[UC-Announce] Sat 4/12: Singing & Praying Bands of Maryland & Delaware

2014-04-07 Thread Daniel Flaumenhaft
Saturday, April 12 at 4:00 pm

Crossroads Music and Calvary United Methodist Church present:

The Singing and Praying Bands of Maryland and Delaware

“One of the oldest surviving forms of African American music, the a capella 
gospel of the Singing and Praying Bands can fill prayer meetings that last 
hours on end. Emotionally intense, bathed in ritual and seemingly timeless.” - 
Washington Post

Video and more information at www.crossroadsconcerts.org

Tickets are not required. Donations to cover travel expenses will be requested 
at the event.

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Re: [UC] More perspective: [UCNeighbors] Help save Historic Mansion & help set legal precedent

2014-04-07 Thread Glenn moyer
"The opponents appear willing to gamble to make their point - though if they lose, the mansion will be torn down.  And the opponents have lost in all of the previous venues; the original development plan (with more units, and the mansion demolished) has worked its way up to the level of the Court of Common Pleas because the opponents continue to appeal lower decisions where they have lost.  So, proceeding along this route is quite risky for the mansion's survival."Dearest Madam President,

It was with great felicity, and dare I say, ebullience with
which I heralded your triumphant return to the public listserv of the maddening
masses.  Retreating from the luscious
bosom of divine censorship; to rally the unanimous multitudes of the public sphere, and foreclose upon the vile wickedness of these unsanctimonious  Leatherbarrow philistines; your unequivocal retribution
makes me weep with joy!

Oh dear leader, these miscreants, destroyers of all that is
pure and chaste; require that your obedient servants summon the trumpets of
Joshua to obliterate their unholy disobedience. 
Will their disloyal treachery, disapprobation of righteous plutocracy,
bring down the sacred architecture of our Victorian glory?

Nay, say I!  Their villainy
will not desecrate and blaspheme the irreproachable omnipotent philanthropy of
our benevolent Savior, the University of Plutocracy.  For ten long and tortured orbits of the
money changers Orb, heroically; our Savior, and you; dear leader, have engaged
these losers with but sling and stone, as they hurled the unholy might of the villainous
darklings against your virtue.  Dissentients,
questioning the righteous commandments of the One, would return our Eden to its
original chaos, and unloosen the unclean savages; those prostitutes, gangs, and
unmillionaires upon the Good!    

Dear Madam President, if only I were worthy to join your
valiant and noble quest, I would smite this hellish brood, and defend your
inviolable omniscience and omnipotence as our dear leader.  But alas, I dreamt of a democracy for the
multitudes, and with the intransigence of Diogenes; failed to pay my UCHS dues.  But fear not, dear leader; the Muses will sing of Intimidation, Ad Hominem, and Melani until the extinction of humankind!

Your humble and devoted, lowly and unworthy servant,

Glenn of the public listserv-Original Message-
From: Melani Lamond 
Sent: Apr 4, 2014 12:57 PM
To: ucneighb...@googlegroups.com
Cc: pf...@ccat.sas.upenn.edu, univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] More perspective: [UCNeighbors] Help save Historic Mansion & help set legal precedent

Perhaps a little more perspective on the situation at the 400 S. 40th St. would be helpful, and as president of the University City Historical Society, I can offer this note, which I just sent to the UCHS membership (who also received the email from Lauren Leatherbarrow last night):

….Ms. Leatherbarrow has brought to your attention again, a controversial situation about which UCHS has been updating you regularly.  Ms. Leatherbarrow is a Woodland Terrace resident and a member of UCHS.

You can read about the situation at 400 S. 40th Street and a compromise proposal on page 3 of our January-February newsletter, online here:


All UCHS members were invited to our special meeting on February 19th, where the developers made a presentation and answered our questions.  They explained that in the interest of being able to move forward now, saving time and court costs, they were willing to drop their previously-approved earlier plan to demolish the mansion.  They were also willing to build fewer rental units than previously approved.  (Those approvals are being challenged in court on Tuesday, per Ms. Leatherbarrow's note.)  They were willing to make these changes IF agreement with the community could be reached, and IF the court challenges could be ended.  The mansion would be saved, with the exterior restored.  

None of the UCHS members in Ms. Leatherbarrow's group attended our February 19th meeting.  However, I read aloud their statement of opposition, so that all present would be aware of their concerns.  It includes this paragraph:

"...With regard to the current proposal, we have several concerns, such as height, the west wing, the use of the mansion, management of the tenants, design issues, operation issues and restoration issues, as well as issues regarding other Penn properties on the block (i.e., behavior of tenants and the future of various buildings).  If we can agree on density for the property, then we believe it would fruitful for us to discuss these other issues as part of a comprehensive resolution…."

After considering the limited possibilities, UCHS members present felt that the compromise plan was much preferable to leaving the mansion sitting neglected, unused, and very seriously threatened, as it is now.  UCHS members voted unanimously to s