despited the disabled internal sound squeezelite stopped again today. No
clue how to proceed or what the best trouble shoot sequence would be.
Only thing i could imaging is to enable log's and use the script
(somehow) of TheHypnoToad 2019-08-09, 14:01 to trunk the logfile. Not
sure how to determine the max size amount.

*SqueezeBoxes:* 1x Transporter (Living room) 1x SB2 (shed), 1x Radio
(Kitchen), 1x Boom (Dining room), 1x piCorePlayer (jacuzzi), 1x
piCorePlayer (Garden) 1x OSMC + Squeezelite (Movie room), 1x Touch
(Study 2), few spare unit's
*Server:* LMS on Pi3 7.9.1. on PcP 3.21
*Network:* AVM Fritzbox, Netgear Smart Switch 24p, 3x Ubiquity
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