rivers and streams besides smelt water from ice top mountains.

* Professor Nsibambi and Engineer Nasasira ought to have known this fact in a far more detailed manner than we can explain herein. There is no data or ERA do not have it

* Should we demand that ERA puts proper data on their website since that data actually exist in their offices.






* The Democratic Farmer Workers Alliance Uganda (DFWA-U) therefore, demands that Minister Syda Bumba should be relieved of the Ministry of Energy.

* A competent person with recorded expertise, plus long working or teaching experience in energy systems, hydropower and systems production selected for this job with proper guidelines of future hydropower production using local resources. (NSSF finance, Makerere Kyambogo and Katwe artisans.

* In the above respect a US 500 million dollar project must be abandoned henceforth and the money instead used to finance four to five medium scale hydropower projects in four regions of Uganda with proper guideline for future expansion. ( see below)

* Dfwa-u demands too that the Ministry of Energy avails its Chairman DFWA-U data on all hydropower potential in regard to river geometrics. and geomorphology

* Such data must be readily available from all river measurements in Uganda; Watershed Area, Channel Gradient water flow, water levels all year round. In addition to geological data to determine sediment load, rock structure etc., which must all be readily available for proper assessment of hydropower production.

* In regard to the above the Makerere departments; of physical geography, physics and geology must have already compiled the same data for their academics pursuit.

* dfwa-u is still making efforts to gather data on the potentiality of water bodies into the country for the production of medium scale hydropower.

* So far we have gathered data on potential medium scale hydropower production on the following rivers: Kagera River to supply Kigezi /Mbarara sector. Rivers Ora, Albert Nile, Auyan, Kochi Ome & Achwa in Achwa Game reserve to supply Moyo, Arua, Yumbe Nebbi, Pakwach and parts of Gulu. Rivers Achwa Agago, Kapelepelot, Victoria Nile to supply; Kitgium , Gulu , Lira, Kidepo and West Karamoja sectors. Rivers Okok, Okore, Dopeth, Longiro, kapelepelot to supply the entire region of Karamoja and some parts of Teso. Rivers Mayanja , Lugojo, Lubigi to suply ; Kampala Luwero and sme parts of Bulugi sectors. Rivers Nkusi, Muzizi, Mpongo , Kafo to supply; Lango , Buruli, Hoima and Mubende sectors. Rivers Semliki, Muzizi, Mpanga to supply Bundibujo, Toro, Fort Portal sectors. Rivers Ruizi to suplly Mbarara to Masaka and some parts of Kigezi sectors. River Katonga to Supply Mityana Singo, Kabulasoke Areas around Lake George, Masaka Bihanga and the entire Katongo river line catchment areas.

* All the above named water bodies can hold water year round- thus can produce electricity year round.

* In the above respect Ugandans are endowed with human resources and technical know-how to manufacture, produce and generate medium and small-scale hydropower.


* The above potential cannot all be utilised hence dfwa-u suggestion that four regions power supply centres be started immediately to trigger future expansion.

* Secondary that urban and town planning must be the basis on which all future hydropower production must be based.

* Thirdly that housing must become a strategic national issue in medium and small-scale hydropower power generation.

* dfwa-u studies established the capability of making generators by artisans in sub – urban district region of Kampala. In fact these generators could be improved on with turbines to generate electricity on medium and small-scale river streams run by respective communities and studied by respective institutions for upgrading.

* Uganda has several electrical engineering institutions, including high level one like Makerere University (dept. Of Electrical engineering) and Mbarara of Science and Technology. No efforts have been made to venture in this very important field.

* It is only less than ten percent (10%) of Uganda population that has access to hydropower generated into the country. In fact the figures from Uganda electricity Board shows a figure less than 500´000 people in a population of twenty five million people.

* Notice dfwa-u has categorically stated – the proliferation of hydropower production and utilisation into the country will never reach the national desired effects. Unless; (a) collective the modern housing problem is solved

ugnet_: Small scale and micro-hydro power production potential

2003-07-20 Thread dbbwanika db

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