[UC] LOST Shih Tzu

2008-10-05 Thread Linda Lee
from craigslist:Lost Dog - Shih Tzu named Gizmo (46th and Baltimore)Reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED][?]Date: 2008-10-04, 11:42PM EDTGizmo was last seen on 46th and Baltimore at approx. 7:30pm on Sat Oct. 4th. He was not himself when he ran away and may not respond to his name.Please contact me if you have seen or found Gizmo. His family is very worried and he may be in need of medical attention.Contact Jennifer(215) 727-4085(443) 257-9352[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [UC] Scale and its adjudicators

2008-10-05 Thread Anthony West
If this was true -- and it makes some intuitive sense -- and if I were a 
Woodland Terr. resident, to whom esthetics absolutely would matter -- 
then I might try to present an argument rich in civil-engineering issues 
such as traffic when working PCPC, and to concentrate my esthetic 
concerns in other venues, ones I thought more disposed to hear them with 

-- Tony West

At the Woodland Terrace meetings I attended we were informed that 
aesthetics, including scale, would not be as important to focus on as 
things like traffic. We were told that a traffic concerns would have 
more impact on the City agencies involved and that aesthetics were not 
really a valid thing to complain about. I assume this was true at 
other neighborhood meetings. This might be why traffic became a major 
talking point. On the other hand, we were very careful that each of 
the neighbors speaking at the first PCPC meeting had a different angle 
on the subject of the hotel so that the Commission would see that 
there were many concerns, not just traffic. Of course, the minutes, 
which I know are only supposed to be an outline, don't reflect those.


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[UC] Report of SHCA private meeting

2008-10-05 Thread Glenn moyer

From UC Review, Sept. 24

“…The Spruce Hill Community Association has not yet voted on it but will meet 
privately to discuss the matter in the next few weeks before submitting its 
recommendation to the Spruce Hill Zoning Board said President Barry Grossbach.  
Added Grossbach, if either side has any new information that sheds light on the 
project then they are welcome to submit it for consideration.”

It seems Ms. Contosta mixed up the SHCA Board and Zoning committee.  But the 
rest of this is amazingly bold and contemptuous if Grossbach said this stuff.  
The community deserves a public explanation from Mr. Grossbach now that this 
has been published.

For years we’ve been reading Penn press releases with claims that, “the 
community” wants this and “the community” wants that.  Then, the quotes 
provided are always from the same small group of “leaders” in the civic ass. 
gangs like Mr. Grossbach.  These “voice of the community” lies supporting Penn 
propaganda have outraged some of us for a long time.  The civic association 
power brokers form a closed gang against outsiders from the community.  They 
have no interest or connection to our diverse community, and act on their 
gang’s interests and agendas only.

As reported in the DP, a large cross section of the community “unanimously” and 
loudly informed the SHCA zoning committee in February that the community didn’t 
want Penn's upscale hotel. Residents pleaded with the zoning committee! 

Background: The SHCA was exposed plotting a zoning committee meeting at their 
small clubhouse in February.  A few days prior to the meeting, which became a 
public gathering anyway, the SHCA was obviously continuing the cover lie of the 
previous 4 months, that the Campus Inn developers and SHCA had been 
facilitating a series of open public forums about the Penn hotel all along.  
Because that latest SHCA plot was exposed, the venue was changed with a few 
days notice, to 42nd and Baltimore.

Like the tabling by PCPC, Mr. Grossbach announced at the conclusion, that since 
a lawyer had been hired, SHCA would not get involved despite the overwhelming 
demands from the community for them to immediately reject the hotel or stay out 
of the way.  It was a ridiculous excuse for the zoning committee to make.  It 
was so obviously the typical delay tactic/justification setting up some weasel 
maneuver at a later date (just like this private meeting to give unanimous 
community support for Campus Inn now exposed in this news report).

Mr. Grossbach, we were forced to take you and your discredited committee at 
your word.  Stay out of the hotel issue!  Do not have private meetings which 
will be ridiculed without mercy!  Keep your SHCA out of this serious issue and 
leave this to responsible credible citizens in this community!  We all know 
that your gang wants your cronies hotel, but your associations credibility died 
between Oct 2007 and February 2008.

And why the hell should anyone waste their time submitting “new information” 
for your private consideration?  SHCA has no credibility and SHCA has 
absolutely no intention of considering anything from anyone outside of your 
little gang.  This “consideration” by your committee is laughable yet filled 
with “in your face” contempt!

Mr. Grossbach, the entire community waited 4 months for you to admit that the 
development team had delivered false testimony about open public forums in Oct. 
2007.  Hours before the Feb. meeting, in writing and later that evening orally 
when the community had you cornered, you angrily insisted that the architect 
was only continuously repeating little mistakes which should be swept under the 
rug.  I publicly asked for clarification (of what have proven to be lies) 
immediately after these were advanced at government hearings in Oct 2007.  You 
chose to ignore these requests while I begged for clarification.

Mr. Grossbach don’t make the community “shed light” on your lack of credibility 
more than has been already exposed.  Please issue a very public statement of 
apology for the SHCA interference in this serious matter in 2007, and reaffirm 
that SHCA will stay out of this issue and all future important matters needing 
honest community discussion!

Mr. Moyer
West Philadelphia
PS.  Grossbach ignores polite requests for information from citizens in the 
community.  If anyone has any respect for SHCA, please feel free to forward 
this e-mail to the clowns.  Mr. Moyer chooses to treat the SHCA zoning 
committee with the respect they deserve.  None!

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Re: [UC] The West wind blows was Scale and its adjudicators

2008-10-05 Thread Glenn moyer
This quotation derives from Nicole Contosta, who has covered this issue 
extensively for the University City Review for many months.

Neither Contosta nor any other journalist is free of error. But I'll go 
with her report against that of a citizen journalist who faked an 
imaginary nursing home on Market St. on this very list, not one month 
ago. Every claim Glenn publishes at, or about, public meetings should be 
dismissed by choosy readers, unless backed by independent testimony.

-- Tony West

From UC Review Sept. 24

With regard to the hotel's height, Greenberger concluded that because Campus 
Inn had cut five rooms from its top floor, it had taken the bulk out of it and 
pulled it back by both sides.  This is done in Vancouver as a matter of zoning, 
though I would prefer it to be smaller.

Hahaha.  It seems like the memory of that evil Glenn actually is confirmed by 
Ms. Contosta.  Evil Glenn remembered that it was Mr. Greenberger making the 
comparison (not Jastrzab) and even remembered the correct city, Vancouver.

Meanwhile, Mr. West (who was not in attendance) had his mistake corrected by 
evil lying Glenn.  But Mr. West attacked the veracity of evil Glenn while 
continuing to make up a quote, attribute it unfairly to Mr Jastrzab, and 
continued to claim that it was reported in the UC Review.

Hahaha-What the hell is wrong with West?

The text of the West wind blowing, posted on the public list:

 And that's why I originally quoted a remark by Gary Jastrzab of PCPC 
 that you ignored in the original news article, and that you just ignored 
 again: “Initially we had major issues with the height of 11 stories. But 
 with the cut-outs, added Jastrzab in reference to the five rooms that 
 were removed from the hotel’s top story, giving it the appearance of a 
 reduced scale from certain angles, the staff views this development as 
 a very difficult trade-off.”

Evil lying Glenn's response posted on the public list:

 Had Mr West attended the hearings for which he provides expert analysis; he 
 would know that Mr. Greenberger and not Mr Jastrzab had been the person (new 
 Penn/Nutter director and commissioner) who interjected this charade.

 Mr. Greenberger compared the new, hidden, drawings/plan to another city (I 
 believe Vancouver) and made comments similar to the ones above.  Mr. 
 Greenberger was ostensibly suggesting that PCPC commissioners had actually 
 thought about the old drawings and new drawings and had arrived at some 
 rational approval of this new bullshit as being a Penn improvement.

-Original Message-
From: Anthony West [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Oct 3, 2008 9:39 PM
To: univcity Univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] Scale and its adjudicators

This quotation derives from Nicole Contosta, who has covered this issue 
extensively for the University City Review for many months.

Neither Contosta nor any other journalist is free of error. But I'll go 
with her report against that of a citizen journalist who faked an 
imaginary nursing home on Market St. on this very list, not one month 
ago. Every claim Glenn publishes at, or about, public meetings should be 
dismissed by choosy readers, unless backed by independent testimony.

-- Tony West

Glenn moyer wrote:
 And that's why I originally quoted a remark by Gary Jastrzab of PCPC 
 that you ignored in the original news article, and that you just ignored 
 again: “Initially we had major issues with the height of 11 stories. But 
 with the cut-outs, added Jastrzab in reference to the five rooms that 
 were removed from the hotel’s top story, giving it the appearance of a 
 reduced scale from certain angles, the staff views this development as 
 a very difficult trade-off.”

 Had Mr West attended the hearings for which he provides expert analysis; he 
 would know that Mr. Greenberger and not Mr Jastrzab had been the person (new 
 Penn/Nutter director and commissioner) who interjected this charade.

 Mr. Greenberger compared the new, hidden, drawings/plan to another city (I 
 believe Vancouver) and made comments similar to the ones above.  Mr. 
 Greenberger was ostensibly suggesting that PCPC commissioners had actually 
 thought about the old drawings and new drawings and had arrived at some 
 rational approval of this new bullshit as being a Penn improvement.

 Let that West wind blow,

 Mr Moyer, citizen journalist 


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Re: [UC] Scale and its adjudicators

2008-10-05 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Glenn moyer wrote:

As I just responded to Ray's comments, the traffic study was never relevant.

well, the traffic study DID became relevant at some point. 
and that point was at pcpc's may 20 hearing.

prior to may 20, the hotel's height and scale was THE issue 
-- in newspaper articles, at the spruce hill meeting, in 
inga saffron's column, and even for pcpc and the developer. 
it's why pcpc recommended rejecting the hotel on april 15, 
it's what the developer was responding to when he adjusted 
the plans on april 25, and it was these height/scale 
adjustments that pcpc said it would use to approve the hotel 
on may 20 (even while admitting 'it's still an 11-story 
building.') in other words, it was all about the height and 
scale, for everyone involved, up until may 20.

but on may 20 the developer cited a traffic study, the pcpc 
tabled any decision until it could consider this traffic 
study, and finally in september the pcpc approved the hotel 
based on the traffic study, telling the neighbors that they 
would 'get used to' the 'overbearing' height and scale of 
the hotel.

I come back to my original question: what happened to the 
main issue of the hotel's height and scale?


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Re: [UC] Scale and its adjudicators

2008-10-05 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Frank wrote:
At the Woodland Terrace meetings I attended we were informed that  
aesthetics, including scale, would not be as important to focus on as  
things like traffic. We were told that a traffic concerns would have  
more impact on the City agencies involved and that aesthetics were not  
really a valid thing to complain about. I assume this was true at  
other neighborhood meetings. This might be why traffic became a major  
talking point. On the other hand, we were very careful that each of  the 
neighbors speaking at the first PCPC meeting had a different angle  on 
the subject of the hotel so that the Commission would see that  there 
were many concerns, not just traffic. Of course, the minutes,  which I 
know are only supposed to be an outline, don't reflect those.

thanks. what's still not clear is why the woodland terrace 
people were being 'informed' to focus on traffic before the 
may 20 pcpc hearing. traffic only became an issue AT that 
hearing, when the developer cited a traffic study and pcpc 
asked for a delay to consider it.

how was it that the pcpc did not initiate any request for a 
traffic study (and prior to may 20 wasn't even considering 
traffic), and yet, in preparation for pcpc's may 20 hearing 
the woodland terrace group was being advised to focus on the 
traffic issue? (and the developer was planning to cite a 
traffic study)?

who was it that initially decided that traffic was the issue 
-- the developer? the woodland terrace advisor? it wasn't 
pcpc and it wasn't the neighbors.


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Re: [UC] Scale and its adjudicators

2008-10-05 Thread Anthony West
Not so at all. In the spring '07 1st Thursday meeting, more questions 
were about traffic than any other factor. In the first fall '07 Spruce 
Hill meeting, traffic concerns were frequently mentioned by neighbors 
along with parking, trash collection and sunlight blockage. Scale 
alone -- simply having to see a big thing where no big thing had stood 
before -- was one of many points raised.

So that's what happened to the main issue; it never was the main issue. 
There never was any one main issue. Different people see it in different 
ways. The Campus Inn is a complex case, at least for urban planners.

-- Tony West

prior to may 20, the hotel's height and scale was THE issue -- in 
newspaper articles, at the spruce hill meeting, in inga saffron's 
column, and even for pcpc and the developer. it's why pcpc recommended 
rejecting the hotel on april 15, it's what the developer was 
responding to when he adjusted the plans on april 25, and it was these 
height/scale adjustments that pcpc said it would use to approve the 
hotel on may 20 (even while admitting 'it's still an 11-story 
building.') in other words, it was all about the height and scale, for 
everyone involved, up until may 20.

I come back to my original question: what happened to the main issue 
of the hotel's height and scale?

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