[UC] Phl Science Fiction Society meeting Friday, I-house, 8 PM

2010-01-25 Thread John Desmond

The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society's
 special January non-business meeting
 will be held at 8 Pm on Friday, January 29th
 at International House, 3701 Chestnut St,
 in Philadelphia, adjacent to the Penn campus

Our January guest will be Sheila Williams:

Ms. Williams' interest in science fiction came from her father.
 who read Edgar Rice Burroughs books to her as a child

Since 2005 Sheila Williams has edited
 _Asimov's Science Fiction_ magazine,
 and also edited or co-edited over twenty anthologies,
 the most recent of which was the
  _Asimov's Science Fiction: 30th Anniversary Anthology_.

Sheila is also co-founder of
 the Dell Magazines Award for Undergraduate Excellence
  in Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing,
 given out each year
  by the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts.

She studied at Elmira College, Washington University of St Louis,
 and the London School of Economics,
 and lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.

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[UC] Fwd: It Ain't Easy Being Green

2007-09-21 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

For those interested in the economic impact of institutions of higher 
education on their surrounding communities, here's one of the more 
interesting stories I've seen lately.

Yours, John Desmond


It Ain't Easy Being Green: Notre Dame and the Economy of Sports

by Dave Zirin
September 20, 2007

There's an old cliche that the most popular college football team in the
United States is whoever plays Notre Dame. Like the Yankees of New York and
the Blue Devils of Duke, fans of the Fighting Irish believe winning is
their birthright. Some programs see victory as being earned, Notre Dame
sees it as being owed.

It doesn't help that their head coach Charlie Weis bathes in this
arrogance, walking around campus like the love child of Bear Bryant and
Norman Schwarzkopf. He seems to believe that people should just genuflect
in front of the Golden Dome and call it a day.

But this season, Notre Dame is staring at a historic futility that's
filling much of the college football world with joy. They are 0-3 for the
second time in the 120 year history of the program. But it's not just 0-3,
it's the kind of ugly 0-3 that has fans of the Kelly Green reaching for the
Prozac and Jack Daniels: an 0-3 that saw them lose 38-0 to a Michigan team
that couldn't beat Appalachian State; an 0-3 that has seen them generate
zero offensive touchdowns; an 0-3 where they've displayed teamwork worthy
of the United Nations. Not surprisingly this has led to an unprecedented
agitation among the faithful. Weis has seen his popularity dip from Knute
Rockne levels to Newt Gingrich, going from the throne to the hot seat in
record time. The man with the 10 year contract probably shouldn't buy any
perishable goods this winter.

Personally I take no pleasure or pain Notre Dame's fall. When it comes to
Touchdown Jesus, I'm an agnostic. But the gut-wrenching, internet hysteria,
the fearfulness of - heaven forbid - having a lousy football team at Notre
Dame, masks something far more tragic, far more familiar, in far too many
cities - great and small. Unlike the Yankees, who play in the most arrogant
city since Rome, and Duke, an isolated island in Durham, South Bend's
hysteria for the health of Irish football actually takes on a dimension of
something rotten far beyond the world of amateur sports.

Football at the small, prestigious, Catholic school with a population of a
mere 11,000, has become the hub on the wheel for the entire university and
beyond. Notre Dame football according to the US Department of Ed, generates
over 61 million dollars a year, with operating costs of only 4 million
bucks. They also garner nine million dollars a year, every year until 2010
thanks to their exclusive and unprecedented TV deal with NBC, and are in
the midst of a 60 million dollar relationship with Adidas.

But more than just on campus, Notre Dame football has become the seed of
both identity and economic self-sufficiency for the entire community.

South Bend, Indiana, used to be one of those towns highlighted in black and
white, static-flecked 1950s newsreels as a city on the move. People's
identities and sense of worth were solidified proudly by the knowledge that
anytime people drove a Studebaker, or used a Singer Sewing Machine, they
would have South Bend to thank. But the industrial belt rusted out, and
today the only monuments to the glory days of yesteryear reside in the
abandoned factories, metallic skeletons that rattle about the past.

Now according to the latest census, 16.7% of people in South Bend live
below the poverty line, including 24.0% of those under age 1 and the number
one employer, not only in South Bend, but all of St. Joseph's County, is
the university of Notre Dame. If Notre Dame is the beating heart of the
region, football money is the aorta, the muscle, the very pump, that gives
the city oxygen.

When 80,000 of the faithful that attend home game, $6.3 million dollars is
on average generated into the economy of St. Joseph's county supporting an
entire network of small businesses and bed  breakfasts - not to mention an
informal economy of vendors and sales people dependent upon the team's
continual allure.

The identity of the community begins and ends with the Fighting Irish. The
economic is locked in a dance of death with the psychological. Now, as they
lose it causes a crisis that has the feel of hysteria. What if the ratings
drop - even more - for NBC? What if the BCS doesn't come calling? What if
the team actually goes winless? What would that do to the generosity of the
big boosters? What would that do to attendance? What would that do to South
Bend? What would that do to St. Joseph's county? What would that do to the
person selling bottles of cold tap water by the side of the road as
tailgaters enter the parking lot? It feels criminal that a city's sense of
self is dependent on whether 18 year old Jimmy Clausen can actually take a
snap from center

[UC] Glassblowers ?

2007-06-13 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

A friend of mine has 400 pounds of silica - 8 50-pound sacks - sitting 
on his front porch in Yeadon, and is willing to give it away to anyone 
who'll give it a good home (He and I can haul it to wherever, though 
help therewith will be welcomed.)

Note - this ain't 'sand', comes labeled with 'don't breath the dust' 
health warnings.

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] The bruhaha re Malcolm X Park - a theory on what happened

2007-06-01 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

A hypothesized reconstruction of the events:

First:  Mr. Fenton gets call from Penn's Prefect of Discipline, saying 
that 'some student miscreants need to work off theirl community service 
hours before the end of the semester - got anything for them to do ?'. 
He sees that there's a community fair happening in MXP, decides to send 
them to help out with it.

Second:  These students arrive at 51st St on Sunday morning, find three 
different events happening in MXP - one church, one political, one 
community.  Undoubtedly someone familiar with the MXP community would 
immediately discern the differences and the boundaries between them, but 
to outsiders it seems to be just one big party.

Third:  Instead of seeking out the person running the 'community' 
activities, they are latched onto by Mr. Knox's 'advance man', who knows 
nothing about UCD or their 'community service', and assumes they are 
Knox campaign volunteers and/or Crusader Bank management trainees - at 
least, that is, until they ask him to sign their 'timecards'.  After an 
hour or so, they get connected with the person they were sent to, and 
'tis straightened out.

Fourth:  Irritated about being denied the time to rest and recover from 
the rigors of a Penn Saturday Night, they Go To The Media with their gripes.

The crucial questions seem to be:

A:  Did Mr. Fenton know beforehand what this event had segued into ?

B:  If he did - or even if he didn't - should he have borrowed a 
minivzan from the Penn or UCD motor pool, collected these students on 
campus, and hand-delivered them to their supervisor for the morning.  Or 
was he justified in his assumption that they could find their way to 
MXP, and get their jobs done there, on their own ?

Yours, John Desmond

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Re: [UC] self storage

2007-05-25 Thread John Desmond

Matthew Snyder wrote:

Can anyone recommend a clean, safe, affordable (pick 2 of 3 if
necessary) self storage facility in the area?  It doesn't have to be
in West Philadelphia, but somewhere within a few miles would be good.
I'm looking for about 75 square feet.


Salutations, gentlefolk,

I've had a locker at All-City Self Storage, on Sansom between 55th and 
56th, for about two years now.  I've found the place kept clean, the 
workers courteous and competent, the prices among the lowest (and I 
checked most locations in West Philly and eastern Delco), and the 
security seems solid.

Check it out for yourself, tho.

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Report on _another_ municipal election

2007-05-17 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

Thought some of thee might be interested in news about another city's 
government ...

Yours, John Desmond

Chicago Unions Flex Political Muscle

By David Moberg

In These Times

Frustrated with city hall's tilt to a business elite,
Chicago's labor unions decided to send Mayor Richard M.
Daley a message: The 'city that works' doesn't work for
working families. In the February and April elections,
the labor movement broke with the city's fabled but
feeble Democratic machine, and helped oust key Daley
allies and elect seven new members to the 50-seat city

Despite scandals engulfing his top aides, the mayor
easily won his sixth term in February against weak
opponents. But the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL)
-for decades a pillar of the city's machine
politics-did not endorse Daley (although the building
trades did). Instead, unions spent roughly $3 million
and fielded a political operation stronger than Daley's
that backed challengers to the mayor's council allies.

They targeted aldermen who had opposed labor
objectives, such as a living wage for 'big box' retail
workers. Although the council passed the ordinance last
year, several aldermen later switched votes, dooming
the effort to override Daley's veto. In 2004 the
council had also split over Wal-Mart's request,
supported by Daley, to build two stores in Chicago, one
of which was narrowly approved.

In the council debates about Wal-Mart and the living
wage standard, black council members split into a pro-
labor faction and a faction that attacked unions as
racist enemies of the black community. Black council
members targeted by labor in this year's elections
continued their race-baiting attacks, even though the
most politically active unions, such as the Service
Employees (SEIU) and the American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), have a
majority black membership in Chicago.

Most unions regarded the battle over the big box
ordinance as a symptom of the new class-based divide in
Chicago politics, but not the crux of their dispute
with Daley. 'It became symbolic of the city's
relationship to the labor movement,' says John Cameron,
political director for AFSCME District Council 31, 'to
the extent that it refocused city politics around
class, wages and jobs instead of race and ethnicity
issues, which have always been the historic
conversation, or ‘independent' versus ‘machine'
politics, when independent didn't necessarily mean pro-
labor. For the first time I can remember, we had a city
election about class.'

'The press wants to make it about big box,' says SEIU
State Political Director Jerry Morrison, 'but this is
about a larger agenda, about SEIU and the rest of the
labor movement building independent political power.'
Unions began planning their challenge to Daley's allies
long before the big box vote, and they have goals far
beyond challenging Wal-Mart.

Chicago's economy has been relatively strong under
Daley, who has promoted the city as a global hub for
business services, rather than the city of big
shoulders as it once was known. New apartment towers
flourish around the downtown, and gentrification has
spread into working-class neighborhoods. Daley lavished
subsidies on business through tax increment financing
districts that were intended to revive blighted
neighborhoods but which have mainly benefited already
dynamic Loop locations, depriving local government of
desperately needed taxes in the process.

The mayor-typically with city council support-refused
to aid key organizing drives at the city's major
hospital chains, failed to support hotel workers now on
strike for nearly four years at the Congress Hotel,
dragged out city worker contract negotiations, and
pushed privatization of city services and properties.

'It will be good to have a more independent council,'
says SEIU Illinois Council President Tom Balanoff. 'We
sensitized the aldermen to working family issues.
Equally important, labor has established its
independence from many of the city's political
fiefdoms. Now the challenge is to figure out how to use
the new-found power, or perception of it, for working

A potential new labor/reform council bloc would not
have a majority but would roughly double its previous
size. Labor and its community allies have no settled
agenda but are likely to push for strong affordable
housing legislation, reforms of tax increment financing
and a new living wage bill. Reformers may also pursue
ethics reform and the creation of a civilian police
review board.

Overall, University of Illinois at Chicago political
science professor Dick Simpson says, the new council
bloc will be pushing a 'working-class, middle-class
agenda, as opposed to the global economy tilt of the
Daley administration.'

Having broken loose from its self-imposed shackles to
the Daley machine, Chicago labor unions say they will
escalate their fight in the council

[UC] Happy Yuri's Night !

2007-04-13 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

From the _Good Morning Silicon Valley_ E-newsletter:

It's Yuri's Night -- get your geek on: On this day in 1961, 27-year-old 
Yuri Gagarin lifted off the launch pad in Baikonur, made a single, 
108-minute orbit around the Earth, then rode his capsule to a parachute 
landing on the Russian plains, becoming the first human to venture into 
space. There is obviously only one truly appropriate way to mark this 
historic event -- tech rave! In cities around the world tonight and 
tomorrow night, Yuri's Night '07 will be celebrated in parties that will 
be mashups of science and art.

Hope y'all have a great time!

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] A cautionary tale

2007-04-02 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

Perhaps, someone you care about,
 has not yet heard the story
 of NudeNerdsDating.com,
 a website that promised,
 if you passed their online tests
 of intelligence and technical skill,
 and sent them a full-length photo of yourself
 in your birthday suit,
 that they would e-troduce you
 to the person of your dreams.

Sadly, 'twas all a scam,
 and they used
 the info - and pictures - that they gathered,
 for various nefarious purposes.

Tha moral of this story, of course, is...

Beware of geeks bare in .GIF's

Happy April Fools' Day, Palm Sunday, Passover, Easter,
 Opening Day, Earth Day, Arbor Day,
 and all other spring holidays that you celebrate !

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Today's _Wall Street Journal_ article

2007-04-02 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

It's 5:45 PM Monday. Yours truly was perusing the _Wall Street Journal_ 
over dinner (he got a 'Fill out this Survey of Young Professionals and 
get a free 4-week subscription' offer), and noticed teh article by Dean 
Treftz Philadelphia Sales Job / Retaining graduates has been a tall 
order on p. A-7.

And if you want my comments:

Didn't tell me much I didn't already know.

Mentioned 82 colleges and universities in and around the city - 
including ... Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr .. but used education and 
employment statistics from Philadelphia county alone - comparing them to 
Suffolk Cty, Massachusetts (Boston and, IIRC, a buncha other municipalities)

Had a nicely rising graph Percentage of students at Philadelphia area 
schools who said they are likely to stay in the area, and a comparison 
While a 2004 report showed the Philadelphia area retained a higher 
percentage of recent graduates than did the Boston metro area - 64% and 
50%, respectively - most of those who stayed were locals to begin with. 
 Only 29% of graduates originally from outside the Philadelphia area 
stayed on - compared with 42% in Boston

Which begs some numerical questions - what percentage of college 
students ( undergraduates?, graduate students? professional schools? )in 
metro Philly come from this metropolitan area, v what percentage in 
greater Boston.

And 'twas a general tone to the article of We're not doing as well at 
keeping the people we educate as Boston or SF.  Horrors!.  Whether ye 
average citizen of Philly should be glad or alarmed that the movers and 
shakers of Campus Philly think their competition is the world's great 
'magnet-cities' is an open question.

For those interested, 'twas a series of articles in the _Toledo Blade_ 
last Sept 17th-Oct 1st which went deeply into Ohio's graduate-retention 

 (later installment, another installment with links-to on these pages)

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Maybe things _are_ getting worse

2007-03-23 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

Was talking to a lady I work with, earlier today.  Learned her 
one-year-old-son had been bitten yesterday by another child in the 
day-care-center, she'd been with him till 1 AM at the hospital getting 
him inspected, injected ...

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Plus ca change...

2007-03-21 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

Was going thru some old stuf, found the April 1976 issue of 
_Philadelphia Magazine_, iwth article by Mike Mallowe, Fear and 
Loathing in the Classrooms, on the problem of violence in the schools.

Also articles on the decline of the grand old movie palaces, the 
revitalization of 'Old City' (before it acquired the silent 'e'), the 
political hacks of City Hall, and an ad from Hewlett-Packard for a 
desk-top business computer you can afford... Pricing for a complete 
accounting system starts at $15,000

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC-Announce] Game Day, Sun, 4-23, at the Rotunda

2006-04-21 Thread John Desmond

Salutations, gentlefolk,

On Sunday, the 23rd of April, the Philadelphia Area Gaming Enthusiasts
will be holding their annual PoliCon Game Day, at the Rotunda, 4014
Walnut Street, in West Philadelphia, across the street from the Univ. of
Pennsilvania campus.

There will be events in board and card gaming, miniatures, and FRP
(fantasy role-playing)

All are welcome.  Donations are welcome, but not obligatory.

An email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be made by those who seek
further information.

Yours, John Desmond

(Sorry not to have sent this out earlier.  My RL upscrambled this week)

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Re: [UC] Sad commentary

2005-04-20 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,

College sophomore Eitan Danon looks forward to change.
I'm just really excited to have Taco Bell on campus. We've long deserved a Taco 
Bell, Danon said

I am wondering what he did to deserve a Taco Bell ??  Has the Dean of Men 
found out about it ?  The local constabulary ?  Will the _DP_ investigate ?  The 
_Daily News_ ?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Window exhaust fan sought

2005-04-14 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Summer will soon be here.
My apartment's on the second floor of a three-story twin house,
living room faces street, bedroom faces backyard, kitchen in
middle.  With gas stove and pilot lights, kitchen's really hot in
summer.  Would like to get //humongous// //macho// big exhaust
fan, which, with front and back windows open, will move enough air
through to keep place cool.
Label on kitchen window says NFRC MFG CODE: SIL / Series 1200 /
Vinyl Double Hung
Trouble is, first, there's only about 2 1/2 inches between front
of frame and the screen, which is probably removable but I ain't
figured out how, and, second, even big hardwarse stores have only
a couple of models of little-bitty window fans in stock.
Last year, I used a box floor fan, propped up with wood scraps,
and piece of cardboard to cover rest of window opening, but would
like a better solution this year.
Can anyone direct me to seller of window exhaust fan that would
keep me cool ?
Thanks, very much.
Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Gaming groups around Philadelphia

2005-04-08 Thread John Desmond
Gaming groups
  -  in and around Philadelphia, Trenton, Wilmington, Harrisburg, Reading, and
points inbetween
Salutations, gentlefolk,
This is the April `05 - Cold Wars edition.  Please send additions and
corrections to  [EMAIL PROTECTED], or write me at 4910 Cedar
Ave, Phila, Pa, 19143
   Thanks very much !Yours, John Desmond
The Philadelphia Area Gaming Enthusiasts  -  www.philagamers.org  -  Meet in
Chestnut Hill on Tuesday evenings and in Center City on Sunday evenings.  Email
lists on yahoogroups.com - page, pagecentercity, page_announcements
The Ambler Gamers  -   Email list - AmblerGamers on yahoogroups.com
The Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Society  -   www.epgs.org   Meet in Oxford
Valley Mall, usually on 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month  Email - epgs on
The Penn Gamers meet Wednesday evenings on the Univ. of Pennsylvania campus in
West Philadelphia
 For the latest info about meeting locations, check
 To get on their mailing list, visit http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~pgamers/list
Bux-Mont Historical Gamers - meets in the northern and western suburbs of
Philadhelphia on Wed nights
The Rogues,  POC - Michael Panzer, 267-258-4969, www.angelfire.com/pa/therogues/
Trenton  -  Regular gaming at the Gamer's Realm in West Windsor, NJ,  
nights, 6:30PM until 10:30.  Anyone interested should join the realmgamers
mailing list at Yahoo Groups.  We play designer/German games for the most part.
Princeton Games Union -  http://www.princetongames.org/ - Meets on Friday and
Saturday nights (sometimes Saturday afternoons) in the Frist Student Center at
Princeton University.  Board games, RPGs, etc.
Jersey Assn of Gamers  -  POC - Dan Foley, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or Jeff Schulte,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.jerseygamers.com
Picatinny Games Club  -  POC - John Thamasovich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Jersey Miniatures Society - POC - Tim Ruffner, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
South Jersey Confederation of Wargamers,  POC - John Burke, 609-886-3205,
Charles Keller, 609-889-1403
Days of Knights  - games club in Newark, Delaware - board games every Saturday
-  http://www.daysofknights.com/
Harrisburg  -  The West Shore group is Boardgamers Pastime.  They meet in 
annex (called Foundation Hall) to the New Cumberland Public Library in New
Cumberland, PA, on the first and third (and usually fifth) Sundays of each
month, from 1-6. The organizer is Mario Lanza, who can be reached at
Harrisburg  -   East Shore group meets at the East Shore Area Library, which is
at 4501 Ethel St., Colonial Park (behind the Colonial Park Mall), on the first
and third Saturdays of each month, from 9-5. Don't have the name of the
organizer for this one, but call the library at 717.652.9380, and they'll
probably tell you.
Lansdale, Pa  -  Gaming meeting at  my house (about a mile from exit 31, PA
Turnpike NorthEast Extention)  Thursday,  7:00PM until 10:00.  German-style
boardgames, old time miniature games, non-German style games.
 Contact Bill Chapman, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Berks Boardgamers - http://www.berksboardgamers.com,  POC-Jim Carvin,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], 610-220-5644.
 Meets once per month on Saturday near Kutztown and the 3rd Wednesday of each
month at the public library in Womelsdorf.  Please see our website for the
schedule or email us to get on our email newsletter list.
 We're all about good fun and competition. We play mainly German-designer
games and Avalon Hill games.
Reading, Pa. Area Wargamers - meets every Thursday night
 at the Golden Eagle in Fairgrounds Square Mall, 3050 N. 5th St, 610-921-3160
for directions
 Mostly historical miniature games of various scales, sizes, and eras -
schedule at
 YahooGroup - http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/readingwargamers/
 POC - Keith Eshelman (610) 927-3539, [EMAIL PROTECTED], or Eric Feifer
(717) 872-7984
Central PA Gamers Yahoo Group -
 for players and DMs from Berks, Schuylkill and Lehigh counties.
 Games in Schuylkill Haven, PA, Fridays around 8PM - ADD 3.5, in a homebrew 
The Bunker - a gaming group in Central Pennsylvania, that hosts a variety of
historical miniature games,  announced by e-mail and usually held on weekends.
Located in Etters, Pa, between York and Harrisburg along Interstate 83.  To get
on our game notification list, e-mail Dale Zartman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
Pennsylvania Wargamers Militia,  POC - Roger Bos  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gettysburg-York ACW Gamers,  POC - Scott Mingus, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NEPA Table Top Warlords,  POC - Kurtus Brown  http://members.toast.net/jab/
Local conventions for gaming, etc:
The Shorecon game convention  was acquired by Double Exposure convention
management -  www.dexposure.com.
The Historical

[UC] Feghoot fans, heads up

2005-04-07 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
I know not if they give a Hugo for the best Feghoot of the year, but if so, one
of the onminees should be Steve Rushin's column on p 17 of the April 11th issue
of _Sports Illustrated_.
Strongly urge reading of it.
Yours, John Desmond

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Re: [UC]Judicial Elections 2005

2005-04-03 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
A couple of hays ago Mr. West said:

 The only way your NO vote could actually have an impact on a race would be if 
a judge were so outstandingly abominable that he had actually overwhelmed voter 
apathy and ignorance with his awfulness. If yours was the deciding vote that 
pushed such a clod off the bench -- well, it probably would be a good thing.

Well, my personal experience with the Philadelphia courts ain't much - appeared 
'pro se' as a plaintiff in Municipal Court about 20 years ago, won my case, 
remember not whom the judge was but know I will never willingly do business with
Michigan-Millers Insurance.

And about a decade ago I was on a jury for a civil case in Common Pleas.  The 
judge, in my humble and limited opinion, was knowledgable in the law, fair and 
courteous to both parties, the court personnel, and us jurypersons, and allowed 
everyone to 'say their piece' but completed the trial efficiently.  I would feel 
my liberty and property would be secure in any court she presides over, and - 
although she was the victim of one of the greatest smear campaigns in local 
history - I will vote in favor of retaining Frederica Massiah-Jackson on our 
bench as long as she wants to stay there.

As i wrote in an unpublished letter to _Readers Digest_, If she is one of our 
worst judges, then our legal system is in very good hands

Yours, John Desmond

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Re: [UC] Slavery Disclosure Bill

2005-04-01 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Mr. Siano mentioned sanctions against 'collaborators with the British during the 
Revolution'.  The turth, however, is even stranger.

Many Tories - King George III's partisans - had their property (including a good 
chunk of downtown Philly) confiscated during the revolution, and sold to finance 
the Continental war effort.  In the Treaty of Paris (the US copy is in the 
American Philosophical Society library on 5th St) we promised to compensate 
them.  Congress, however, never appropriated the money for this.

Foward two hundred years or so, and in the Helms-somebody Act we insist that the 
Cubans must pay up for what they nationalized in '61.  Of course the United 
Empire Loyalists (think Daughters of the American Revolution, turned inside out) 
have been keeping close track of the amounts due their ancestors, plus interest.

Will a future Film Festival see a remake of Passport to Pimlico set in our 
neighborhood - but this time a documentary ?

Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Camera clubs in W Philly

2005-03-23 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Are there any camera clubs in Univcity / West Philly / Center City ?
Especially interested in one hospitable to both film and digital imaging.
Yours, John Desmond

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Re: [UC] Shopping Circulars Delivered

2005-03-22 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Should you wish to complain about the delivery or nondelivery of shopping 
circilars, the numbers to call are 800-540-0810 ( the circular delivery co ) or 
800-376-6222 ( Pathmark's adv dept )

Hope this helps
Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Measured distances for pedometer setting

2005-02-28 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Purchased a pedometer at teh Presidents' Day sales, and since - it is to be 
hoped - in a couple of months the snow will all be melted, was thinking about 
how to set it for my stride length.
 Should I sneak into Franklin Field, or is there some other football field or 
regulation athletic facility around ?
 Has anyone data for any of the neighborhood blocks, or would anyone like to 
spend a spring afternoon holding the other end of my Dad's old surveyor's tape ?

Anyway, a rough guess based on size of kitchen floor tiles yielded result that a 
trip to supermarket last night to stock up for storm involved 3/4 mile of walking.

Ambulatedly yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Antennas, indoor, for TV reception - advice sought

2005-02-25 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
I need to get an indoor TV antenna.  Am on the second floor, here in West Philly 
- would have a view of the Roxborough transmitter towers if 'tweren't for the 
houses across the way.

Advice sought, many thanks in advance.
Yours, John Desmond

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Re: [UC] Comedy = Truth + Pain

2005-01-23 Thread John Desmond
Dear Ms. Jacobson,
I took your post as an opportunity to make a semi-serious comment on the 
anthropomorphizing of companion animals, as an aside to recent posts about dogs, 

I did not intend to hurt anyone's feelings.  Even Scrunch's.  My apologies.
Yours, John Desmond

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Re: [UC] Comedy = Truth + Pain

2005-01-22 Thread John Desmond
Salitations, gentlefolk !
Q:  Why don't cats play basketball ?
A:  Because they can't stand it when the crowd yells Hairball, Hairball
Yours, John Desmond

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Re: [UC] UCHS and Civic Center demolitions

2004-12-29 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Well, if I owned property in, or lived within, the proposed historic district, I 
might have an opinion to inject here.  As it is, will just say:

First:  'Twill be an interesting process getting together a set of 'opinion poll 
questions' that both sides agree are fair.

Second:  Doth thee wish to breakdown the opinions by lenght of time living in 
this neighborhood, owner/tenant, student/nonstudent, income level of respondor, 
ethnic group, etc

Third, if thee seeketh volunteers to walk the streets of Philadelphia some sunny 
spring sunday, knocking on every door - maybe I'll have nothing more pressing to 
do ...

Hope everyone hath a joyful New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and a healthy, 
happy, peaceful and prosperous 2005

Yours,John Desmond

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[UC] Shelf paper

2004-12-27 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Way back when, my mother used to line drawers ard cover shelves with something 
called 'shelf paper' - a heavyweight white paper, bit of a 'powdery' feel to it, 
that came in rolls of several yards, and could be cut to fit.

Do they still make the stuf???
If so, where may I find a place that sells it???
Thanks very much for any advice.
Happy New Year
Yrs, John Desmond

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[UC] Three-ways,anyone ?? ...

2004-09-18 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
 ... Light bulbs, that is ;-)
My parents (R.I.P.) left a large supply of three-way light bulbs - mainly 
50/100/150 watts - for the upright lamp sockets with 'twist switches' (There is 
undoubtedly a technical term for these which I know not).

More than I have the space or need for.  Drop me an Enote if you'd like some.
Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Helicopters

2004-09-11 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
Well, 'tis about ten past midnight on saturday morning, and for the past half 
hour several helicopters have been coming by 50th and Baltimore ...

Doth any one know what is and/or was going on ?
Is there some way we can convince the police and TV stations to use blimps instead ?
Yours, John Desmond

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[UC] Eileen Gunn at Phl SF Soc, Fri, 9/10

2004-09-05 Thread John Desmond
Salutations, gentlefolk,
On Friday, September 10th, at 8 PM
 The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society will present
 Ms. Eileen Gunn -
  author of Stable Strategies for Middle Management
   (and other noted SF stories,
 collected in her new volume,
 _Stable Strategies and Others_ )
  editor of online SF magazine _The Infinite Matrix_
  member of the board of directors of
   The Clarion West Writers Workshop
  former managing editor of www.gorp.com
   (pioneer outdoor recreation website)
  and onetime Director of Advertising  Sales Promotion
   for Microsoft
at The Rotunda
 4014 Walnut Street, in Philadelphia,
 adjacent to the Univ of Pennsylvania campus
Our business meeting will start at 8 PM
  (preceded by socializing)
 and Ms. Gunn will speak about 9
Everyone interested in science fiction and speculative literature
 is invited to attend
More info is available at www.psfs.org
And, on Friday, October 8th
 The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society will present
  Shane MacDougall
  author of _The Vampire Slayers Field Guide to the Undead_
See you there!

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[UC] Gaming groups around Philly

2004-08-28 Thread John Desmond
Gaming groups
  -  in and around Philadelphia, Trenton, Wilmington, Harrisburg, Reading -
   and points inbetween
Salutations, gentlefolk,
This is the July 04 - Historicon and World Boardgames Championships edition.
Hope you - or some of your friends - finds this interesting.  Apologies for 
wasting your electrons if not.

Please send additions and corrections to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], or write me at 4910 Cedar Ave, Phila, 
Pa, 19143

Thanks very much !Yours, John Desmond
The Philadelphia Area Gaming Enthusiasts  -  www.philagamers.org  -  Meet in 
Chestnut Hill on Tuesday evenings and in
Center City on Sunday evenings.  Email lists on yahoogroups.com - page, 
pagecentercity, page_announcements

The Ambler Gamers  -   Email list - AmblerGamers on yahoogroups.com
The Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Society  -   www.epgs.org   Meet in Oxford 
Valley Mall, usually on 1st and 3rd Saturdays of
every month  Email - epgs on yahoogroups.com

The Penn Gamers meet Wednesday evenings on the Univ. of Pennsylvania campus in 
West Philadelphia
 For the latest info about meeting locations, check 
 To get on their mailing list, visit http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~pgamers/list

Trenton  -  There is regular gaming at the Gamer's Realm in West Windsor, NJ on 
Thursday nights from about 6:30PM until
10:30.  Anyone interested should join the realmgamers mailing list at Yahoo 
Groups.  We tend to get 5-10 people each week
and play designer/German games for the most part.

Princeton Games Union -  http://www.princetongames.org/ - Meets on Friday and 
Saturday nights (sometimes Saturday
afternoons) in the Frist Student Center at Princeton University.  Board games, 
RPGs, etc.

Days of Knights  - games club in Newark, Delaware - board games every Saturday 
-  http://www.daysofknights.com/

Harrisburg  -  The West Shore group is Boardgamers Pastime.  They meet in the 
annex (called Foundation Hall) to the New
Cumberland Public Library in New Cumberland, PA, on the first and third (and 
usually fifth) Sundays of each month, from 1-6.
The organizer is Mario Lanza, who can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Harrisburg  -   East Shore group meets at the East Shore Area Library, which is 
at 4501 Ethel St., Colonial Park (behind the
Colonial Park Mall), on the first and third Saturdays of each month, from 9-5. 
Don't have the name of the organizer for this one,
but call the library at 717.652.9380, and theyll probably tell you.

Lansdale, Pa  -  Gaming meeting at  my house (about a mile from exit 31, PA 
Turnpike NorthEast Extention)  Thursday,
7:00PM until 10:00.  German-style boardgames, old time miniature games, 
non-German style games.
 Contact Bill Chapman, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Berks Boardgamers - http://www.berksboardgamers.com,
 POC-Jim Carvin, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 610-220-5644.
 Meets once per month on Saturday near Kutztown and the 3rd Wednesday of each 
month at the public library in Womelsdorf.
Please see our website for the schedule or email us to get on our email 
newsletter list.
 We're all about good fun and competition. We play mainly German-designer 
games and Avalon Hill games.

Reading, Pa. Area Wargamers - meets every Thursday night
 at the Golden Eagle in Fairgrounds Square Mall, 3050 N. 5th St, 610-921-3160 
for directions
 Mostly historical miniature games of various scales, sizes, and eras - 
schedule at
 YahooGroup - http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/readingwargamers/
 POC - Keith Eshelman (610) 927-3539, [EMAIL PROTECTED], or Eric Feifer 
(717) 872-7984

Central PA Gamers Yahoo Group - 
 for players and DMs from Berks, Schuylkill and Lehigh counties.
 Games in Schuylkill Haven, PA, Fridays around 8PM - ADD 3.5, in a homebrew world

Local conventions for gaming, etc:
The Shorecon game convention is now Southern Exposure, and will be Sept. 30-Oct 
3, 2004 at the same hotel as last year.
Shorecon was acquired by Double Exposure convention management - 
www.dexposure.com.  The boardgame coordinator
can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Historical Miniature Gaming Society-East conventions, in Lancaster,
 www.hmgs.org, www.historicon.org, www.coldwars.org
The Miniature Figure Collectors of America's Annual Show -  one of the world's 
oldest and largest exhibitions of military
miniatures, collectors' figures, and toy soldiers -   MFCA, 205 Park Place, 
Cherry Hill, NJ, 08002

Ground Zero Games East Coast Convention - downtown Lancaster -  for GZG games - 
Dirtside, Stargrunt, Full Thrust, etc -

The Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention - Philcon 2004 - at the Marriott 
Center City Philadelphia
 on December 10th-12th, 2004.  Large all-weekend gameroom and gaming 
programming.  www.philcon.org for info

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