Hi Manuel,

You may wish to investigate a very important city wide issue that has been witnessed by people from this neighborhood.  Please feel free to contact me.  I've personally witnessed the full problem and will give my full cooperation.

The Philadelphia City Planning Commission and Philadelphia Historic Commission produce false records of their public hearings.  This is a serious part of the bedrock that Philadelphia's "pay to play system" stands upon.

These commissions have the potential to cause serious harm to whole communities and the city as a whole.  Falsifying  public records of hearings allows these commissions to shield backroom dealings in which the interests of the city's citizens are completely ignored.

Recently, the PCPC granted unanimous approval for an overwhelmingly unpopular project which shatters current zoning law in our residential neighborhood.  False records from May 20th, 2008 erase all public testimony provided about the numerous issues, concerns and standards to be violated.  The false records then set-up the subsequent unanimous approval on September 16th to appear as though a review of a pathetic traffic study, submitted by the developers, was the only issue for the commissioners to consider before an ostensibly routine unanimous approval. 

Equally disturbing was the approval of the same project by PHC in late 2007 despite overwhelming and comprehensive opposition by their own architectural committee.  Again false records of the first proceeding cloaked outright lies in recorded testimony by the  developers and cloaked the obvious collusion from PHC staff, again substituting a single issue to complete the charade.

A serious newsteam investigation of the actual recordings, the actual public record, will lay bare the obvious backroom dealings in city hall.  It will show how the rights of citizens, to be treated with due process when petitioning their government, have become non-existant in this city.

This conduct is an example of why citizens have completely lost faith in their government.  Why should citizens do their duty, participating as citizens, when the government betrays their good faith efforts in favor of backroom dealings with wealthy and powerful corporate friends?

I will fully cooperate with your team to bring this story to the people of Philadelphia.  In light of the current failure of our national government, such a story which shows the threat to core principals of western democracy, might even prove to be newsworthy for national coverage.

Thank you,

Glenn Moyer

West Philadelphia  


-----Original Message-----
From: Manuel McDonnell-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 3, 2008 3:31 PM
To: univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] Re: UC Burglaries

I'm Manuel McDonnell-Smith; Senior Assignment Editor with FOX 29 News.
We'd like to do a story on Sunday or Monday (most likely Sunday) about the rash of neighborhood burglaries.
Most speficially, we would be interested in talking to anyone who has been a victim of these thieves.
If you are interested in talking with us, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can also call 215 982 5501; but email would be easiest.
I'm also having a tough time reaching any of the Town Watch contacts; if they could also reply, it would be exceptional.
Hopefully together we can help get these guys off the streets.

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