[UC] [ I guess we sorta knew this already...]

2009-08-08 Thread Joe Clarke

A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush


Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques
Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and
Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.

Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in
a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French
troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission
from God.

Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader
appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog
and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies
are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who
wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a
New Age begins.”

This bizarre episode occurred while the White House was assembling
its “coalition of the willing” to unleash the Iraq invasion.
Chirac says he was boggled by Bush’s call and “wondered how
someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.”

After the 2003 call, the puzzled French leader didn’t comply with
Bush’s request. Instead, his staff asked Thomas Romer, a
theologian at the University of Lausanne, to analyze the weird
appeal. Dr. Romer explained that the Old Testament book of Ezekiel
contains two chapters (38 and 39) in which God rages against Gog
and Magog, sinister and mysterious forces menacing Israel. Jehovah
vows to smite them savagely, to “turn thee back, and put hooks
into thy jaws,” and slaughter them ruthlessly. In the New
Testament, the mystical book of Revelation envisions Gog and Magog
gathering nations for battle, “and fire came down from God out of
heaven, and devoured them.”

In 2007, Dr. Romer recounted Bush’s strange behavior in Lausanne
University’s review, Allez Savoir. A French-language Swiss
newspaper, Le Matin Dimanche, printed a sarcastic account titled:
“When President George W. Bush Saw the Prophesies of the Bible
Coming to Pass.” France’s La Liberte likewise spoofed it under the
headline “A Small Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog.” But
other news media missed the amazing report.

Subsequently, ex-President Chirac confirmed the nutty event in a
long interview with French journalist Jean-Claude Maurice, who
tells the tale in his new book, Si Vous le Répétez, Je Démentirai
(If You Repeat it, I Will Deny), released in March by the
publisher Plon.


"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be 

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Re: [UC] [ I guess we sorta knew this already...]

2009-08-08 Thread Glenn moyer

Did you see this:


I'm not a Christian but I know some.  I'd like to see them strongly condemn the 
use of their religion in these ways.  

These people, with terrible agendas, who use the religion as a tool, should not 
be protected because they do the praises and rituals.  Maybe some of them are 
mentally ill, but I think some are fully aware that their agendas have nothing 
to do with Jesus or the Hebrew God.

I think it's very important that the Christians confront this stuff too!


-Original Message-
>From: Joe Clarke 
>Sent: Aug 8, 2009 10:34 AM
>To: Ucneighbors List , Ucity Listserve 
>Subject: [UC] [ I guess we sorta knew this already...]
>> A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush
>> Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques
>> Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and
>> Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.
>> Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in
>> a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French
>> troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission
>> from God.
>> Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader
>> appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog
>> and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies
>> are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who
>> wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a
>> New Age begins.”
>> This bizarre episode occurred while the White House was assembling
>> its “coalition of the willing” to unleash the Iraq invasion.
>> Chirac says he was boggled by Bush’s call and “wondered how
>> someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.”
>> After the 2003 call, the puzzled French leader didn’t comply with
>> Bush’s request. Instead, his staff asked Thomas Romer, a
>> theologian at the University of Lausanne, to analyze the weird
>> appeal. Dr. Romer explained that the Old Testament book of Ezekiel
>> contains two chapters (38 and 39) in which God rages against Gog
>> and Magog, sinister and mysterious forces menacing Israel. Jehovah
>> vows to smite them savagely, to “turn thee back, and put hooks
>> into thy jaws,” and slaughter them ruthlessly. In the New
>> Testament, the mystical book of Revelation envisions Gog and Magog
>> gathering nations for battle, “and fire came down from God out of
>> heaven, and devoured them.”
>> In 2007, Dr. Romer recounted Bush’s strange behavior in Lausanne
>> University’s review, Allez Savoir. A French-language Swiss
>> newspaper, Le Matin Dimanche, printed a sarcastic account titled:
>> “When President George W. Bush Saw the Prophesies of the Bible
>> Coming to Pass.” France’s La Liberte likewise spoofed it under the
>> headline “A Small Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog.” But
>> other news media missed the amazing report.
>> Subsequently, ex-President Chirac confirmed the nutty event in a
>> long interview with French journalist Jean-Claude Maurice, who
>> tells the tale in his new book, Si Vous le Répétez, Je Démentirai
>> (If You Repeat it, I Will Deny), released in March by the
>> publisher Plon.
>> http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.php?section=library&page=haught_29_5
>"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to 
>be amused."
>You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
>list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see

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Re: [UC] [ I guess we sorta knew this already...]

2009-08-08 Thread Krfapt

In a message dated 8/8/2009 10:35:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
philly.jo...@gmail.com writes:

Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East
Just for curiosity, what was it that you think "we sorta knew ...  already"?
*   That Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East  
*   That George W Bush would use the intelligence (?) provided by 
whatever  sources he used (CIA? a private chat with God?) as the basis of 
And... by the way, do you think it's any more or less ridiculous than the  
American People as a whole giving 250,000 (or 750,000 if the second  
appropriation is enacted) of our fellow countrypersons an average of $4,000 
to buy a new car -- which seems to be Bush's successor's basis for domestic  
fiscal policy?  

Always at  your service and ready for a diatribe -- er, dialog.

Al  Krigman



2009-08-08 Thread JValentRN
Does anyone in the neighborhood have a recommendation for a storm  window 
John Valentino


2009-08-08 Thread JValentRN
Does anyone have a recommendation for a storm window installer
John Valentino