From: School of Medicine Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Road Closures and Activities at Pennsylvania Hall Sunday March 4, 2007

To the School of Medicine community:

At approximately 6:50am on Sunday March 4, 2007, the structural shell and roof of Pennsylvania Hall is scheduled for implosion. Per City of Philadelphia guidelines, Controlled Demolition, Inc advises all to avoid this area, and if possible to remain indoors during the event.

Philadelphia Police will temporarily redirect local traffic before and after this event. Civic Center Boulevard will be closed between Convention Avenue and University Avenue. University Avenue will be closed between Woodland Avenue and Greys Ferry. Road closure durations may vary, with Civic Center Boulevard closed approximately one hour prior to the event and up to three hours after the event. Bus and regional rail schedules may be delayed.

The University Avenue Garage, Lot #51, will be inaccessible during this period. All permit parkers in Lot #51 are to relocate to Lot #44, Curie Boulevard, effective 7:00am Saturday March 3, 2007 through 4:00pm Sunday March 4, 2007 when Lot #51 reopens.

The demolition contractor advises that airborne noise will be similar to that of a thunderstorm; and that the transient mean peak ground borne vibration is estimated to be .2 inches per second at School of Medicine facilities. The duration of the overall event is anticipated to last approximately ten seconds with a mean peak vibration lasting two seconds or less.

Dr. Gail Massey
Room 243 John Morgan Bldg.
Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6082
Ph:215-898-6850; Fax: 215-898-2401
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