New subscribers don't realize why Vice President Brian Siano immediately called several of us silly and stupid for calling the taxpayer funded expansion of the Green Line Cafe, a taxpayer funded expansion of the Green Line Cafe.

Instead of informing the community or the taxpayers of Philadelphia about the plot to steal our money and a new parking war, these damn civic associations once again were meeting secretly to steal our money and betray our rights regarding community decisions. It's truly Orwellian that we are supposed to call the taxpayer funded expansion of the coffee shop, a Parklet.

We read in the paper that Rina Cutler was babbling about community partnerships again. Now we know that she was talking about the secret inclusion of Siano and presumably that damned SHCA too. (No you weren't too busy and uninformed that you missed public transparency about the parklet. Citizens found out about it just like Karen described)

Just like the imperial government is now nothing more than a mechanism to rob the people and enrich the powerful elite, local residents know that the damn civic associations never ever serve the people of the community, as the thoughtpolice pretend.

Siano and his damned FOCP should have announced the Parklet plot publicly, long ago, instead of waiting until we discussed the "ribbon cutting" to call us silly and stupid for not believing the Orwellian bullshit about a Parklet.

If you remember, Winston Smith was tortured to "confess" that 2 plus 2 equaled 5. But he also was tortured until he confessed that 2 plus 2 was always 5, and that he had know memory that 2 plus 2 was ever anything but 5. Of course, Winston Smith was called insane exactly like Siano, West, and Van Helder call Glenn Moyer insane.

Of course, Siano and the FOCP/SHCA can never offer anything but gibberish about its secret betrayals. And of course, they're always going to immediately attack any of us who continue to tell our neighbors and Philadelphia taxpayers that 2 plus 2 is actually 4.

These damn civic associations were always tiny gangs designed for astroturfing. Back in the twentieth century, community members could ignore them as a bunch of cranks. But now, the civic associations are a rubber stamp for the powerful corporate/Wharton propaganda machine. People cannot ignore the role of Siano and the civic associations, and hope to one day regain hope for a government for the people!

You better get ready for new trash taxes, tickets, and BID's while you drink Victory coffee and celebrate world peace at the parklet with Siano and the other thoughtpolice.

Fuck the FOCP and fuck the SHCA!!!!!

Glenn Moyer, a citizen of the world

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