This inspirational action shows the children having a hell of a lot more sense 
than the adults.  Stand up for reason and justice!  Well done public school 

They called attention to data compiled by the Cross City Campaign for School 
Reform, an alliance of local education groups, that show only 68 percent of 
teachers in so-called Corrective Action 2 schools - schools that have failed 
state tests for several years running - are considered highly qualified. These 
schools are concentrated in the city's poorest neighborhoods.

To meet that standard, teachers must have a college degree in the subject they 
teach, must be state-certified, and must have demonstrated knowledge in their 

"If we don't have qualified teachers at these schools, how are we going to fix 
them?" asked Erika Almiron, the Philadelphia Student Union's assistant director.

She said that the students had met with union and district representatives, but 
that their concerns were not being taken seriously. 

Greg Jordan-Detamore, a junior at Masterman, goes to a school with excellent 
teachers. But he said he was uncomfortable knowing that his peers did not all 
have the same experience.

"It creates this weird situation," he said. "If I didn't get to go to Masterman 
- if I went to University City, my neighborhood high school - I'd have a 
completely different experience. That would set me up for a completely 
different future."

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