Folks, I just found out last night that this kitty is still on the loose (see below). It was never held inside. SO, we are still looking for a 3-legged cat AND a mostly grey 5-month old kitten. Either could be anywhere between, say, 49th & 43rd, Baltimore and Spruce.

If you find either, please take it inside or put in cat carrier, with food (I think that will be easy enough to do with these two)


3-legged cat: call me at 215-222-1580 (leave detailed message if no answer)

Grey kitten: call Alexia at 503-9449-9424 (or me, if for any reason you can't get through to Alexia)

Regarding the 3-legged cat:

"I encountered the kitty at approximately 9pm on Monday night at 47th & Hazel, and took him to my home at 47th & Osage. As I said, however, I did not confine the cat, so a third person could have seen him either before or after me on Monday. What I can confirm, however, was that the cat was in the box I put out for him Tuesday morning and some of Tuesday afternoon. You can be sure I will still be looking for him. My roommates and neighbors are keeping their eyes peeled as well."

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Winter, the kitten

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