Please accept my apology if there's been any confusion on something I  posted 
the other day.
I announced (or thought I did) this list that I had put a  petition on line, 
for people in the community to use  to express concerns about the proposal for 
the  extended-stay hotel at 40th & Pine/Baltimore. (It's at 
(  if  you 
want to look at and -- 
at your option -- complete and submit it).
This was not meant to be a survey in the sense of getting an indication of  
pro and con. It uses the "survey monkey" format for convenience, and I'm sorry  
if this has caused confusion.
Although I'm not against creative uses of the property in question, I  
strongly oppose the project as presented. The on-line petition is intended to  
support that opposition.  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman
PS: The University City Review has a very basic for-uncommitted-against  
survey at their website, for those who want to be counted in this manner. It's  
the bottom left-hand corner of _ 

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