2003-10-06 Thread JValentRN
Good Morning:
I am looking for recommendations from our neighbors for a contractor who can work on the chimneys in our neighborhood.
We have a 3 story twin and the old chimney needs to be relined

Thank you

John & Marianne Valentino

Re: [UC] Not to "scare" you, but forewarned is forearmed

2003-10-06 Thread Anthony West

wrote:> But, the last time I checked FBI statistics> Muggings were 
more common in Society Hill> Car Break ins more common in Rittenhouse 
Square> and Rape more common in both SH & RS than in UC.For 
you data nuts out there, the interpretation of crime stats -- like anyother 
stats -- is fraught with subtle methodological challenges. The moreyou look 
into them, the less they tell you.One important point to keep in mind is 
that "crime rates" are based on thisfraction: crimes reported divided by 
*residential population* of an area.But *crimes* aren't based on the 
residential population of an area.Criminals commit crimes against *targets*. 
And there is no easy way tomeasure the targets in a given area. Individual 
people can be targets ofcrime. But people move around from one area to 
another all the time. You cango to work in Conshohocken, shop at Plymouth 
Mtg. mall after work, go outfor dinner and a movie in Manayunk, and come 
home to University City. So ifyour car is broken into at the mall, your 
*crime* will be factored into thePlymouth Mtg. crime rate -- but *you* won't 
be factored into the PlymouthMtg. crime rate! What then is it measuring, 
really?Some obvious statistical biases appear in crime rates as a 
result. "Bedroomsuburbs" will have lower rates of crimes against persons, 
because half theperson who live there aren't physically present for 40% of 
the day.Destination neighborhoods -- where large numbers of people pour into 
forwork or shopping or recreation -- will have correspondingly elevated 
crimerates. Center City has, say, 200,000 people who are in it at any given 
hourfrom 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and they should attract 200,000 people's worth 
ofassaults and purse-snatchings. But these crimes are *counted against* 
the60,000 people who own beds in Center City. The result is a crime rate 
thatsoars above other neighborhoods; but that doesn't mean the actual *risk 
toan individual* is higher in Center City than it is in Mount 
Airy.You can see this phenomenon in statewide crime statistics. States 
likeFlorida and Nevada have high rates of crimes against property; states 
likeKentucky and Iowa have low rates. But that's because huge numbers 
oftourists pour into Florida and Nevada, for criminals to target their 
cash.By contrast, people who want to rip off Iowans and Kentuckians will 
usuallyfind them somewhere else at least 2 weeks a year, visiting places 
like LasVegas and Orlando. There are more alcohol-relared crimes per capita 
in SouthJersey than in Southeastern Pennsylvania. But that's partly because 
manyPennsylvanians drink in New Jersey all summer, while few New Jerseyans 
drinkin Pennsylvania all winter.University City is a destination 
neighborhood. It receives a huge daily netinflux of commuters and transients 
passing through it who live elsewhere.Its crime rate cannot be compared 
meaningfully against the crime rate of anend-of-the-line suburb, or a 
neighborhood like Fox Chase.-- Tony 

[UC] Area church trying to serve as hub for West Philadelphia [article]

2003-10-06 Thread John Ellingsworth
Area church trying to serve as hub for West Philadelphia

By Elizabeth Rossi
October 06, 2003

Teetering gables and peeling plaster encase the heart of West Philadelphia
-- which some of its residents say is beating more strongly than ever
these days.

In a broken-down Protestant church building at 48th Street and Baltimore
Avenue, just a few blocks from Penn's campus, members of the community
have discovered a cornerstone for West Philadelphia culture and community
-- and have begun to breathe life back into one of the area's most
historic buildings.

But just over 10 years ago, that building was being dissected.

Read more:


John Ellingsworth
AIM: jellings28

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[UC] cat poisoning

2003-10-06 Thread Michael


Being a responsible cat owner living near Paul Kelley's residence, 
I must add my opinion to this thread.

That man has been fueling the neighborhood cat population for years.
We take very good care of our pets, neuter them, feed them, and
even take care of some of the strays that live in the area.

It is a disgrace to see these beautiful little guys get hit by
cars, starve and have no real home, only to have him breed more .  

I had always chalked his irresponsibility up to not knowing any
better, but now that i see that he is doing this in the name of 
"pro-life" it really makes me very very angry.

Its really a shame that its come to this.  Now I have to fear for
the health of my animals as some of them are acting ill.  

If we find out who is responsible for this they are going to have
some very very serious problems.  Its most likely a nearby neighbor, perhaps
someone living or working on farragut street..  I know most of the folks 
on nearby 46th and i can tell you with much certainty that its noone i know,
as most are caring pet owners. 



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[UC] Volunteers spruce up Clark Park

2003-10-06 Thread Anthony West

Last Saturday 50 members of the South Asian Society 
and the Muslim Students Association streamed into Clark Park to 
do University City a good deed. They donated four hours of labor 
to commemorate the International Gandhi Day of Service. The two groups are 
networks for young South Asians and Muslims who are affiliated with the 
neighborhood's schools and hospitals.
Friends of Clark Park had targeted the western side 
of the South Park, along 45th St. between Chester and Kingsessing, for the 
improvement area. We rounded up five trees for the volunteers to plant: a 
yellowwood, a tulip poplar, a pin oak and two tree lilacs. At the park entrance 
on the SE corner of 45th & Chester, a fan of 500 daffodils and 350 day 
lilies were planted. We accomplished a great deal of pruning and cleanup as 
well. Thanks, all you volunteers -- you can come back any time! Thanks also to 
Chris Leswing and Lew Mellman, who organized and supervised the 
It was a lovely day in the park. As the volunteers 
worked above, 50 children were playing in the FoCP Youth Soccer Program below in 
the Bowl. Across Chester in the North Park, the World Peace Festival, an 
acoustic-music event, held forth on one side while the Farmer's Market bustled 
along 43rd St. All this activity was unfazed by an 
intermittent drizzle! Clark Park was a lively place to be that 
Neighbors are welcome to join FoCP's next 
general volunteer work day, which is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 25. It's 
best if you contact us before you show up, so that we can plan the right 
amount of work for everybody. That afternoon the park will also welcome the 
arrival of Spiral Q's Peoplehood parade of giant puppets. If you haven't seen 
this before, it's quite spectacular.
-- Tony West

Re: [UC] Cats on Springfield Av.

2003-10-06 Thread John Ellingsworth
The url on the poster provides you with the details:

On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >There are posters on the 4600 block of Springfield Av. , saying that 
> >some cats had been poisoned on Springfield Av. and offering a reward 
> >for identifying the culprit.
> >
> >Does anyone know about the poisoning?
> >
> >Bruce
> >Keelin, Bruce, Liam or Galen
> >
> >You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> >list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> >.
> >


John Ellingsworth
AIM: jellings28

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[UC] Re: Bath Tub question

2003-10-06 Thread HarvestMoon3
What type of paint is it? Oil-based, acrylic, epoxy?
Is it on the inside of the tub, or outside walls? I'm assuming inside.

Water-based acrylic should come off easily:  possibly just using hot water
and a washcloth and scrubbing vigorously. Or, Goo-Gone or similar product
could be used -- these remove dried acrylic paints.  They don't claim to be
effective on oil-based (but you could try).  For oil-based (or epoxy, I
think) you could try a standard paint-remover.  But, it's possible this will
also mar or dull the finish of the tub.  So, you would definitely want to
test this out on a small area first -- or on some other junk bathroom
fixture with a similar finish  that you can scrounge up.

Another possibility, and maybe the best, is to try scraping it off with a
sharp razor blade.  Again, you want to be careful not to scratch the tub's
glazed surface.  But, if the tub already has a dull finish, it may not

I would think you could clean it off as well as a pro.  I'm not sure what
type of "pro" would be contacted to clean paint from a tub, other than a
tub-refinishing company -- which would obviously want to re-finish the tub

Neil Lifson
- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Krull" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "HarvestMoon3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 11:05 PM
Subject: Bath Tub question

>  Hi
>  What is a good way to clean an old clawfoot tub. I had someone
> leave some blue paint. Is there a product to clean it off or do I have to
> hire a pro to clean it off
> Thanks
> Mark
> >
> >

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[UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]

2003-10-06 Thread m

Seems relevant to the way people drive in UCity .


- Forwarded message from Dante Toza  -

Clear Channel radio stations advocate for Running Cyclists Off the road!


In what now appears to be a pattern, Clear Channel Communications radio
stations in three cities (Cleveland, Houston, and Raleigh, NC) have
recently broadcasted the reprehensible comments of talk show hosts and
listeners encouraging violence against bicyclists. In the latest incident,
on Raleighs G105 station, September 22 and 23, morning talk show hosts
joked about harassing cyclists, urged listeners to call in with stories of
how they had harassed cyclists, and provided suggestions of how to run
cyclists off the road. One host suggested pelting cyclists with empty
Yoo-Hoo bottles. Calls came in from listeners who agreed with him, and
said that they would take similar action. A show intern discussed a man in
her neighborhood who shoots a pellet gun at cyclists as they ride by his
house, attempting to hit their tires to make them crash.

According to a listener quoted in the October 1 Raleigh News Observer
(http://newsobserver.com/news/story/2911339p-2677916c.html), "One caller
said her dad had purposely hit a biker on the road on the way to church
one Sunday and kept on going. That got laughs. Bob (one of the hosts)
thought that was funny. And Bob said he'd love to be on a motorcycle and
driving it down a bike lane. Because he didn't think bikers should be
allowed on the road. He said they should ride on the sidewalk."

The offending broadcasts come on the heels of similar broadcasts on Clear
Channel stations in Houston and Cleveland encouraging motorists to taunt
or even strike cyclists. Clear Channel owns some 1,200 radio stations
across the country that regularly share content with each other. Cyclists
across the nation have reacted with furor to reports of these broadcasts,
which have been widely disseminated on the Internet, condemning the radio
stations for their reprehensible incitement of violence. Many have
expressed fears that the incidents could inspire some deranged individual
to commit an act of violence against bicyclists.

League Position: The League condemns in the strongest possible terms the
promotion of violence and harassment against bicyclists as well as
pedestrians. With about 700 cyclists, including 200 children, and 5,000
pedestrians killed every year in traffic crashes, it is clear that traffic
safety is a very serious issue. The League urges motorists and bicyclists
to share the road and to respect the rules of the road. State and local
transportation authorities need to do more to protect cyclists and
pedestrians and there is a profound need for more education for motorists
to be conscious of the need to share the road with cyclists and


volta mailing list

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Re: [UC] Bath Tub question

2003-10-06 Thread William H. Magill
On Monday, October 6, 2003, at 12:21 AM, Brian Siano wrote:
On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 23:05:43 -0400, Mark Krull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 What is a good way to clean an old clawfoot tub. I had someone
leave some blue paint. Is there a product to clean it off or do I 
have to
hire a pro to clean it off
Methylene Chloride is a good paint remover, and I don't think it'll 
hurt the tub if you clean it up quickly. 
There are a couple of products based on this on the market -- one is 
called Zip Strip.
... Need to use ventilation and rubber gloves ... but it does the job.

("Paint" it on, wait a bit, depending upon the layers, and then scrape 
it off with a putty knife or wide bladed scraper. Get the "little bits" 
with steel wool soaked in the stuff.)

I doubt that you need to neutralize it on the tub as you would on wood. 
"Real" Tri-sodium phosphate (aka phosphate based detergent) also 
available in the hardware or paint store, is the normal "trick" to 
cleaning up the surface afterwards for re-painting.

There are also folks who will re-finish the porcelain -- never used one 

William H. Magill

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Re: [UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]

2003-10-06 Thread Richard Hotchkiss
ClearChannel plays the music, promotes the music (runs the tours) , owns the
venues to play the music live, owns the TV station so that you can hear
about the music and might even sell the tickets now. Do you think it's
monopolizing a bit?

Hey, didn't ClearChannel buy the old Boyd theater?

Richard Hotchkiss

> Organization: Megaglobal Network Services
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 12:15:32 -0400
> Subject: [UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]
> Seems relevant to the way people drive in UCity .
> -M.
> - Forwarded message from Dante Toza  -
> Clear Channel radio stations advocate for Running Cyclists Off the road!
> http://www.infoshop.org/inews/stories.php?story=03/10/03/0272523
> http://www.newsobserver.com/news/story/2911339p-2677916c.html
> In what now appears to be a pattern, Clear Channel Communications radio
> stations in three cities (Cleveland, Houston, and Raleigh, NC) have
> recently broadcasted the reprehensible comments of talk show hosts and
> listeners encouraging violence against bicyclists. In the latest incident,
> on Raleighs G105 station, September 22 and 23, morning talk show hosts
> joked about harassing cyclists, urged listeners to call in with stories of
> how they had harassed cyclists, and provided suggestions of how to run
> cyclists off the road. One host suggested pelting cyclists with empty
> Yoo-Hoo bottles. Calls came in from listeners who agreed with him, and
> said that they would take similar action. A show intern discussed a man in
> her neighborhood who shoots a pellet gun at cyclists as they ride by his
> house, attempting to hit their tires to make them crash.
> According to a listener quoted in the October 1 Raleigh News Observer
> (http://newsobserver.com/news/story/2911339p-2677916c.html), "One caller
> said her dad had purposely hit a biker on the road on the way to church
> one Sunday and kept on going. That got laughs. Bob (one of the hosts)
> thought that was funny. And Bob said he'd love to be on a motorcycle and
> driving it down a bike lane. Because he didn't think bikers should be
> allowed on the road. He said they should ride on the sidewalk."
> The offending broadcasts come on the heels of similar broadcasts on Clear
> Channel stations in Houston and Cleveland encouraging motorists to taunt
> or even strike cyclists. Clear Channel owns some 1,200 radio stations
> across the country that regularly share content with each other. Cyclists
> across the nation have reacted with furor to reports of these broadcasts,
> which have been widely disseminated on the Internet, condemning the radio
> stations for their reprehensible incitement of violence. Many have
> expressed fears that the incidents could inspire some deranged individual
> to commit an act of violence against bicyclists.
> League Position: The League condemns in the strongest possible terms the
> promotion of violence and harassment against bicyclists as well as
> pedestrians. With about 700 cyclists, including 200 children, and 5,000
> pedestrians killed every year in traffic crashes, it is clear that traffic
> safety is a very serious issue. The League urges motorists and bicyclists
> to share the road and to respect the rules of the road. State and local
> transportation authorities need to do more to protect cyclists and
> pedestrians and there is a profound need for more education for motorists
> to be conscious of the need to share the road with cyclists and
> pedestrians.
> http://econstituent.votenet.com/(ooj5bx45u1whnlmxocj3gzqd)/index.aspx/lab/lett
> erwriting.aspx?issueid=499
> ___
> volta mailing list
> http://lists.phillyimc.org/mailman/listinfo/volta
> - End forwarded message -
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> .

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RE: [UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]

2003-10-06 Thread J. Matthew Wolfe
Just to clear up any misconception regarding ClearChannel involvement with
the Boyd Theater (the old Sameric at 19th & Chestnut), they have not
purchased the theater.  There is a proposal that would have ClearChannel
investing in and leasing the theater for multi-use purposes, including
musical, theater and film productions.  They are willing to work with the
Friends of the Boyd, the group that I am involved with, towards a
restoration of the theater to its Art Deco origins and for a program of
partial public use of the theater.  There are many obstacles to be hurdled,
however, in that to make a reconstruction of the stagehouse work a parking
lot behind the theater must be purchased and there a component of public
money that is still not in place.  We are hopeful, however, that this will
be worked out.  ClearChannel has a good track record of restoration of movie
palaces in other cities.

Matt Wolfe


Support Sam Katz for Mayor

J. Matthew Wolfe
Law Office of Alice W. Ballard, P.C.
1700 Lewis Tower
225 South 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA  19102
(215) 893-9990
Fax:  (215) 893-9997

4256 Regent Square
Philadelphia, PA  19104
(215) 387-7300

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Richard Hotchkiss
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]

ClearChannel plays the music, promotes the music (runs the tours) , owns the
venues to play the music live, owns the TV station so that you can hear
about the music and might even sell the tickets now. Do you think it's
monopolizing a bit?

Hey, didn't ClearChannel buy the old Boyd theater?

Richard Hotchkiss

> Organization: Megaglobal Network Services
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 12:15:32 -0400
> Subject: [UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]
> Seems relevant to the way people drive in UCity .
> -M.
> - Forwarded message from Dante Toza  -
> Clear Channel radio stations advocate for Running Cyclists Off the road!
> http://www.infoshop.org/inews/stories.php?story=03/10/03/0272523
> http://www.newsobserver.com/news/story/2911339p-2677916c.html
> In what now appears to be a pattern, Clear Channel Communications radio
> stations in three cities (Cleveland, Houston, and Raleigh, NC) have
> recently broadcasted the reprehensible comments of talk show hosts and
> listeners encouraging violence against bicyclists. In the latest incident,
> on Raleighs G105 station, September 22 and 23, morning talk show hosts
> joked about harassing cyclists, urged listeners to call in with stories of
> how they had harassed cyclists, and provided suggestions of how to run
> cyclists off the road. One host suggested pelting cyclists with empty
> Yoo-Hoo bottles. Calls came in from listeners who agreed with him, and
> said that they would take similar action. A show intern discussed a man in
> her neighborhood who shoots a pellet gun at cyclists as they ride by his
> house, attempting to hit their tires to make them crash.
> According to a listener quoted in the October 1 Raleigh News Observer
> (http://newsobserver.com/news/story/2911339p-2677916c.html), "One caller
> said her dad had purposely hit a biker on the road on the way to church
> one Sunday and kept on going. That got laughs. Bob (one of the hosts)
> thought that was funny. And Bob said he'd love to be on a motorcycle and
> driving it down a bike lane. Because he didn't think bikers should be
> allowed on the road. He said they should ride on the sidewalk."
> The offending broadcasts come on the heels of similar broadcasts on Clear
> Channel stations in Houston and Cleveland encouraging motorists to taunt
> or even strike cyclists. Clear Channel owns some 1,200 radio stations
> across the country that regularly share content with each other. Cyclists
> across the nation have reacted with furor to reports of these broadcasts,
> which have been widely disseminated on the Internet, condemning the radio
> stations for their reprehensible incitement of violence. Many have
> expressed fears that the incidents could inspire some deranged individual
> to commit an act of violence against bicyclists.
> League Position: The League condemns in the strongest possible terms the
> promotion of violence and harassment against bicyclists as well as
> pedestrians. With about 700 cyclists, including 200 children, and 5,000
> pedestrians killed every year in traffic crashes, it is clear that traffic
> safety is a very serious issue. The League urges motorists and bicyclists
> to share the road and to respect the rules of the road. State and local
> transportation authorities need to do more to protect cyclists and
> pedestrians and there is a profound need for more education for motorists
> to be conscious of the need to share the road with cy

Re: [UC] cat poisoning

2003-10-06 Thread Sharon Nicolary

I am also very upset by this. This man has a problem. Something is wrong with 
him. Those poor cats have been sick and thin for some time. You can smell the 
cat feces from down the street.  It is disgusting.  I was sorry to hear that 
someone has poisened these poor cats, but let's not point fingers at the folks 
living on Farragut. 

I am curious as to why this man has not been brought up on charges of animal 
cruelty.  Perhaps we should all contact the people at the PACCA and bother them 
enough about this that they will do something to prevent more cats from dying 
terrible deaths and from being left to procreate out of control and making our 
neighborhood a unhealthy environment. 

Quoting Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> http://citypaper.net/articles/2003-10-02/cb4.shtml
> Being a responsible cat owner living near Paul Kelley's residence, 
> I must add my opinion to this thread.
> That man has been fueling the neighborhood cat population for years.
> We take very good care of our pets, neuter them, feed them, and
> even take care of some of the strays that live in the area.
> It is a disgrace to see these beautiful little guys get hit by
> cars, starve and have no real home, only to have him breed more .  
> I had always chalked his irresponsibility up to not knowing any
> better, but now that i see that he is doing this in the name of 
> "pro-life" it really makes me very very angry.
> Its really a shame that its come to this.  Now I have to fear for
> the health of my animals as some of them are acting ill.  
> If we find out who is responsible for this they are going to have
> some very very serious problems.  Its most likely a nearby neighbor, perhaps
> someone living or working on farragut street..  I know most of the folks 
> on nearby 46th and i can tell you with much certainty that its noone i know,
> as most are caring pet owners. 
> Sincerely,
> --Michael.
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> .

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[UC] replacing windows

2003-10-06 Thread Daniel Flaumenhaft
These aren't Tiffany stained glass, and no Crossroads concert is 
involved. I just need to replace some storm windows that disappeared 
from the porch while my house was being painted. I'm strongly leaning 
towards the interior kind (with the idea that I'll eventually replace 
all of the nasty, leaky old three-track aluminum ones, probably 1/3 of 
the house at a time). Does anyone:

1) Have any recommendations for or against specific manufacturers, 
models or types?

2) Know of any reason *against* switching to interior storms?



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[UC] Re: replacing windows

2003-10-06 Thread MLamond
Daniel, have you seen the UCHS'  "Windows: Repair or Replace?" (A Guide for 
Owners of Older & Historic Homes) pamphlet just published last month, written 
by UCHS board member Jeremy Wells?  It includes info on interior storm 

If you give me your address, I'll make sure a copy of this gets to you very 

Melani Lamond
UCHS board member

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[UC] Hack Filming Notice

2003-10-06 Thread Jon P. Mourar

I was asked to pass this along to the 
HACK will be 
returning to 44th & Larchwood Ave neighborhood on Thursday, Oct. 
9th.OnThursday, Oct.  9th we will be parking 
on:  Larchwood Ave. neighborhod  starting at 9 am to the end 
of filming.Further notice with the specific streets that will be 
effected are currently posted . Please look for these signs.We have 
arranged with The City of Philadelphia for  residents of these 
neighborhoods to park their cars at the Philadelphia Parking Authority lot 
located on Baltimore Ave between 47th & 48th St. Any cars we might tow 
will be relocated to this lot .Please call the HACK Location Dept 
(215) 568-5505 with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. We look 
forward to return to your neighborhood.
Posted by:
Jon Mourar, Chair
Spruce Hill Communication 

Re: [UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]

2003-10-06 Thread HarvestMoon3
No, Clearchanel did not buy the Boyd theater.  The Goldenberg Group owns the
Boyd, and may lease it to Clearchannel.

 To help Save the Boyd, please go to this website to learn more:
It has tons of info about the Boyd and the uncertain future it now faces.

Neil Lifson
- Original Message - 
From: "Richard Hotchkiss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] [[volta] Clear Channel for Roadkill]

> Hey, didn't ClearChannel buy the old Boyd theater?
> Richard Hotchkiss
> http://www.hotstrings-inc.com

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Re: [UC] replacing windows

2003-10-06 Thread HarvestMoon3
I bought some interior storm windows through Sears, about 10 or 12 years
ago.  (They subcontracted it out).  The interior storms are very good and
work well.  You do have to store them somewhere in the non-heating seasons.
For large windows, this can be a problem -- carrying them up and down steps,
etc. -- esp.when the headroom clearance for staircases is limited.

 I have a type that has a "bellows" sort of frame, which allows the storm to
sit a bit away from the window and thereby clear the protruding bump of the
"whatchamacallit" window trim piece that holds the sashes in place.

The installation of inside storms is tricky for old windows that are out of
square.  The installers had to come back 3 times to measure and re-do the
windows.  They never did get them totally correct (and I deducted a portion
from the original contract price.) The only way to do out-of-square windows
is by making a template -- which Sears' installers did not do.  So, I would
strongly recommend discussing this up front with the installer. Or, if you
do it yourself, be prepared to make a template if your windows are

One other disadvantage of interior storms: If you get rid of exterior
storms, the exterior window sashes and sills, etc. become totally exposed to
the elements.  This will necessitate more frequent repairs to the windows:
glazing, painting, etc.  This is an important consideration.

Neil Lifson
- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel Flaumenhaft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 6:45 PM
Subject: [UC] replacing windows

> These aren't Tiffany stained glass, and no Crossroads concert is
> involved. I just need to replace some storm windows that disappeared
> from the porch while my house was being painted. I'm strongly leaning
> towards the interior kind (with the idea that I'll eventually replace
> all of the nasty, leaky old three-track aluminum ones, probably 1/3 of
> the house at a time). Does anyone:
> 1) Have any recommendations for or against specific manufacturers,
> models or types?
> 2) Know of any reason *against* switching to interior storms?
> Thanks.
> Daniel
> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
> list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
> .

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[UC] Renaissance & Baroque at the Crossroads on Saturday, October 11

2003-10-06 Thread Daniel Flaumenhaft
Crossroads Music presents:

Vocal music of the European Renaissance
Music of Handel's London
Saturday, October 11, 2003 at 7:30 pm
Calvary United Methodist Church (please list under Crossroads Music)
48th Street and Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia
$10 standard admission; $5 for kids, students, seniors, and other 
limited income; $15 for special supporters

A Philadelphia Crossroads concert

Since 1987 the BLOOM CONSORT has been performing music of the 15th, 
16th and 17th centuries at concerts, church services, Renaissance 
festivals, and a wide range of private functions. Their repertoire 
includes madrigals, motets, lute songs and chansons in English, Latin, 
French, German, Italian and Spanish. The mood ranges from serious to 
silly, with an occasional surprise.

The Consort’s members include: Anne Stevenson Smith, Soprano;
Kristine Allen, Soprano; Chris Mudge, Mezzo Soprano; Karen Lombardi 
Ingle, Mezzo Soprano; Jane Burt, Alto; Gene Schneyer, Tenor; Lee 
Geizentanner, Tenor;  Carl Shinko, Tenor; Fuller Runyan, Bass; Dwayne 

For photo and more information, http://www.worthington-levy.com/bloom

In tonight's program, DUO TEMPESTA DI MARE celebrates Handel's London 
with music and life stories of a place where a musician could 
experience the risky thrill of making it on his own; a time when your 
fellow citizen and not your king determined a performer's fortune. 
Going freelance is always a great risk, as any self-employed person 
today knows. Some who came, like Handel himself, found success and 
stayed, some made contacts that led to opportunities elsewhere, and 
still others eventually failed and went home. Join Gwyn Roberts 
(recorder) and John Bailey (harpsichord) for a journey to an exciting 
time and place where so many tried to "hit the big time."

Philadelphia’s Tempesta di Mare performs baroque music "with nothing 
less than breathtaking results." (American Record Guide) Founded in 
1996 and led by lutenist Richard Stone and flutist Gwyn Roberts, the 
group has been featured at the Prague Spring Festival in the Czech 
Republic and the Amherst Early Music Festival at home. Programs include 
transformations by Bach, operatic gems by Handel and rediscoveries from 
the Court of Dresden.

For more information, 

Crossroads Music is Philadelphia's newest venue for traditional, 
ethnic, international, and related non-commercial music. In September 
of 2003, three established presenters—the Calvary Center for Culture 
and Community, Root and Branch (the successor of the former Cherry Tree 
Music Co-op), and the Folklife Center (formerly the International House 
Folklife Center)—will come together under one roof, presenting 
approximately thirty concerts each year.

Crossroads events fall into three groups. Philadelphia Crossroads 
continues the original Crossroads Music Series, which presented 
contrasting but related music from two different Philadelphia 
communities on the second Saturday of each month. Beginning in October, 
Root and Branch concerts will continue the Cherry Tree's series of 
concerts by nationally-known touring artists. Finally, the Folklife 
Center's Nada Brahma (Sanskrit for "The World is Sound") events will 
present locally-based and national and international touring artists 
from culturally-specific traditions around the world.

All events take place at 7:30 pm in the historic Calvary United 
Methodist Church. Oak paneling, red carpets, and a horseshoe balcony 
make the room feel more like an intimate theater than a church. Seating 
is in comfortable chairs (not pews) and no seat is more than 35 feet 
from the stage.

Calvary Center is located at 48th Street and Baltimore Avenue. The 34 
subway-surface trolley stops at the door, and a free, well-lit, and 
city-maintained parking lot is located on the block. Dinner and 
refreshments are available at the concerts and at excellent restaurants 

For advance tickets, directions, or other information, please visit our 
website at www.crossroads.calvary-center.org or call 215-729-1028.


10/18/03	Ann Rabson (of Saffire the Uppity Blues Women), with Cassendre 

10/26/03	Cherry Tree Music Co-op Farewell Concert

11/1/03	The Mammals

11/8/03	Ten Spiders and Fred’s Mobile Homes

12/4/03	Johnny Cunningham & Susan McKeown with Aidan Brennan

12/11/03	To be announced

1/10/04	Erik Petersen and Kim and Reggie Harris

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