Next Monday night at 7 p.m. there will be a session to get people signed up
to be merit badge counselors for scouts.  The program will be held in the
famous Marks  Scouting Building at 22nd and Winter streets  just  off the
parkway.  It is a cute little beaux arts limestone building if you have
never seen it.

 Being a mentor to a teenager is a worthwhile gift of your time and talents.

All you have to do is sign up , get trained,  and wait for one of them to
call you to work with you, then sign off on the completed work.  You can
counselor subjects that you know through avocation (hobby) or vocation
(work).   If you want to you can organize a class and solicit scouts to come
to do your merit badge.

 I would be really pleased to be able to have some of my  neighbors and
colleagues   take part.

 For a list of all 120 merit badges please see the following website:

If you are interested in getting involved in some other way or volunteering
or to get more information about cub scouts or boy scouts in University City
you can contact me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Lauren Leatherbarrow

Troop 152 Committee Chair
@ St. Francis de Sales Church in University City

Triune District Commissioner
Cradle of Liberty Council

Tel: 215-386-3905 (VM, evenings and weekends)

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