
>From a few neighborhood conversations, it appears that neighbors have also 
>seen the spraying of Clark Park over the years!  Of course, we can only expect 
>silence or repetition of the brief statement from UCD-nothing but organic DRY 
>fertilizer has ever been used.

Many neighbors will remember the pattern of the cover-up during the Fenton 
affair.  A brief statement immediately pinned the blame of UCD's incompetence 
on a scapegoat and announced an internal UCD investigation.  Then, there was 
continued silence and business as usual.  (Of course, UCD committeemen launched 
personal character attacks against community members, whom discussed the issues 
on public forums.)

Please remember, UCD does not need to be accountable to the people of West 
Philadelphia.  Their entire mission is to appear vital to the marketing and 
homogenization of Penn's domain.  It has nothing to do with the well being of 
the real community or its real people.  They want the credit for a total 
redesign of the park, upscale uniform facades, and hording/wasting state and 
local resources.  Chemicals used on the park are the type of details beneath 
their experts!

Here is a report about a new look into the poisoning of our water.  The EPA was 
deliberately crippled for nearly a decade.  From a brief look into the various 
lawn poisons used across America, I've seen that independent researchers have 
been raising various concerns for quite some time, (health effects and 
environmental damage.)  

We are never going to learn which poisons have been used on Clark Park! (UCD 
points to Moon, who points to Trugreen.  And Trugreen don't know nothing but 
"safe and organic" as they repeat the brief UCD statement!)

This is a time our neighborhood could use an FOCP/SHCA organization that was 
trusted and respected in the community.  However, because it is an insular 
organization completely dependent on UCD for its leaders' power inside the iron 
triangle; the entrenched leadership will defend UCD the same way as they did 
when the violations of federal law were exposed.

There are people on the FOCP/SHCA boards who are respectable and trustworthy!  
While we like them, I think, we have the right to demand accountability and 
push hard on this issue.  They are only volunteers with power, but community 
members have a duty to protect our families, our dogs, and our earth!

I repeat, if you have seen the spraying of Clark Park; please call and lobby 
the reasonable members of the FOCP/SHCA organization to stand up!  Demand that 
they replace their entrenched life time leadership, and demand the processes 
consistent with a democratic society!


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