Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Any Ubuntu 16.04 experiences...? Thoughts?

2016-04-17 Thread SlimChances

That's good news ; I am likely to install 16.04 later this coming week.
Did you have any problem with any plugins? I have several of Erland's
plugins such as Trackstat,Dynamic Libraries,Multilibraries to name a
Thanks for testing it out

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1459712283 @ Sun Apr  3 20:14:53
UTC 2016
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8Platform Architecture:
Perl Version: 5.18.2 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 
1.34_01 (sqlite

One SB Touch connected by ethernet - Denon AVR -1912 Receiver, Paradigm
4.1 speakers
Two SB Radios wireless

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-04-17 Thread Jeff07971

ralphy wrote: 
> Run make like this;
> make PREFIX=/usr
> You also need to have these at least these deb packages installed;
> libluajit-5.1-dev
> libsdl1.2-dev
> libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
> libsdl-gfx1.2-dev
> libsdl-image1.2-dev
> This list is from wheezy.

Thanks Ralphy and Julf

Got it working.

Needs libexpat1-dev as well.

Dosent seem to have a "screensaver when off" menu item so I copied
Screensaver.lua from one of my Pcp's now works fine


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: 7.9.0 - 1453293926 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on HP
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-04-17 Thread skikirkwood

I just got Shairport working perfectly on my IQAudio Pi-DAC+ on a
Raspberry Pi 3 running piCorePlayer 2.04.  There were two key things
that needed to be done:

Start Shairport-sync with a "-c Digital" option to operate the hardware
volume control on the DAC.
Turn off the WiFi power management on the Rasbperry Pi 3 with "sudo
iwconfig wlan0 power off".  Before discovering this I would start
getting dropped packets after 3 or 4 minutes and eventually the
Shairport stream would get backed up and had to restart.

Thanks to Mike Brady for helping me debug the Shairport issue!

While there might be a better fix for now, I used the 3 startup commands
in piCorePlayer's Tweaks -> User Commands to hack up the startup to kill
Shairport, and then restart it with the correct parameters.  Having
turned of WiFi power management and then doing a Save settings, the
power management is off after a reboot.

sudo kill -9 $(ps -e | grep shairport-sync | awk '{print $1}')
sudo rm /usr/local/var/run/
/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/shairport-sync -a piCorePlayer -o alsa -S soxr -d -D
-R -- -d hw:CARD=IQaudIODAC -c Digital

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Any Ubuntu 16.04 experiences...? Thoughts?

2016-04-17 Thread pablolie

Other cool stuff - unlike in 12.04 LTS you don't seem to have to install
advanced media codec packages in 16.04, they seem all packaged in from
what I can tell. Furthermore 16.04 doesn't seem you to require to fuss
around with fstab to correctly mount drives, the standard "Disks"
program offers a graphical interface to mount drives on startup. Samba
also auto-installs when you say you want to share a drive in a Windows
environment. Cool stuff.

So when it becomes generally available, I'd still wait a few weeks if
you want to make sure it's rock solid - but I'd definitely totally
recommend it. For Linux newbies it is most definitely a much more user
friendly package. Can't comment on 14.04 because I jumped straight to
16.04 to 12.04.

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Player) running Ubuntu 12.04 + LMS
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PicorePlayer and LMS - how to get a MONO downmix?

2016-04-17 Thread Nick L.

Hello Greg,

thanks for pointing me to the right direction. The beta option is
working fine if you don't use the equalizer. As I need the equalizer to
adjust the frequency response of my "Sonos remake", I had to finetune
the asound.conf.
The down-mix is working well now! All I have to do now is to un-comment
the five lines at the end of the asound.conf.

It would be great now to switch between a mono and a stereo-setup
without editing the asound.conf via SSH. Is there a way to do that in a
more clever way? The other option is to just have two SD cards (one for
mono and one for stereo).
Thanks for your ideas and comments.


asound.conf wrote: 
> # default - Generated by piCorePlayer
> pcm.!default {
> type plug
> slave.pcm "hw:0,0"
> }
> #---ALSA EQ Below
> ctl.equal {
> type equal;
> controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
> library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
> }
> pcm.plugequal {
> type equal;
> slave.pcm "plughw:1,0"
> controls "/home/tc/.alsaequal.bin"
> library "/usr/local/lib/ladspa/"
> }
> pcm.equal {
> type plug;
> slave.pcm plugequal;
> # Mono-Downmix added by Nick - remove next five comments to enable Mono
> #ttable {
> #0.1 1
> #0.0 1
> #1.0 1
> #1.1 1
> #}
> }

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 2.00

2016-04-17 Thread ralphy

Jul wrote: 
> Hi, folks!
> I'm using piCorePlayer since the first versions and it's just a great
> distrib.
> I extended my install step by step and I now have a 7" touchscreen and a
> Hifiberry DAC+ linked to active speakers.
> When you added the -G option to power on/off a GPIO pin, I bought a
> small relay board and I can now power my speakers automatically. Many
> thanks for this option!
> But (because there is always a "but" :D ), when I enable -C option (ie.
> idle time before Squeezelite closes output) at the same time (for
> instance with 30 seconds), I have a strange behaviour:
> GPIO pin is powered off an on very quickly for every action (changing
> radio station, clicking slider to go forward/backwards...). So the relay
> is enabled/disabled every time and the speakers too, which I think is
> not very good for them.
> Can the options -C and -G be used simultaneously?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Jul
I can confirm that -S and -G are "ignored", and no errors thrown, when
you also include -C.
For -G the gpio is never initialized or toggled and for -S the script is
never called.
I'll look into it.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-04-17 Thread ralphy

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Thanks Julf, I did try that but it was late last night and it did not
> work, I'll have another go !
> Jeff

Run make like this;

make PREFIX=/usr

You also need to have these at least these deb packages installed;


This list is from wheezy.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-04-17 Thread Jeff07971

Julf wrote: 
> If I remember correctly, I just cloned the git repo, and went "make".
> There were a couple of libraries I had to install, but they were pretty
> self-evident.

Thanks Julf, I did try that but it was late last night and it did not
work, I'll have another go !


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: 7.9.0 - 1453293926 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on HP
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-04-17 Thread Julf

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Has anyone got a howto on how to put jivelite on a intel debian linux
> system?

If I remember correctly, I just cloned the git repo, and went "make".
There were a couple of libraries I had to install, but they were pretty

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-04-17 Thread Jeff07971

Hi All

Has anyone got a howto on how to put jivelite on a intel debian linux
system ?

I have an old laptop which I want to make into a digital picture frame
running Jivelite.

I want to select one of my Pcp2.04 systems as the "Player" and have
Jivelite display "Now playing" when the Pcp system is playing and the
"Image" screensaver when not.

I have done a search for this but can only find installations for RPi
and Cubietruck (done by me with help from Ralphy)

Any help would be appreciated !


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: 7.9.0 - 1453293926 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on HP
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

*Want a webapp ?* See

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