Zimbabwe leads in fight against imperialism

By Beloved Jambawo

When a revolutionary moment has reached the climax, it is a great honour to mankind, a moment of historical reality, of swift and tremendous transformation. Its effect is felt across the continents and identifies itself with all those whose anticipation for identical liberties has been ever rising.

It is a watershed in human history and civilisation which sweeps past the face of counter-revolutionaries against all odds, leaving them in a delusion.

In the past four years, events in Zimbabwe and the current economic problems which Zimbabwe will certainly overcome, mark the summit of a new phase of historical transformation ever since the rise of industrialisation and imperialism.

It also marks the "final lap’’ to total emancipation of the Third World countries, as has been demonstrated by the candid and unbridled support Zimbabwe received from non-Western countries.

What has remained as a great historical divide are the "white-supremacist’’ policies of the 19th century that have left bitterness and distrust of the white man’s motives, which are now a major menace to world peace, apart from being a moral disgrace to the non-Western world and human civilisation at large.

It is almost fifty years when a sense of unity began to develop among non-Western countries, with the first conference of Asian African nations held at Bandung in Indonesia in April 1955, which denounced the imperialistic designs of the West on their countries.

The non-Western world comprises Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle-East — many worlds apart but whose parts have more in common with each other than with the West. It is larger and more populous and has at one point or another suffered the bruise of colonisation and today still suffers neo-colonial domination.

At the Bandung Conference, Nehru, the Prime Minister of India then, was aware of the long-term implications and he observed: "It would be a misreading of history to regard Bandung as an isolated occurrence and not part of a great movement of human history. Today fifty years down the history line the sense of unity of purpose among the non-Western world has reached fever pitch and the white supremacist attitude remains the greatest threat to global peace as dramatised by the attitude of the biggest 19th century imperial power Britain and the twentieth century imperial power America."

Instability in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, the DRC, Kashmir, Liberia, Palestine, Israel and the September 11 attacks emanate from the white man’s past and present bellicose imperialism.

These case studies are a direct result of imperialistic designs denounced at the Bandung conference fifty years ago.

Zimbabwe has become the nerve centre of the beginning of the new era in the fight against white supremacy in the non-Western world since flag independence. The support Zimbabwe received from non-Western countries indicates the ever rising expectation of non-Western nationalism against white domination.

A revolutionary moment is one of universal truth. In December 2001, in an article in this column titled ‘’Masters of deceit’’, I made two important predictions which have today come true. It was after the ailing racist Lord Soames together with Jack Straw were lobbying for the Zimbabwe Democracy Bill, supported staunchly by the MDC.

I pointed out that the Bill was a pie in the sky and if it were to have any effect it would strengthen the African alliances and split the Commonwealth, rendering it irrelevant.

I also said Zimbabwe was about to make a bold statement on the international arena. Today Africa, the sleeping giant, is gradually awakening and Zimbabwe is the shining star in the new chapter towards human equality and justice and castration of white supremacist policies since the 19th century.

Almost fifty years ago, Anorld Tonybee made a similar prediction, which is currently on the verge of fulfilment.

He said: "It maybe that the era of white supremacy is a temporary stage in history, and when the stage of transition will be over, Asia will emerge as the new giant in this world with a new Africa standing at its shoulder.’’

In the coming century the non-Western world must be the hammer not the anvil.

History and civilisation distinctly reveal, in the eyes of mankind, the naked truth. Firstly, that there is only one human history and one world civilisation which is the reality. Secondly, that all men are born in the image of God, not his colour. Lastly, the dilemma for centuries is that both history and civilisation are Westernised. Everything is seen in the eyes of the West neglecting the history, traditions and cultural values of the non-Western world.

l To be continued
            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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