[UC] Missing: black tortoiseshell cat - 43rd Larchwood

2011-08-18 Thread Linda
Missing for two weeks now!MISSING BLACK CAT (University City)Date: 2011-08-17, 12:56pmREPLY TO:comm-cd79p-2551634...@craigslist.orgMy cat jetted off about two weeks ago. She was last seen a week and a half ago, around 43rd and Larchwood Ave. She has a black coat with golden spots all over and a huge golden patch on her stomach. She is very friendly and will not bite or scratch if you approach her. Please email, if you see her. Thank you.

[UC] shar pei (dog - abandoned or soon-to-be)

2011-08-18 Thread Linda


Begin forwarded message:

From: Nancy Lewis nancy.le...@me.com
Date: August 18, 2011 12:15:52 PM EDT
To: Dog Park memb...@chesteravenuedogpark.com
Subject: [DogPark] shar pei (abandoned or soon-to-be)

hi everyone.

this morning rob goodman (owner of lucy) and i were chatting  
outside my building at 47th/Hazel. a man drove up in a white 4-door  
sedan with tinted windows and asked if we wanted a dog...a shar pei  
in the back seat with his little boy. it's a male, un-neutered,  
about a year old very sweet, tail-wagging...one-year old. he was  
wearing a collar (if i remember correctly, that was white with  
words on it in black and red). the man urgently wanted us to take  
it. he said he couldn't drive to the spca because his car wouldn't  
make it. he said they didn't have enough time for it and it was  
starting to get separation anxiety (though it seemed very calm in  
the car). and he said i see a lot of people around here walking  
dogs and i was thinking about just putting it on someone's porch or  
tying it to a pole, because if i let it go free it might get hit by  
a car.

rob and i were both trying to get to work, etc. we tried to talk  
him down on the pole idea. he had already been to clark park. we  
suggested the baltimore pet shoppe or the vet school in case  
someone could help him with a better idea or if someone there would  
just take it. we also suggested the humane society and repeatedly  
the spca. all the while the dog was wagging it's tail in the back  
seat while the little boy was petting him.

so, if you see this dog it has been abandoned, unless it has a new  
owner. he said it was pure bred, etc. it was all really weird and  
he seemed to be in a huge rush to get rid of the dog. i feel really  
bad about this. i had to get to work and it was very upsetting for  
both of us.

nancy (dandie)

Re: [UC] Re: Parking Spaces @ 43rd Baltimore

2011-08-18 Thread Andrew Diller
The parklet is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. There is a F*
park right across the street.

This is not in direct response to any of the responses below, just a general

What's next? Wheelchair lanes in-between the trolley tracks on Baltimore?

How much did they waste on that piece of crap?


On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:56 PM, robert rathmann jacko...@cavtel.netwrote:

 The rebut that I expected.  I do not however, expect to be lumped in
 with a group that I lay no public claim to.  My dear Mr. Mohel... I
 explained that my feelings were not as emotional as yours and I wrote
 of MY feelings on a very superficial level.  I have no idea what the
 so called peace activists had done to you to provoke such hard
 feelings nor do I see where I have said anything that expressed
 concern for my life due to flash mobs, but give me full credit for the
 way you feel about what I personally said.  I have not ridiculed you
 or your followers.  Actually, I believe we need people like you to
 keep the rest of us thinking.
 Thank you for that Mohel.

 On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Glenn glen...@earthlink.net wrote:
  If we spent less time selfishly complaining
  about minor inconveniences and embrace the cultural expressions and
  creativeness of those who make things happen we might smile a bit
  Ratmann, I said the same thing to a bunch of selfish peace activists.  If
  they would stop their annoying complaining, we could smile and enjoy our
  lovely wars.  If they understood that citizenship is an obsessed selfish
  like you do, we would all feel happy happy joy joy and love for our
  The funny thing is that when you positive thinking entitled rats hear
  a flash mob, you scream the loudest for justice and revenge.  Why don't
  you get stop and frisked and then send your love?  Will you smile when
  creative one's yank away your rights as a citizen or your kids rights?
  would be a minor inconvenience isn't that right, Rat?
  This happy happy joy shit is just another level of bullshit.  It brings
  same amount of happiness as all other addictions.  But you mindless one's
  use the law of positive thinking as a weapon against honest citizens.
   Give up your health care and send your kids to an Afghan village, and
  sing your happy happy joy song.  If you really believe that parklets,
  gadgets, and propaganda bring happiness, you simply delude yourself.
  Yes, you are selfish when you ridicule the citizens, who actually speak
  and work for justice.  The route to true happiness is revealed in the
  On 8/13/2011 12:10 PM, robert rathmann wrote:
  I'm sorry Glenn, I wasn't confusing your stupidity with your enjoyment.
  I'm afraid that my feelings on the parklet are less than emotional.
  It's a fun, temporary display.  I do however enjoy and support most
  creative forms of street art (or whatever you are going to call it in
  rebuttal).  If the temporary inconvenience of losing two parking
  spaces is making it hard for people to manage they're parking needs
  then you can take my spot for the time being.  let me know and I will
  save a spot for you with my folding chairs (I stole them from Clark
  Park btw).  Much of the reasons for living in this neighborhood is the
  never ending diversity of ideas and creative displays that our
  neighbors demonstrate in many ways.  The city is a tight squeeze and
  we're all in it together.  If we spent less time selfishly complaining
  about minor inconveniences and embrace the cultural expressions and
  creativeness of those who make things happen we might smile a bit
  As for Clark Park... it's my children's backyard.  We are thankful
  that there are changes being made and that the Park has become a more
  friendly space for most.  The amount of folks that use the north side
  of the park speaks for the positive change that's happening.  I'm not
  going to sit here and say that every change is good and that any
  change is going to satisfy everyone but I'm not an angry guy with too
  much time and a personal agenda.  I have a family, a real job which
  keeps me from becoming obsessed with every blade of grass that is
  damaged and every fart that is expelled from the powers working hard
  to make West Philly Safer, more creative, and a great place to raise a
  Lastly, I will have to confess that my love for Siano is undeclared
  as is my love for Glenn.  Sorry.
  I've now addressed my shallow, selfish feelings about these things.
  I'm out.  I will continue to enjoy reading the ever so entertaining
  discussions like this one.  Rock on Glenn.
  Love, Rat
  On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 8:03 AM, Glenn glen...@earthlink.net wrote:
  On 8/11/2011 11:17 PM, robert rathmann wrote:
  Dude... get a life or at least take the time to enjoy the one you have.
  Oh Ratmann, let's not confuse enjoyment with stupidity!

Re: [UC] Re: Parking Spaces @ 43rd Baltimore

2011-08-18 Thread Wilma de Soto
Can't say as I like the bleachers with window  boxes.

From:  Andrew Diller dill...@dillernet.com
Reply-To:  Andrew Diller dill...@dillernet.com
Date:  Thu, 18 Aug 2011 21:55:24 -0400
To:  UnivCity listserv UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject:  Re: [UC] Re: Parking Spaces @ 43rd  Baltimore

The parklet is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. There is a F*
park right across the street.

This is not in direct response to any of the responses below, just a general

What's next? Wheelchair lanes in-between the trolley tracks on Baltimore?

How much did they waste on that piece of crap?


On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:56 PM, robert rathmann jacko...@cavtel.net
 The rebut that I expected.  I do not however, expect to be lumped in
 with a group that I lay no public claim to.  My dear Mr. Mohel... I
 explained that my feelings were not as emotional as yours and I wrote
 of MY feelings on a very superficial level.  I have no idea what the
 so called peace activists had done to you to provoke such hard
 feelings nor do I see where I have said anything that expressed
 concern for my life due to flash mobs, but give me full credit for the
 way you feel about what I personally said.  I have not ridiculed you
 or your followers.  Actually, I believe we need people like you to
 keep the rest of us thinking.
 Thank you for that Mohel.
 On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Glenn glen...@earthlink.net wrote:
  If we spent less time selfishly complaining
  about minor inconveniences and embrace the cultural expressions and
  creativeness of those who make things happen we might smile a bit
  Ratmann, I said the same thing to a bunch of selfish peace activists.  If
  they would stop their annoying complaining, we could smile and enjoy our
  lovely wars.  If they understood that citizenship is an obsessed selfish 
  like you do, we would all feel happy happy joy joy and love for our
  The funny thing is that when you positive thinking entitled rats hear about
  a flash mob, you scream the loudest for justice and revenge.  Why don't
  you get stop and frisked and then send your love?  Will you smile when the
  creative one's yank away your rights as a citizen or your kids rights?  It
  would be a minor inconvenience isn't that right, Rat?
  This happy happy joy shit is just another level of bullshit.  It brings the
  same amount of happiness as all other addictions.  But you mindless one's
  use the law of positive thinking as a weapon against honest citizens.
   Give up your health care and send your kids to an Afghan village, and then
  sing your happy happy joy song.  If you really believe that parklets,
  gadgets, and propaganda bring happiness, you simply delude yourself.
  Yes, you are selfish when you ridicule the citizens, who actually speak up
  and work for justice.  The route to true happiness is revealed in the
  On 8/13/2011 12:10 PM, robert rathmann wrote:
  I'm sorry Glenn, I wasn't confusing your stupidity with your enjoyment.
  I'm afraid that my feelings on the parklet are less than emotional.
  It's a fun, temporary display.  I do however enjoy and support most
  creative forms of street art (or whatever you are going to call it in
  rebuttal).  If the temporary inconvenience of losing two parking
  spaces is making it hard for people to manage they're parking needs
  then you can take my spot for the time being.  let me know and I will
  save a spot for you with my folding chairs (I stole them from Clark
  Park btw).  Much of the reasons for living in this neighborhood is the
  never ending diversity of ideas and creative displays that our
  neighbors demonstrate in many ways.  The city is a tight squeeze and
  we're all in it together.  If we spent less time selfishly complaining
  about minor inconveniences and embrace the cultural expressions and
  creativeness of those who make things happen we might smile a bit
  As for Clark Park... it's my children's backyard.  We are thankful
  that there are changes being made and that the Park has become a more
  friendly space for most.  The amount of folks that use the north side
  of the park speaks for the positive change that's happening.  I'm not
  going to sit here and say that every change is good and that any
  change is going to satisfy everyone but I'm not an angry guy with too
  much time and a personal agenda.  I have a family, a real job which
  keeps me from becoming obsessed with every blade of grass that is
  damaged and every fart that is expelled from the powers working hard
  to make West Philly Safer, more creative, and a great place to raise a
  Lastly, I will have to confess that my love for Siano is undeclared
  as is my love for Glenn.  Sorry.
  I've now addressed my shallow, selfish feelings about these things.
  I'm out.  I will continue to enjoy reading the ever so entertaining
  discussions like this one.  Rock on Glenn.

[UC] trex deck in the area?

2011-08-18 Thread chris forbes-nicotera
Greetings my uc'ers:D
we're looking to finally turn our deck dream into a realty and we want to use 
trex transcends decking and were wondering if any of you or someone you 
know who' s not on this list might have one we could take a peek at to check it 
out i person. feel free to respond offlist legolover...@yahoo.com 

RE: [UC] Re: Parking Spaces @ 43rd Baltimore

2011-08-18 Thread Summer All Ready

Why such overreaction?Park-let is not a 'park'. it's an urban installation 
achieved by let.ing go of park.ing spaces, and turning them into temporary 
social.izing spaces [seats, benches...] Let's open our minds. It is better for 
its 'limited] longevity that it is next, or even in extension, to a commercial 
place, like a coffee shop, than 'on its own' somewhere where it could be 
vandalized overnight. Not immediately related, although somewhat similar is 'x 
park', I have been intended to introduce to the neighborhood. This is a good 
moment.They are excellent uses of the 'no park[ing]' spaces around hydrants in 
particular that involve ground level planting, the intervention many times more 
efficient in the elimination of vehicular pollution than any adjacent green 
areas including street trees could provide. X park' is one of the 
environmental projects of the eco-scientist Natalie Jeremienko. Here is a link 
to it. http://www.environmentalhealthclinic.net/projects/nopark/as well as her 
'talk' at TED presenting a little wider range of her 
 to se a few 'x parks' in UC and that we all get more tolerant towards spatial 
installations, especially the eco-efficient ones.Ana

Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 22:33:58 -0400
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: Parking Spaces @ 43rd  Baltimore
From: wil.p...@comcast.net
To: dill...@dillernet.com; UnivCity@list.purple.com

Can't say as I like the bleachers with window  boxes.
From:  Andrew Diller dill...@dillernet.com
Reply-To:  Andrew Diller dill...@dillernet.com
Date:  Thu, 18 Aug 2011 21:55:24 -0400
To:  UnivCity listserv UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject:  Re: [UC] Re: Parking Spaces @ 43rd  Baltimore

The parklet is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. There is a F* park 
right across the street.

This is not in direct response to any of the responses below, just a general 

What's next? Wheelchair lanes in-between the trolley tracks on Baltimore? 

How much did they waste on that piece of crap?

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:56 PM, robert rathmann jacko...@cavtel.net wrote:
The rebut that I expected.  I do not however, expect to be lumped in

with a group that I lay no public claim to.  My dear Mr. Mohel... I

explained that my feelings were not as emotional as yours and I wrote

of MY feelings on a very superficial level.  I have no idea what the

so called peace activists had done to you to provoke such hard

feelings nor do I see where I have said anything that expressed

concern for my life due to flash mobs, but give me full credit for the

way you feel about what I personally said.  I have not ridiculed you

or your followers.  Actually, I believe we need people like you to
keep the rest of us thinking.

Thank you for that Mohel.

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Glenn glen...@earthlink.net wrote:

 If we spent less time selfishly complaining

 about minor inconveniences and embrace the cultural expressions and

 creativeness of those who make things happen we might smile a bit


 Ratmann, I said the same thing to a bunch of selfish peace activists.  If

 they would stop their annoying complaining, we could smile and enjoy our

 lovely wars.  If they understood that citizenship is an obsessed selfish act

 like you do, we would all feel happy happy joy joy and love for our creative


 The funny thing is that when you positive thinking entitled rats hear about

 a flash mob, you scream the loudest for justice and revenge.  Why don't

 you get stop and frisked and then send your love?  Will you smile when the

 creative one's yank away your rights as a citizen or your kids rights?  It

 would be a minor inconvenience isn't that right, Rat?

 This happy happy joy shit is just another level of bullshit.  It brings the

 same amount of happiness as all other addictions.  But you mindless one's

 use the law of positive thinking as a weapon against honest citizens.

  Give up your health care and send your kids to an Afghan village, and then

 sing your happy happy joy song.  If you really believe that parklets,

 gadgets, and propaganda bring happiness, you simply delude yourself.

 Yes, you are selfish when you ridicule the citizens, who actually speak up

 and work for justice.  The route to true happiness is revealed in the


 On 8/13/2011 12:10 PM, robert rathmann wrote:

 I'm sorry Glenn, I wasn't confusing your stupidity with your enjoyment.

 I'm afraid that my feelings on the parklet are less than emotional.

 It's a fun, temporary display.  I do however enjoy and support most

 creative forms of street art (or whatever you are going to call it in

 rebuttal).  If the temporary inconvenience of losing two parking

 spaces is making it hard for people to manage they're parking needs

 then you can take my spot for the time being.  let me know and I will

 save a spot for you with my folding chairs (I stole them