As I catch up on the local news about closing libraries and Rec centers, I’ve 
been thinking about the 10 year tax abatement.  

People were told that making speculators rich, by transferring 10 years of tax 
revenues to inflated sale prices, was good for everyone.  We were to believe 
that causing an artificial housing bubble of high sale prices and developer 
speculation was actually the cause for a predictable influx of upper class 
folks who wanted welfare. 
(Around the country, it was clear that the upper middle classes wanted to 
reclaim American urban areas similar to European cities, which had not been 
strangled for decades.  There has been a growing awareness that middle class 
suburban flight didn’t lead to Shangri-la as the middle class had hoped for 
such a long time. These were cultural wastelands producing addicted angry 
suburban kids while destroying the environment.)  

These abatements brought no actual growth, but merely transferred wealth from 
tax revenues to condo developers who charged inflated prices.  Of course, they 
also sent the message to upper class condo buyers that wealthy areas would 
continuously receive welfare (wink-wink), which would be paid for by lowly long 
term criminals, sometimes called citizens of Philadelphia.  

Lord Paulson must have gotten a good laugh at Mayor Nutter’s letter.  

Philadelphia dove head first into the idea that the only policy that mattered 
was trickle up wealth for the wealthy.  Now, the world is suffering chaos 
because of American trickle up economics ideology and war driven imperialism.  

But wait, aren’t the elite of Philadelphia wealthy enough for a Paulson 
bailout?  Did people really think the condo developers were going to stay here 
rather than take the money and run when the hooey hit the fan?

Lord Hank is having a good laugh at the greed of our low level elite!  

The people I care about most were screwed during the “good times.”  Now, the 
middle and upper middle classes are to join the criminal class.  Poetic justice 
is real; however, it isn’t funny.  It’s not fun to be abandoned without basic 
security regarding life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Now, we all 
can feel what it is like to be low life criminals.

Where do we go from here,

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