
Compare this incredibly deceptive DP guest attack to the heart warming 
recognition of Campus Apts., as another "good neighbor." (both links provided)

"Although we did not attend the talk or review a pre-released copy of the book, 
a few things about Ehrenreich are clear. According to the DP and The New York 
Times, she finds herself “infuriated” by teddy bears and frustrated by upbeat 
T-shirts. Positivity and optimism are “the strongest sources of negativity in 
our society” she claims — and optimism is “just too damn much work” to be a 
worthwhile pursuit. However, we resist the urge to dismiss Ehernreich outright 
as a grump."

Notice that the author's didn't need to see Ehrenreich's talk or read her book 
before lying about her theory. But they did justify going on with a rant about 
pessimism. (Democracy Now viewers can see that they are creating a straw woman.)
  They were also able to completely misuse the work of a former teacher of 
mine, Dr. Seligman (learned helplessness and learned optimism), to create a 
straw man supporting their bullshit attack.  Seligman is internationally known 
and is a world class researcher. 

(Here is how Seligman's book is introduced: Non-negative thinking, not positive 
thinking, is the key to success, according to Martin Seligman author of Learned 
Optimism: How To Change Your Mind And Your Life.)

Seligman immediately differentiates his theory from the cult of positive 
thinking!  His work shows how it is possible for humans to un-learn, thought 
patterns which lead to learned helplessness and replace these with optimistic 
thought patterns.  Optimism is very different from addiction to self deception!

Here is the positive heart warming recognition of our beloved Davey. The 
cleaner safer master's of the DP "editors" are obviously terrified of truth and 

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