Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-28 Thread Jungshik Shin

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Torsten Mohrin wrote:

Thank you for your detailed response.

> Jungshik Shin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>

> >disappointed.  At first, I was intrigued by their claim that it
> >supports Hangul Jamos.  I've seen some false claims that Hangul

> >claim. It just treats them as 'spacing characters' instead of combining

> means. We will explain this more precisely. However, displaying Jamo
> as separated characters is actually a certain level of support, while
> non-support would be to display hollow boxes. Therefore the Jamo
> support in UniPad is on a very basic level currently. But at least you
> can see something.

  All right. I guess we just have to agree to disagree :-) as to what
'support' of a certain script means for a text editor. More on this

> 2. Please keep in mind that software improves gradually. This is
> version 0.99/1.0. Better support of certain scripts will be realised
> in future versions. This is planned for Indic scripts and also for
> Hangul.

  Good to hear that. I'll certainly looking forward to future

> 3. If your definition of "support" is that strict, than I doubt that
> you will be able to find any software that can claim to support
> Unicode at all.

  There must have been some misunderstanding here. Unicode support
can mean many different things to many different people, but I NEVER
wrote that SC Unipad does NOT support Unicode. I believe it DOES support
Unicode very well in some aspects and not so well in other aspects. I
never thought/wrote that supporting Unicode means supporting all
the characters/ letters encoded and all the scripts  representable in
Unicode as expected by native users of those scripts in a single stroke.
I think a product can claim "Unicode support" without supporting many of
scripts included in Unicode.  There was a thread on this topic sometime
ago on this list and Unicode FAQ may have an entry on the issue.

  Simply put, I did NOT blame SC Unipad for not supporting (in my
view) South and Southeast Asian scripts and Hangul Jamos (for pre-1933
orthography Korean support and perhaps for 'future' Korean support).
What I questioned was whether it's acceptable/wise to say an *editor*
supports South and Southeast Asian scripts and Hangul Jamos _without_
any qualification when all it does is just to treat characters/letters
comprising those scripts as spacing characters/letters and render
them serially when they have to reordered, combined and otherwise
processed through some complex rendering. To me, the answer is clear.
It's too misleading to put 'yes' next to all those languages for which
proper rendering is not provided at least for 'non-i18n engineer users'
(see below). On this point, I guess we now all agree and I'm expecting
you to have more refined classification of support levels in your

> Okay, okay :) We will define "support" more precisely.

  Thank you for this.  As suggested by Marco, it'd be very nice if you
could have more fine-grained levels of support (than simple 'yes vs no')
marked in the list of languages supported.

> 4. You have the chance to evaluate the software, as you did. You are
> free to decide not to use UniPad. I feel sorry, if it does not meet
> your requirements. But I wouldn't say that it is useless. This depends
> on your needs. For example, a hex editor is useless for the purpose of
> writing a 200 page essay, sureley. Nevertheless, a hex editor is
> without doubt a very useful tool.

  Please!! I never wrote that SC Unipad is useless. I'm sorry
if you got that impression from what I wrote. I just wrote that it's
useless for Hangul Jamo and SE and S. Asian scripts. Even for that,
it can be useful as others and you wrote(,which I admit I didn't realize
when writing my first message on the topic.).  Here I should have made
it clear that I was writing  from a point of view of average 'non-i18n
engineer' users.

 As James, Marco, Doug and you wrote, sometimes it's handy to have
all complex script processing removed and be able to work with hexadecimal
numbers(like Carl Brown's missing glyph representation) or sequence of
clearly distinguishable _spacing_ glyphs for all characters. For sure,
I have a definite need for that.

> >Again, it does not. It treats combining characters as spacing characters.
> >I don't think users of those scripts would regard SC Unipad as supporting
> >their scripts/languages.
> You are right. I wouldn't write a letter to somebody in German where
> the diaresis of an umlaut is displayed on the right side of the base
> character. If I want to write a letter there are many word processors
> out there which I can use. However, if I have (for instance) the need
> to distinguish between 'u with diaresis' and 'u with double acute' I
> may need an editor that is able to display those characters separated
> and unambiguously. It's your decision whether you need such editor or
> a word processor or some other Unicode edit

Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-27 Thread Torsten Mohrin

Jungshik Shin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On several occasions, I heard  about it on this mailing list and finally
>my curiosity drove me to try it. Unfortunately, I was mightly
>disappointed.  At first, I was intrigued by their claim that it
>supports Hangul Jamos.  I've seen some false claims that Hangul
>Jamos is supported and wanted to see if it really support them. Well,
>it does not do any better than most other fonts/software that made that
>claim. It just treats them as 'spacing characters' instead of combining
>characters. Basically, it's useless except for making Unicode code chart
>(so is Arial MS Unicode.)

Well... :)

1. I confess that it has to be made clearer, what "support" actually
means. We will explain this more precisely. However, displaying Jamo
as separated characters is actually a certain level of support, while
non-support would be to display hollow boxes. Therefore the Jamo
support in UniPad is on a very basic level currently. But at least you
can see something.

2. Please keep in mind that software improves gradually. This is
version 0.99/1.0. Better support of certain scripts will be realised
in future versions. This is planned for Indic scripts and also for

3. If your definition of "support" is that strict, than I doubt that
you will be able to find any software that can claim to support
Unicode at all. 

4. You have the chance to evaluate the software, as you did. You are
free to decide not to use UniPad. I feel sorry, if it does not meet
your requirements. But I wouldn't say that it is useless. This depends
on your needs. For example, a hex editor is useless for the purpose of
writing a 200 page essay, sureley. Nevertheless, a hex editor is
without doubt a very useful tool.

>Then, I found its claim that it supports 300 languages(scripts). Wow !
>Does it properly support various South and Southeast Asian scripts?

Okay, okay :) We will define "support" more precisely.

>Again, it does not. It treats combining characters as spacing characters.
>I don't think users of those scripts would regard SC Unipad as supporting
>their scripts/languages.

You are right. I wouldn't write a letter to somebody in German where
the diaresis of an umlaut is displayed on the right side of the base
character. If I want to write a letter there are many word processors
out there which I can use. However, if I have (for instance) the need
to distinguish between 'u with diaresis' and 'u with double acute' I
may need an editor that is able to display those characters separated
and unambiguously. It's your decision whether you need such editor or
a word processor or some other Unicode editor.

I invite everybody to evaluate UniPad. If it's useful for your work,
fine. If not, please consider to re-evaluate it in a couple of month.
Maybe version 1.1 will provide what you need.

With best regards
Torsten Mohrin, UniPad Team
Sharmahd Computing

RE: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-27 Thread Marco Cimarosti

Jungshik Shin wrote:
>   IMHO, their use of 'support' (for Hangul Jamo and various
> S&SE Asian scripts) goes beyond the flexibility limit I perceive the
> word to have. [...]

I agree: in their list of supported languages, many "yes"'s should by
"partially" or "yes but...".

However, I think that UniPad remains a very nice piece of software, and I am
confident that they will finally reach full support of all scripts. But
consider that it is a low-priority job, because it gives no income to the
company producing it, so allow them to take their time.

Currently, I see UniPad as a sort of "debugging editor", i.e. a tools for
inspecting the details of the encoding without the "obfuscation" of
complex-script display transformations.

I hope that this "low level view" will remain as an option even when full
complex scripts will be implemented. When programming, it is sometimes
useful to have the possibility of temporarily disabling all the complexity
of Unicode display (bidirectionality, combining glyphs, ligatures, format
controls, etc.), and be able to interact with the crude code points.

> > UniPad does include glyphs for individual jamos as
> > well as precomposed Hangul syllables, which is more than most
> > non-Korean-specific TrueType fonts can offer.
>   Which is still far from supporting Hangul Jamos.

This is true. But they also claim that they support "Conversion to
Precomposed Characters" (see If this is
correctly implemented also for Hangul syllables, one could see it as a very
rudimentary support of modern Korean. OK still quite far from the real
thing, anyway.

By the way, I never saw a proper johab system in action, and I cannot figure
out how certain details are supposed to work.

For instance, what should the combining jamos look like while they are being
- E.g., imagine I am writing   <-r>  : what should the initial
 look like while I haven't yet entered the vowel?
- And what happens when I add vowel : does it immediately form syllable
 or does it wait to see if a trailing consonant follows?

I also wonder whether and how it is possible to edit the components of a
completed syllable.
- Can I go on syllable  and overtype the  with another consonant?
- Can I delete the  leaving a stand-alone vowel? And, in this case, what
does the  look like: is the consonant's slot left empty, or is it filled
by some sort placeholder?
- And what does the cursor look like during these operations?
- Does the cursor highlight the proper parts of the syllable, or is the
syllable temporarily converted into a series of spacing glyphs?

_ Marco

Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-27 Thread James Kass

> The SCUnipad Editor is a plain text editor for Unicode.  

would perhaps be clearer as,

The SCUnipad Editor is an editor for plain text Unicode.  

Best regards,

James Kass.

Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-27 Thread James Kass

The SCUnipad Editor is a plain text editor for Unicode.  Support
in this case means that it has glyphs which it can display that 
enable users to enter and edit text in a variety of Unicode encodings.

Keyboard options and character map function make it a powerful
tool.  I'd be lost without it.

But, it isn't a Unicode Plain Text Displayer/Reader yet, and doesn't 
claim to be.  The folks at Sharmahd have done a fantastic job in 
providing this useful editor.

Best regards,

James Kass. 

Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-27 Thread Jungshik Shin

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Doug Ewell wrote:

> Jungshik Shin  wrote:

> > disappointed.  At first, I was intrigued by their claim that it
> > supports Hangul Jamos.  I've seen some false claims that Hangul

> > that claim. It just treats them as 'spacing characters' instead of
> > combining characters. Basically, it's useless except for making
> > Unicode code chart (so is Arial MS Unicode.)
> This is one of those cases where the verb "support" is so flexible that
> it loses meaning.

  IMHO, their use of 'support' (for Hangul Jamo and various
S&SE Asian scripts) goes beyond the flexibility limit I perceive the
word to have.(well, then I'm not a native speaker of English while
you're ) Wouldn't you return the product (or request refund) if you
purchased it (instead of downloading it free) believing that it supports
South and Southeast Asian scripts? I would at least put '*' next to that
'yes' mark and qualify what I mean by 'support'. What would you do if
it's your program?

> UniPad does include glyphs for individual jamos as
> well as precomposed Hangul syllables, which is more than most
> non-Korean-specific TrueType fonts can offer.

  Which is still far from supporting Hangul Jamos.

  I'm not sure if you can say that including _spacing_ Hangul Jamo glyphs
in their *bitmap* font is  more than most non-Korean-specific TTF's can
offer. Because I know only four non-Korean specific TTF/OTFs striving
to be 'pan-Unicode' (or pan-BMP) fonts and at least two of them
(Arial MS Unicode and CODE2000. Cyberbit and Titus may or may not.)
include _spacing_(i.e.  useless) Hangul Jamo glyphs as well as glyphs
for precomposed Hangul syllables.  Besides, James Kass wrote to  me that
next release of CODE2000 would include glyphs for Hangul Jamos that can
be overstruck over each other to form syllables.  Simple overstriking
works by making glyphs for leading consonants, vowels and final consonants
occupy disjoint portions of a square cell. The result is not very pretty
but is similar to the way old mechanical Korean typewriters worked and
is certainly a good beginning. Thai script can be supported in a similar
manner (

> But it does not provide
> any mechanism for combining jamos into syllables, which of course is
> required for proper handling of Korean.  Again, I don't know of any
> other mainstream Windows tools or fonts that can do this either
> (although I'm sure there are Korean-specific tools that can).

  Uniscribe, MS IE 6 and MS Office XP  count as  mainstream
Windows 'tools', don't they?  As for fonts, you're certainly right. I
have yet to see a single OTF with the proper support of Hangul Jamos.
(MS Word 2000 came with a couple of Korean fonts with about 2000? Middle
Korean precomposed syllables in PUA.) Anyway, according to what Seuk
Soo SUNG with MS Korea wrote to this list and to me off the line about
a year ago, Uniscribe shipped in Office XP(and Windows XP. perhaps with
MS IE 6 as well) can do that just fine _provided_ that OT fonts with
necessary gsub/gpos and other tables for Hangul Jamos are present on the
system. (Yudit manages to do the same with fonts I'd call 'precursors'
to those fonts.) With those fonts and the newest Uniscribe, MS IE 6 and
MS Word 2002 can handle over one million syllables (made out of Hangul
Jamos).  Unfortunately, those fonts are only shipped with _Korean_ version
of MS Office XP.  I misunderstood what he wrote about fonts and purchased
US Office XP for the sole purpose of testing it mistakenly assuming that
any language version of Office XP comes with at least one such font.

> > Then, I found its claim that it supports 300 languages(scripts). Wow !
> > Does it properly support various South and Southeast Asian scripts?
> > Again, it does not. It treats combining characters as spacing
> > characters.

> UniPad never claims to support 300 scripts.  I'm not even sure there are
> 300 scripts.  Probably half of the 300 "supported languages" are written
> with the Latin script.
> But again, Jungshik has a good point that true
> "support" for Devanagari, Khmer, etc. really does imply shaping and
> combining behavior, similar to what UniPad already provides for Arabic.

  All right. 300 languages.  Anyway,  I'd never put 'yes' marks
(I believe you wouldn't either) for languages like Devanagari,
Thai, Bengali, Tibetan, and Lao if my program does not support
reordering/shaping/combining for scripts used to represent those
languages.  Suppose some people living in a remote village of Laos and
Tibet stumbled upon SC Unipad web page and were thrilled to find that
it supports their languages. How much would they be disappointed if they
downloaded it (via a painstakingly slow link) and found that it did not.

> 300 scripts.  Probably half of the 300 "supported languages" are written
> with the Latin script.

  As we all found out in a recent thread on Middle English,
even supporting Latin alphabet based langua

Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-26 Thread Doug Ewell

Jungshik Shin  wrote:

> On several occasions, I heard  about it on this mailing list and
> finally my curiosity drove me to try it. Unfortunately, I was mightly
> disappointed.  At first, I was intrigued by their claim that it
> supports Hangul Jamos.  I've seen some false claims that Hangul
> Jamos is supported and wanted to see if it really support them. Well,
> it does not do any better than most other fonts/software that made
> that claim. It just treats them as 'spacing characters' instead of
> combining characters. Basically, it's useless except for making
> Unicode code chart (so is Arial MS Unicode.)

This is one of those cases where the verb "support" is so flexible that
it loses meaning.  UniPad does include glyphs for individual jamos as
well as precomposed Hangul syllables, which is more than most
non-Korean-specific TrueType fonts can offer.  But it does not provide
any mechanism for combining jamos into syllables, which of course is
required for proper handling of Korean.  Again, I don't know of any
other mainstream Windows tools or fonts that can do this either
(although I'm sure there are Korean-specific tools that can).

> Then, I found its claim that it supports 300 languages(scripts). Wow !
> Does it properly support various South and Southeast Asian scripts?
> Again, it does not. It treats combining characters as spacing
> characters.  I don't think users of those scripts would regard SC
> Unipad as supporting their scripts/languages.

UniPad never claims to support 300 scripts.  I'm not even sure there are
300 scripts.  Probably half of the 300 "supported languages" are written
with the Latin script.  But again, Jungshik has a good point that true
"support" for Devanagari, Khmer, etc. really does imply shaping and
combining behavior, similar to what UniPad already provides for Arabic.

>   You may want to check out Yudit ( Although its
> author is not so fond of MS Windows,

That's putting it mildly -- he refers to Win32 as a "joke-api" [sic] and
brags several times that he "will never touch Windows again."

> it works in MS Windows as well as in Unix/X11.

I haven't downloaded it yet, so I haven't seen whether this is true.  I
have my doubts, however, based on release notes like the following:

"CreateProcess works in an unexpected way  so the viewer won't find the
file. As a workaround execute yudit from the desktop shortcut."

No real Windows application gives a hoot whether you run it from a
desktop shortcut, the Start menu, a taskbar button, the Start | Run
dialog box, or a command-prompt window.

> It supports South and Southeast Asian scripts, Arabic,
> Hebrew with BIDI, Hangul Jamos(at the same level as Korean MS Office
> XP in terms of the number of syllables made out of Jamos) and many
> other (easier-to-deal-with) writing systems with various input
> methods/keyboards (including Unicode codepoint in hex input).  It can
> also  represent unrenderable characters with hex code in a box. If it
> lacks support for your script/language and you can code, you may be
> able to add it yourself either for yourself or with the author's help
> as I did for Hangul Jamos.

"If you can code" is a big stumbling block for anyone who is not a
programmer.  But certainly Yudit, like other similar open-source
projects, appears to be highly extensible.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-26 Thread Jungshik Shin

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, William Overington wrote:

> This latest version is SC UniPad 0.99 and is available for free download
> from the following address on the web.

 On several occasions, I heard  about it on this mailing list and finally
my curiosity drove me to try it. Unfortunately, I was mightly
disappointed.  At first, I was intrigued by their claim that it
supports Hangul Jamos.  I've seen some false claims that Hangul
Jamos is supported and wanted to see if it really support them. Well,
it does not do any better than most other fonts/software that made that
claim. It just treats them as 'spacing characters' instead of combining
characters. Basically, it's useless except for making Unicode code chart
(so is Arial MS Unicode.)

Then, I found its claim that it supports 300 languages(scripts). Wow !
Does it properly support various South and Southeast Asian scripts?
Again, it does not. It treats combining characters as spacing characters.
I don't think users of those scripts would regard SC Unipad as supporting
their scripts/languages.

Its FAQ 4.2 has the following:

SC> We have to differentiate between the simple inclusion of
SC> the glyphs into the UniPad font and the implementation of special
SC> text processing algorithms. It's definitely our goal to finally support
SC> all CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) characters and all Indic scripts
SC> (Devanagari, Gurmukhi, etc.).

Judging from the above, I think they are well aware that simply including
the nominal glyphs for scripts taken from the Unicode code chart in
the UniPad font is diffferent from supporting scripts.  In addition,
its list of general features makes it clear that it does not support
'combined rendering of non-spacing marks'.  I can't help wondering, then,
why they  list Hindi, Thai, Tibetan, Lao, Bengali and many other
South and Southeast Asian languages  in the list of supported languages.

> A particularly interesting new feature is that one may hold down the Control
> key and press the Q key and a small dialogue box appears within which one
> may enter the hexadecimal code for any Unicode character.  Upon pressing the

> I first learned of the existence of the UniPad program in a response to a
> question which I asked in this forum, so I am posting this note so that any

  You may want to check out Yudit ( Although its
author is not so fond of MS Windows, it works in MS Windows as well
as in Unix/X11. It supports South and Southeast Asian scripts, Arabic,
Hebrew with BIDI, Hangul Jamos(at the same level as Korean MS Office XP
in terms of the number of syllables made out of Jamos) and many other
(easier-to-deal-with) writing systems with various input methods/keyboards
(including Unicode codepoint in hex input).  It can also  represent
unrenderable characters with hex code in a box. If it lacks support for
your script/language and you can code, you may be able to add it yourself
either for yourself or with the author's help as I did for Hangul Jamos.


Re: SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-26 Thread Doug Ewell

William Overington 

> A particularly interesting new feature is that one may hold down the
> Control key and press the Q key and a small dialogue box appears
> within which one may enter the hexadecimal code for any Unicode
> character.  Upon pressing the Enter key, that character is entered
> into the document.  SC UniPad contains its own font.

In a thread two weeks ago about Alt+NumPad sequences, I did mention that
SC UniPad 0.99 would include this Ctrl+Q feature.  It's a very handy
device; my biggest obstacle so far, in fact, is simply *remembering that
it's there* and using it, instead of opening Character Map and clicking
on the character, which is what I had to do before (and which is still
useful if I needed to browse CM to find the character in the first

> Please note in particular the buttons in a column down the left hand
> side of the display.  These alter the way in which some code points
> are indicated in the display.  For example, if one clicks on the
> button labelled FMT (which controls Character Rendering: Formatting
> Characters)and selects Picture Glyph, then entry of U+200D into the
> text document shows a box with the letters ZWJ in it.

And best of all, you can set these rendering options independently for
space characters, ASCII controls, other formatting characters (a broad
category), characters unsupported in the UniPad font (a dying breed;
only Plane 2 is not supported), unassigned code points, unpaired
surrogates, and private-use characters.  Note that unpaired surrogates
are supported for testing purposes, but aren't really a good thing to
have lying around.  Also note that your choices for private-use
characters are a generic picture glyph or a rectangle containing the USV
in hex -- sorry, you can't install your own PUA font.

ALSO, note that the hex-value display option for unassigned code points
provides a neat solution to Martin Kochanski's earlier question about
.notdef glyphs (and the ensuing discussion where Carl Brown and others
suggested 2×2, 2×3, or 3×2 blocks of hex digits).

BTW, the View toolbar doesn't have to run down the left side.  It's
there by default, but you can dock it elsewhere or let it float as a
separate window.  I have the Convert toolbar on the left side and View
on the right because I use Convert more often.

> I first learned of the existence of the UniPad program in a response
> to a question which I asked in this forum, so I am posting this note
> so that any end users of the Unicode system who are at present unaware
> of the existence of the UniPad program might know of the opportunity
> to have a look at it if they so choose.
> The web site has a facility to request email notification of
> developments to SC UniPad.  It was by a such requested email
> notification that I became aware of the availability of SC UniPad
> 0.99.

I have asked the main developer of UniPad to post regular update notices
on this list, and he says he will do so shortly, when he can put
together a more thorough list of the new features in 0.99.  Trust me,
there are a LOT.  ☺

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

SC UniPad 0.99 released.

2002-08-26 Thread William Overington

As an end user of Unicode I was interested to learn recently that the latest
version of SC UniPad, a Unicode plain text editor for various PCs, has been

This latest version is SC UniPad 0.99 and is available for free download
from the following address on the web.

A particularly interesting new feature is that one may hold down the Control
key and press the Q key and a small dialogue box appears within which one
may enter the hexadecimal code for any Unicode character.  Upon pressing the
Enter key, that character is entered into the document.  SC UniPad contains
its own font.

Please note in particular the buttons in a column down the left hand side of
the display.  These alter the way in which some code points are indicated in
the display.  For example, if one clicks on the button labelled FMT (which
controls Character Rendering: Formatting Characters)and selects Picture
Glyph, then entry of U+200D into the text document shows a box with the
letters ZWJ in it.

I first learned of the existence of the UniPad program in a response to a
question which I asked in this forum, so I am posting this note so that any
end users of the Unicode system who are at present unaware of the existence
of the UniPad program might know of the opportunity to have a look at it if
they so choose.

The web site has a facility to request email notification of developments to
SC UniPad.  It was by a such requested email notification that I became
aware of the availability of SC UniPad 0.99.

William Overington

26 August 2002