[UC] Re: [UC-Announce] Open Call for Thriller-ing Dancers! All Are Welcome! Please forward widely!

2009-10-08 Thread Anthony West

What a fabulous idea! I hope the street performance comes to fruition.

-- Tony West

Rashida Holmes wrote:



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[UC] Put some coffee on your wall - Fundraiser

2009-10-08 Thread lillja

I know this is last minute but if?you're interested, stop by the cafe 
tonight.?There's some great art on our walls and it's all for sale to?support a 
good cause and in celebration of Fair Trade month.


Jim Lilly

Metropolitan Bakery & Cafe
4013 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Metropolitan Bakery
8607 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118


~ Beans-N-Screens Oct 5 - Oct 31 ~

As part of the Independents Coffee Cooperative, we not only have access to some 
of the best Fair Trade coffees in the world, we have a direct connection to the 
farmers who grow the beans. 

That's why Metropolitan is supporting the Beans-N-Screens art show and sale to 
benefit?the?Cooperativa San Fernando, a collective of farmers who grow Arabica 
beans 6,000 ft from sea level in the Andes Mountains. The coffee-themed art 
(all less than $40) will be on display at Metropolitan's West Philly and 
Chestnut Hill shops starting October 5.

Opening receptions?(with refreshments!) will be held in West Philly on October 
8th and in Chestnut Hill on October 15th starting at 5:00pm. All are welcome.?

Together, we can keep that great Arabica coffee flowing from Peru... to you!

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[UC-Announce] Open Call for Thriller-ing Dancers! All Are Welcome! Please forward widely!

2009-10-08 Thread Rashida Holmes


Open Call for Dancers! ALL ARE WELCOME!
Performances on Saturday evening, October 31, 2009, HALLOWEEN
Rehearsals To Be Announced
Choreographed and Co-Directed by Charles Tyson of Underground Dance Works
*Part of A Series of Events Celebrating The Rotunda's 10th Anniversary *

Be there for a night of performing a short Thriller-inspired improv dance
routine in the streets all to benefit West Philly's premiere community arts
venue, The Rotunda.

In full costume and zombie make-up! * Four 2-hour rehearsals to be announced
* A $20 participation fee includes all four dance classes !* (No one turned
away for lack of funds) * Pre-registration is required as space is
be 18 or older or accompanied by parent.

Dance is for everyone so we especially encourage people of all sizes,
shapes, ages, physical abilities and dance levels to join us for a night of
terror and fun!

If you would like to reserve a space and/or get on the mailing list, please


[UC] Penn and the community -- take, er, I lost count when it hit six digits

2009-10-08 Thread Krfapt
>From today's DP. Emphasis (color) and snide  remarks (parentheses) added

You read it here,  first, on the ever-popular Popu-List

Courtesy of Al  Krigman 


University seeks to build more bridges with community  partnerships

Maanvi Singh

While Penn's relationship with the  West Philadelphia community has been 
tumultuous in the past, last night a group  of community leaders and educators 
discussed Penn's recent  focus on interacting positively with its neighbor. 
(Recent focus?  Maybe they mean dumping Lewis Wendell.)

The audience of community members, who filled a little over half the  
chairs (nobody I know was aware of this... so -- little wonder that  only half 
the chairs were filled and I can only imagine who from "the  community" was 
there) set up in the Arthur Ross Gallery, listened as the  panel recounted 
Penn's historical interactions with West Philadelphia, as well  as the 
University's current programs for community involvement.

Ira  Harkavy, associate vice president of Penn's Netter Center for 
Community  Partnerships, moderated the discussion on what he said was "the 
most important issue that the University is focusing  on" - helping to develop 
neighboring West Philadelphia. (This is the "single most important issue 
that the University  is focusing on" ??? I would have thought that a world 
class research  university would be focusing on less important things like 
education,  research, bringing their endowment back up to the point where they 
don't have to  fire people or raise fees to give it's president a big raise 
and otherwise stay  afloat, etc.)

West Philadelphia has come a long way since the 1990s,  when crime was on a 
major upspring, said panelist and member  of the Spruce Hill Community 
Trust Board of Directors Barry Grossbach.  (See. Someone still thinks Barry is 
community "leader." Maybe they don't  know about the sad fall from grace 
and standing of the Spruce Hill  Community Association.)

Penn faculty and students, as well as West  Philadelphia community members, 
have many more opportunities today to help  ameliorate their neighborhoods, 
he added, citing the recent success of tutoring  endeavors in the community 
and the Penn Alexander Elementary School. (Well,  we can give them that 
one, anyway -- ignoring the real reason for Penn's  involvement with the 

According to Grossbach, these outreach  programs have been so successful 
that outside organizations have started to  follow Penn's footsteps. For 
instance, the Teacher's College  of Columbia University wants to create a 
similar to that of Alexander  Elementary School. (Do you think they  hired 
Omar Blaik as a consultant?)

"I've seen the change," Leslie  Rogers, a Penn doctoral candidate, said. As 
a Penn undergraduate and graduate  student, she said, she felt that West 
Philadelphia community members were very  skeptical of her intentions when she 
went to volunteer and later teach there.  Now, Penn faculty and students 
are more warmly welcomed, she said.

Rogers  said Penn undergraduates getting involved in West Philadelphia is a 
key to  community-building. 

Thanks to an array of recently established programs,  these students now 
"get to actually problem-solve in the  community," she said. (These students 
are like the bright-eyed  busy-tailed types that get hired at UCD. They are 
enthusiastic and well meaning  -- but naive as newborn lambs and haven't a 
clue about the "problems" faced by  people from a side of the tracks other 
than where they, themselves, were born  and raised.)

Still, attendee Glenwood Charles, a Penn graduate who  now oversees the 
Netter Center's tutoring program and reading initiative, argued  that there is 
still more to be done. (Yes, but  how can they raise the probability of 
doing more good than harm? Is there  anything in the Penn curriculum that 
teaches the facts of life? ... no, not  "those" facts; the other facts.)

"Get more involved," he told  students. "There are a lot of opportunities." 
(As  above... to do harm unless they somehow are brought to understand the 
situations  in which they are getting involved.)

_plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose_ 
- Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

[UC] EPA looks at poison in water, INQ

2009-10-08 Thread Glenn moyer

>From a few neighborhood conversations, it appears that neighbors have also 
>seen the spraying of Clark Park over the years!  Of course, we can only expect 
>silence or repetition of the brief statement from UCD-nothing but organic DRY 
>fertilizer has ever been used.

Many neighbors will remember the pattern of the cover-up during the Fenton 
affair.  A brief statement immediately pinned the blame of UCD's incompetence 
on a scapegoat and announced an internal UCD investigation.  Then, there was 
continued silence and business as usual.  (Of course, UCD committeemen launched 
personal character attacks against community members, whom discussed the issues 
on public forums.)

Please remember, UCD does not need to be accountable to the people of West 
Philadelphia.  Their entire mission is to appear vital to the marketing and 
homogenization of Penn's domain.  It has nothing to do with the well being of 
the real community or its real people.  They want the credit for a total 
redesign of the park, upscale uniform facades, and hording/wasting state and 
local resources.  Chemicals used on the park are the type of details beneath 
their experts!

Here is a report about a new look into the poisoning of our water.  The EPA was 
deliberately crippled for nearly a decade.  From a brief look into the various 
lawn poisons used across America, I've seen that independent researchers have 
been raising various concerns for quite some time, (health effects and 
environmental damage.)  

We are never going to learn which poisons have been used on Clark Park! (UCD 
points to Moon, who points to Trugreen.  And Trugreen don't know nothing but 
"safe and organic" as they repeat the brief UCD statement!)


This is a time our neighborhood could use an FOCP/SHCA organization that was 
trusted and respected in the community.  However, because it is an insular 
organization completely dependent on UCD for its leaders' power inside the iron 
triangle; the entrenched leadership will defend UCD the same way as they did 
when the violations of federal law were exposed.

There are people on the FOCP/SHCA boards who are respectable and trustworthy!  
While we like them, I think, we have the right to demand accountability and 
push hard on this issue.  They are only volunteers with power, but community 
members have a duty to protect our families, our dogs, and our earth!

I repeat, if you have seen the spraying of Clark Park; please call and lobby 
the reasonable members of the FOCP/SHCA organization to stand up!  Demand that 
they replace their entrenched life time leadership, and demand the processes 
consistent with a democratic society!


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