I got mugged Tuesday after work at 45th and Locust, at about 5:30pm.  I was
talking on my cell phone at the time when someone snatched it out of my hand
from behind me.  I turned, half-expecting it to be a friend playing a joke
on me, but it was two guys I'd never seen before.  One of them was already
running away with my phone.  I yelled "HEY!" and the other one slugged me in
the side of the head with his fist before turning to run after his friend.
I chased them down 45th street for most of the block, yelling "STOP THOSE
GUYS!" and "CALL THE POLICE" but there was really nobody there who could
help.  They were way faster than me, and I finally came to my senses and
realized I probably shouldn't be chasing them anyway.  They didn't take my
bookbag, my wallet, or the camera that was hanging around my neck.  It was
obviously just a grab-it-and-go operation, and it seemed clear at the
time--although I could be wrong--that the plan was for one of them to grab
the phone and get away, while the other guy stayed behind to stop me from
chasing them. They ran north on 45th, and then east on Sansom.  I'm still
kicking myself for not thinking of taking a photo of them as they ran away.

The police were fantastic and they came only a few minutes after I called.
They apprehended someone almost right away several blocks away (he'd met the
description I'd given: 2 black guys, probably 16-20 years old, thin, white
tanktops; and he'd run as soon as the police asked him to come over, and he
threw something in the bushes while they were chasing him), at about 5:50 or
so, and took me over to identify him, but I hadn't gotten a good enough look
at his face to be able to identify him positively)

I suggested to the police that maybe a camera had caught them on tape.  The
detective told me, "Well, if you know of any, let me know and I'll try to
get the tape from them."  I was a little surprised by this; I work at Penn,
where there are security cameras around campus which have been extremely
effective in fighting crime.  I re-walked the route that they ran, and I
couldn't find a single video camera aimed at the sidewalk, which is too bad;
Even the Supreme supermarket apparently has no cameras on the outside of the
store.  Cameras would make it easier to find and identify people like these
guys after the fact, and hopefully deter them from commiting these crimes in
the first place.  I wish UC District would consider adding them to various

Oh, btw, my phone was a Palm Treo, and I don't know if they targeted me
because they recognized it as an expensive phone, or if they would have gone
after any phone that was visible.  People I've told the story to tell me
that it was probably more about asserting their power than it was about
wanting a phone.


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