Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread snarlydwarf

Bruce S.;450307 Wrote: 
> I need guidance there, since there are numerous terms and notions that
> are not explained. For example, the "default gateway" values made sense
> on the Windows world, since I could read them doing an "ipconfig"
> command. 
> /sbin/ifconfig doesn't mention anything about a default gateway. So, I
> don't know what to enter there.

The 'route' command gives you, well, routing information, which is
exactly what your gateway is (its the same as 'default route' -- where
to send packets that are not for your network).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

This is the output of the /sbin/ifconfig command:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:14:85:4F:D9:42  
inet addr:  Bcast: 
inet6 addr: fe80::214:85ff:fe4f:d942/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:4006 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:4424 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
RX bytes:2192114 (2.0 MiB)  TX bytes:832847 (813.3 KiB)
Interrupt:21 Base address:0xa000 

loLink encap:Local Loopback  
inet addr:  Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:474072 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:474072 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
RX bytes:81711794 (77.9 MiB)  TX bytes:81711794 (77.9 MiB)

What do I do with this info when going through the setup on the
Squeezebox itself?

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

I've rescanned. However, rescanning shouldn't (and didn't) address the
issue that Squeezecenter reports that my "Player was not found". So, I
still can't play anything because it can't find my player.

I have to this point done nothing to reset the various settings that
you go through on the Squeezebox itself. I am thinking all that has to
be redone.

I need guidance there, since there are numerous terms and notions that
are not explained. For example, the "default gateway" values made sense
on the Windows world, since I could read them doing an "ipconfig"

/sbin/ifconfig doesn't mention anything about a default gateway. So, I
don't know what to enter there.

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

 This is impossible.
The Fedora install wiped out my C drive entirely.

 I don't know how to answer that except that the old windows
server is gone. I don't know what my Squeezebox is looking at.

I do know that it used to be that a full scan would take a long time.
In  this present incarnation of Squeezecenter [Slimserver], it was

I'll force a scan.

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread gharris999

The PIN is the ID by which SqueezeNetwork identifies your player.  It
doesn't have anything to do with local playback, as far as I know.

Are you sure that your old copy of SqueezeCenter is not running or is
uninstalled on the windows box that it lived on?  I'm wondering if your
Squeezebox is still looking at the old windows server.

After you've configured SqueezeCenter on the Fedora box, did it ever do
a complete scan of your music library?  I don't think you can play items
from the music folder if they haven't been scanned into the db.  Try
shutting down and restarting the Fedora box and then opening up the
SqueezeCenter web interface and go to Settings and initiate a full wipe
& rescan.  Then monitor the scan progress through the web interface and
see if it completes the scan.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

The old interface would tell me up front that no Squeezebox player could
be found. Now, this info is buried. I clicked Settings->Player and it
tells me "Your player was not found". This seems odd since the player
found the router and the computer via its IP address. 

Also, messing around with the Remote control on the Squeezebox I found
that the PIN has changed. Does that mean anything? What is the PIN for,

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

The problem may now be with my actual Squeezebox, although it is on and
happily waiting, it seems, for a file to be sent over. It says" "NOW
PLAYING". Ordinarily, in the Windows days, it would black out and shut
off if it couldn't find Slimserver.

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

Your steps for mounting /mnt/media and /mnt/USB and editing the file
worked. But I am still not there. Now Squeezecenter finds the music
files and displays them under "Music Folder" but nothing will transfer
to the right panel (when pressing the arrow) and thus nothing will

What next?

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread gharris999

Anticipating your next step: setting up samba so you get network access
to your audio files.  Primarily, you'd use this to push new audio files
to the server as you rip them:

(Disclaimer: these instructions are simplistic and may not be best
practices..but they'll get you up and sharing over your network.  Again,
linux jocks please chime in.)

Make a backup copy of /etc/samba/smb.conf:

In a terminal, as su:

# cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/

Edit smb.conf:

# gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Use this as a template:


  #=== Global Settings =


server string = Squeezebox Audio Server

netbios name = SHORTSRVRNAME

hosts allow = 127. 192.168.1. 192.168.0.

  # --- Logging Options -
# logs split per machine
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
# max 50KB per log file, then rotate
max log size = 50

  # --- Standalone Server Options 
security = share
passdb backend = tdbsam
  #- Name Resolution ---
dns proxy = no
socket options = TCP_NODELAY

  # --- Printing Options -
load printers = yes
cups options = raw
  # Share Definitions ==

comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
guest ok = no
writable = no
printable = yes

comment = Squeezebox Server Audio Files
path = /mnt/media
browseable = yes
guest only = yes
writeable = yes
guest ok = yes
comment = Squeezebox Server USB Backup Drive Files
path = /mnt/USB
browseable = yes
guest only = yes
writeable = yes
guest ok = yes

At the very least, you'll need to fixup the workgroup name in the
above.  Save the file and exit gedit.

Make a backup of your firewall file:

# cp /etc/sysconfig/iptables /etc/sysconfig/

Configure your firewall to allow samba:

# gedit /etc/sysconfig/iptables

The contents should be close to this:


  # Firewall configuration written by system-config-firewall
  # Manual customization of this file is not recommended.
  -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 137 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 138 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 139 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 445 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 3483 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 3483 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 9000 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 9090 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 9092 -j ACCEPT
  -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
  -A FORWARD -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

These entries allow access over the network via SSH, Squeezeboxes &

Configure the firewall to run on startup:

# chkconfig iptables on

Start the firewall:

# service iptables start

Configure the samba service so that it runs on startup:

# chkconfig --level 35 nmb on

# chkconfig --level 35 smb on

Start samba:

# service nmb restart

# service smb restart

If everything has gone well, you ought to be able to browse to your
audio files from any windows machine on your network.  Warning: with
this configuration there is NO SECURITY on these shares.  All users have
full control over these files.  You'll need to study up on samba and
make more changes to smb.conf to add security.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread gharris999

epoch1970;450213 Wrote: 
> First I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll be quick. I confess a
> poor choice of words.
> 2 weeks ago I was helping a new mac user scavenge 5 years worth of
> digital pictures from her NTFS formatted drive. She had written to it
> with the mac port of ntfs-3g, and, shazam! drive empty after reboot. A
> rare problem, it seems. But, there it was.
> In general I only gained problems not using the native, mainstream,
> filesystem on an OS. Any OS.
> With filesystems, a "problem" usually means files lost forever, or a
> lot of stress and time spent repairing. 
> It ain't funny, so whenever possible, I try minimizing the chances, and
> using the same system as everybody else. I go mainstream when choosing
> my FS. 
> NTFS on linux is not the middle of the road. Well ok, it's a 6-lane
> highway :) 
> Anyways, Bruce S. has a backup, and this is commendable indeed,
> regardless of the FS.
I won't disagree with anything you've said here.  Perhaps I've been
skating on thin ice all this time by using ntfs-3g.  Since I treat the
audio content disk on my "production" SBServer as a backup of my primary
audio store on my window ripping machine, I've allowed the convenience
factor to trump safety.  I'll let you know when I rue the day.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread epoch1970

gharris999;450163 Wrote: 
> Epoch: ... you're unnecessarily maligning the ntfs-3g driver here.  It's
> very robust.  In several years of use on more than a dozen different
> machines, I've never once had a NTFS drive messed up by this driver on a
> linux box. ...
First I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll be quick. I confess a
poor choice of words.
2 weeks ago I was helping a new mac user scavenge 5 years worth of
digital pictures from her NTFS formatted drive. She had written to it
with the mac port of ntfs-3g, and, shazam! drive empty after reboot. A
rare problem, it seems. But, there it was.
In general I only gained problems not using the native, mainstream,
filesystem on an OS. Any OS.
With filesystems, a "problem" usually means files lost forever, or a
lot of stress and time spent repairing. 
It ain't funny, so whenever possible, I try minimizing the chances, and
using the same system as everybody else. I go mainstream when choosing
my FS. 
NTFS on linux is not the middle of the road. Well ok, it's a 6-lane
highway :) 

Anyways, Bruce S. has a backup, and this is commendable indeed,
regardless of the FS.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

I plan to. Your advice looks good.

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread gharris999

Bruce S.;450189 Wrote: 
> I mispoke. I did find my music directories (drives) under the /
> directory. They are in /media/MUSIC etc.
> However, on the SqueezeCenter display, there is nothing expandable
> under the media directory listed. So, I entered it by typing in the
> bottom command line. This let me get to the page that implies that
> things are working, but under "Music Folder" I get nothing. 
> Since I am at work, I will not be able to tackle this stuff until
> tonight or maybe even tomorrow. Thanks for all you help.
I suspect that /media/MUSIC is a temporary, on demand mounting of
/dev/sdb1 and that squeezecenter won't be able to depend on it.  Try my
instructions from earlier in the thread for mounting to /mnt/media via
fstab.  That really ought to get you going.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread Bruce S .

I mispoke. I did find my music directories (drives) under the /
directory. They are in /media/MUSIC etc.

However, on the SqueezeCenter display, there is nothing expandable
under the media directory listed. So, I entered it by typing in the
bottom command line. This let me get to the page that implies that
things are working, but under "Music Folder" I get nothing. 

Since I am at work, I will not be able to tackle this stuff until
tonight or maybe even tomorrow. Thanks for all you help.

Bruce S.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SC+Debian=Trouble?

2009-08-20 Thread snarlydwarf

pfarrell;450155 Wrote: 
> I agree, my two servers run pure Debian and work great. Both are in
> the
> basement, and I never have to touch them. Uptime runs of 100s of days
> are frequent.


[gimli:~] 10:27:06am 52 % uptime
  10:27:29 up 297 days,  1:16,  2 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.06, 0.07

And I don't even try for a long uptime.

(Yeah, yeah, blah kernel security hole, etc... I know.. but it's low on
my list of priorities since it's a local compromise, not remote.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread gharris999

epoch1970;450068 Wrote: 
> Since you have a backup drive, would you consider formatting sdb to a
> linux native filesystem (use ext3 preferably) instead of using a
> half-baked userland driver, as needed to access NTFS on linux ?
> You wouldn't be using HFS (the Mac FS) or EXT2 on Windows, right ? --If
> you'd do, you'd get into trouble sooner or later.
Epoch: although I bow to your superior knowledge in many areas, I think
you're unnecessarily maligning the ntfs-3g driver here.  It's very
robust.  In several years of use on more than a just handful of
machines, I've never once had a NTFS drive messed up by this driver on a
linux box.  I think that the worst thing one might say about ntfs-3g is
that it's a little slower than ext2.  I'm guessing, but I'd think that,
at most, it might tack on an extra 10% to audio library scan times. 
Never once have I observed that driver slowness interfered with file
access for audio playback...and this has been on some pretty
under-powered hardware: Atom machines, VIA machines, etc.

Let's let him get going with ntfs-3g and cross the bridge to switching
to ext2 if and when ntfs-3g becomes a problem.  I know that lots of
linux folks think having any vestige of Microsoft on their boxes is
inherently icky.  To my mind, ntfs-3g is robust enough that insistence
on ext2 in a case like this potentially boarders on file system


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread gharris999

I have a setup very similar to yours in that I keep my audio files on a
NTFS formatted drive in a fedora box.  Although there are many ways to
do this, this is what I do:

(..and if I step wrong here, hopefully one of you linux jocks will
correct what I have to say..)

Open a terminal and become the superuser via the # su command.  You'll
be prompted for root's password.

Create a directory to which you'll mount the drive:

# mkdir /mnt/media

Change the permissions on the directory:

# chmod 0777 /mnt/media

Edit the /etc/fstab file...this is the file that the OS reads on boot
up and contains the mounting instructions.

# nano /etc/fstab

Once the nano editor is open, add a line below the other entries:


  /dev/sdb1/mnt/media  ntfs-3g rw,defaults,noatime,umask= 0 0

Save the nano, this would be ctrl-o & enter.  Quit nano:

Now try to mount the disk:

# umount /dev/sdb1

# mount -a

Finally, see if you can see your disk:

# ls /mnt/media -l

This ought to show you the root folder of the disk.  You should now be
able to configure squeezecenter, pointing the music folder setting to
/mnt/media/Music or whatever you've got on that disk.

I use NTFS drives for my music drives on my squeezecenter servers for a
couple of reasons:

1).  NTFS is more space effecient than ext2/3 unless you really know
what you're doing (which I don't) when you mkfs a partition to ext2/3.

2).  My music ripping setup is all windows based.  It's a lot easier
and quicker for me to cone 1T of audio data from 1 NTFS disk to another
in the windows machine than it is to try to push all that data over the
network to a ext2 drive.

Bruce:  not withstanding point #2, above, if the mounting steps worked
for you, then the next step will be to setup samba (windows file
sharing) on the fedora box so that you can push new audio files over the
network to the NTFS drive.  Let me know if you'd like help with that.

Also, you'll want to pick up a couple of freeware tools so that you can
administer this machine remotely from windows clients on your network:
PuTTY and WinSCP.  These tools will allow you to run your server in text
mode without the GUI (saves CPU horsepower) and to run it headless (no
keyboard, mouse or monitor) stuck in a closet somewhere.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SC+Debian=Trouble?

2009-08-20 Thread Pat Farrell
paulster wrote:
> The answer to your original question is that SqueezeCenter plus Debian
> doesn't equal trouble!  It's a really solid platform to run it on, in my
> experience.
> My uptime is at 111 days currently and it's only that short because I
> did a Kernel upgrade and had to reboot back then.

I agree, my two servers run pure Debian and work great. Both are in the
basement, and I never have to touch them. Uptime runs of 100s of days
are frequent.

Pat Farrell

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SC+Debian=Trouble?

2009-08-20 Thread paulster

The answer to your original question is that SqueezeCenter plus Debian
doesn't equal trouble!  It's a really solid platform to run it on, in my

My uptime is at 111 days currently and it's only that short because I
did a Kernel upgrade and had to reboot back then.

It's definitely my Linux flavour of choice now for server type stuff.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How do you run on Linux

2009-08-20 Thread epoch1970

In the terminal, what does "mount" (or 'sudo mount' if necessary) return
How does your /etc/fstab file look ?

Since you have a backup drive, would you consider formatting sdb to a
linux native filesystem (use ext3 preferably) instead of using a
half-baked userland driver, as needed to access NTFS on linux ?
You wouldn't be using HFS (the Mac FS) or EXT2 on Windows, right ? --If
you'd do, you'll get into trouble sooner or later.

format before you are certain the backup drive is up-to-date and valid.
Do not format with the backup drive connected to the machine; tuck it
away safely until the dust has settled.


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