Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-01-24 Thread carsten_h

paul- wrote: 
> Looks like the you need python, smbus, and rpi-vc. As dependencies.  On
> the surface, the fan looks like it’s I2c controlled  They have 3 fan
> speeds.

Is it possible to write to I2c with piCorePlayer? So I can write one
byte at start to let the fan work in one defined speed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-01-24 Thread carsten_h

Aldoszx wrote: 
> I also have this RPi4 case.
> From the script itself, i saw that: 'shutdown_pin=4'.
> I suppose that is the pin used for shutdown command.
> And, it must be pulled down: 'pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN'

I switched this on for pin 4 n piCorePlayer and installed the script via
the webinterface. I thought is was working because the Pi is switching
But now I looked into the logfiles and see that the USB drives are not
unmounted correctly before. So the sghutdown is not happening.

Is there any possibility to see if the shutdown script is called when
switching off without an attached monitor? E.g. via looking at the
logfile via ssh or something like that?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-01-24 Thread Paul Webster

TinyTommy wrote: 
> Now that pcp-streamer is installed and I see this URL, what am I
> supposed to do with it?
> Obviously, I don't have the slightest about how BT is supposed to work!

I have not used this - but I think that the way to do it is to think of
that URL as being like an Internet radio stream.
>From your LMS interface, tell one of your players to play that stream
URL while using your Bluetooth source to send audio to the pCP
Once you have it working well you could set it as a favourite in LMS to
make it easy to use next time.

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on a Pirate Audio 240x240 screen

2020-01-24 Thread ralphy

chill wrote: 
> 2) The control uses the volume keys to adjust the brightness (which is
> ok), but it uses the 'home' key to exit, and I don't currently have a
> 'home' key defined.  I'll have to lose one of the other functions in
> order to define 'home' on one of the buttons.

Try replacing your KEY_LEFT mapping with KEY_ESC.  That will allow you
to exit the screen brightness scroller as well and still allow back
navigation in the menus and popups.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on a Pirate Audio 240x240 screen

2020-01-24 Thread chill

ralphy wrote: 
> Try replacing your KEY_LEFT mapping with KEY_ESC.  That will allow you
> to exit the screen brightness scroller as well and still allow back
> navigation in the menus and popups.

Perfect, thank you.  I'll try that this evening.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Alsa mixer on picore - cannot save

2020-01-24 Thread kappclark

Thanks ...

Yes - the DAC is USB .. 

was logged in as tc ..used sudo and did not receive error, so must all
be good --

Bill Clark, Windham, VT

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1578727069 @ Sat Jan 11 08:44:06
CET 2020
Hostname: ubuntu-lms  - ProxMox Virtual Environment 5.4-3
piCorePlayer | piCorePlayer v5.0.0 | linux 4.19.40-pcpCore_v7 | piCore
v10.1pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.2-1158-pCP

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-01-24 Thread TinyTommy

Paul Webster wrote: 
> ..but I think that the way to do it is to think of that URL as being
> like an Internet radio stream.
> From your LMS interface, tell one of your players to play that stream
> URL while using your Bluetooth source to send audio to the pCP
> Bluetooth...
Never could have worked that out myself!
Thanks Paul, seems that's exactly how it's done.

But I think I will have to move my LMS to the Raspberry to get it really
The way my system is set up, it doesn't work well enough.
LMS is on a NAS on the 2nd floor, living room with piCorePlayer is on
the 1st floor.
The stream has to squeeze via BT from my phone to piCorePlayer, via WLAN
to the LMS and then back to the player..
This leads to a massive lag, and volume control is a nightmare.

But at least now I know how to make it work.
Thanks a lot!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-01-24 Thread paul-

TinyTommy wrote: 
> Never could have worked that out myself!
> Thanks Paul, seems that's exactly how it's done.
> But I think I will have to move my LMS to the Raspberry to get it really
> usable.
> The way my system is set up, it doesn't work well enough.
> LMS is on a NAS on the 2nd floor, living room with piCorePlayer is on
> the 1st floor.
> The stream has to squeeze via BT from my phone to piCorePlayer, via WLAN
> to the LMS and then back to the player..
> This leads to a massive lag, and volume control is a nightmare.
> But at least now I know how to make it work.
> Thanks a lot!

The lag is causes by something else.   I see it on wired connections
too.   It think it is mostly in the BT transmission *BlueAlsa".

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-01-24 Thread paul-

carsten_h wrote: 
> Is it possible to write to I2c with piCorePlayer? So I can write one
> byte at start to let the fan work in one defined speed.

Yes you can, we can probably run the scripts(Daemon) that they use.  You
just can use the installation script.   Can you start a new thread with
all the detail you previously posted.  That will make it easier to
track, vs getting buried in this thread

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Alsa mixer on picore - cannot save

2020-01-24 Thread paul-

kappclark wrote: 
> Thanks ...
> Yes - the DAC is USB .. 
> was logged in as tc ..used sudo and did not receive error, so must all
> be good --

Not exactly,  The File will not be restored due to the way 5.0.0 handles

>From ssh run this command too.

sudo sed -i "s/\(ALSAlevelout=\).*/\1"Custom"/"

Then set your mixer

Then run :  sudo alsactl store

Then run a backup: pcp bu

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2020-01-24 Thread paul-

That is dmesg, I need the boot log.  On the Logs screen select "boot"
from the dropdown.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2020-01-24 Thread paul-

olivaar wrote: 
> Hi,
> i want to "clone" my picoreplayer SD card, but i dont want to use the dd
> tool,
> because i think my sd card has some minor errors.
> i have installed some extra some tcz extensions, the LMS and some
> official plugins and own created plugins for the LMS.
> in this case, i think, the normal backup is not a backup who save all
> thesee changes.
> i log in via ssh and make tar file with the complete folder under
> /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/
> after that, downloaded the picoreplayer with the same version and "burn"
> it on the sd-card
> i prove that the picoreplayer starts normal
> then i unpack the tar file to the same location
> i checked that the files are in place and restart the picoreplayer
> it starts normal, but the settingsare not shown in the configuration
> pages (squeezeligt settings, tweaks and LMS)
> does anybody have an idea what is wrong?

Yes that seems okay.   The only persistent area the boot partion, and
the TCE folder.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on a Pirate Audio 240x240 screen

2020-01-24 Thread chill

ralphy wrote: 
> Try replacing your KEY_LEFT mapping with KEY_ESC.  That will allow you
> to exit the screen brightness scroller as well and still allow back
> navigation in the menus and popups.

This works perfectly, thank you.  It's amazing how much can be done with
just 4 buttons.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Using Argon One case with fan and powerbutton together with piCorePlayer?

2020-01-24 Thread carsten_h


This is a new thread for the question how to use the fan and the
powerbutton of the Argon One case together with piCorePlayer.
Let's start at the beginning.

I want to use a Raspberry Pi 4 as a LMS server with the piCorePlayer
installation. This will be no problem.
I want to place this into this case:
This case has a software for using the Power-Button together with eg.

Does anyone know if this software button will also work somehow together
with piCorePlayer? So is it possible to switch it off gracefully with
the button?
This case has also been available for older Raspberry Pi.

The script for the button and the fan can be found here (for Raspbian):


The installation of the script consists of a few different parts.
First it installs the following packages: "raspi-gpio python-rpi.gpio
python3-rpi.gpio python-smbus python3-smbus i2c-tools"
Then it creates a few files:
- daemonconfigfile (there are only temperatures and fan speeds in a
- shutdownscript (this will be called later from the daemon when the
button is pressed.
- powerbuttonscript (this is the script that will later run as a
- daemonfanservice (this is the configfile for the service, it is placed
at: /lib/systemd/system/$daemonname.service)
- removescript (to remove the installation)
- configscript (to configure the reactions to different temperatures,
later it will write the daemonconfigfile)
At the end it starts the service via:


sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  sudo systemctl enable $daemonname.service
  sudo systemctl start $daemonname.service

This is the part of the daemon for temperature checking and switching
the fan to the different speeds:


echo 'def temp_check():' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'fanconfig = ["65=100", "60=55", "55=10"]' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'tmpconfig = load_config("'$daemonconfigfile'")' >> 
  echo 'if len(tmpconfig) > 0:' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'fanconfig = tmpconfig' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'address=0x1a' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'prevblock=0' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'while True:' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'temp = os.popen("vcgencmd measure_temp").readline()' >> 
  echo 'temp = temp.replace("temp=","")' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'val = float(temp.replace("'"'"'C",""))' >> 
  echo 'block = get_fanspeed(val, fanconfig)' >> 
  echo 'if block < prevblock:' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'time.sleep(30)' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'prevblock = block' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'bus.write_byte(address,block)' >> 
  echo 'except IOError:' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'temp=""' >> $powerbuttonscript
  echo 'time.sleep(30)' >> $powerbuttonscript

They are reading the temperature with "vcgencmd measure_temp" and if it
reaches the next step from the config they call this:



where address is 0x1a and block is the fanspeed from config.

I don't know what this bus.write_byte is doing. Maybe it is enough to
write this a single time to have the fan running always at the same

The fan is controlled via I2c as paul has written and bus.write... is
for writing to I2c.

Is it possible to write to I2c with piCorePlayer? So I can write one
byte at start to let the fan work in one defined speed.

paul- wrote: 
> Yes you can, we can probably run the scripts(Daemon) that they use.  You
> just can use the installation script.


Aldoszx wrote: 
> I also have this RPi4 case.
> From the script itself, i saw that: 'shutdown_pin=4'.
> I suppose that is the pin used for shutdown command.
> And, it must be pulled down: 'pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN'

So I used this configuration in piCorePlayer:
I pressed the button to create the script and it can be found in the

But what happens is that I get the following messages at startup:


Mounting USB Drives...
  Mounting USB Drive: 5D0B-9332...
  FUSE exfat 1.2.7
  WARN: volume was not unmounted cleanly.
  Disk Mounted at /mnt/LMS.
  Mounting USB Drive: 5E28-AD65...
  FUSE exfat 1.2.7
  WARN: volume was not unmounted cleanly.
  Disk Mounted at /mnt/Musikbox.

So the Pi was not correctly shutdown, as the filesystems are not clean.

Is there any possibility to see if the shutdown script is call

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer6.0.0 - PI4 support

2020-01-24 Thread carsten_h

paul- wrote: 
> Can you start a new thread with all the detail you previously posted. 
> That will make it easier to track, vs getting buried in this thread

Yes, you can find it here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Using Argon One case with fan and powerbutton together with piCorePlayer?

2020-01-24 Thread paul-

First, do not try to run those scripts directly.remove anything you
have tried.

Lets talk about shutdown first.   If you just configure the shutdown
tweak the way you did it, does the device shutdown?   Did you install
the shutdown-monitor extension?

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on a Pirate Audio 240x240 screen

2020-01-24 Thread chill

The square aspect ratio does lend itself to using album art as
wallpaper.  I'm still searching for the perfect cover (not too
cluttered, so that the the text shows up clearly), but I rather like
this one :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Using Argon One case with fan and powerbutton together with piCorePlayer?

2020-01-24 Thread carsten_h

I did not run those scripts, I only tried to understand how they work. 

Yes, the Pi is shutting down and yes I installed the shutdown monitor.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Alsa mixer on picore - cannot save

2020-01-24 Thread kappclark

all set now -- 

Thank you for yur help - I applied change, rebooted picore and alsamixer
settings still the same...

Would like to label this trhread SOLVED, but see no way to do so..


Bill Clark, Windham, VT

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1578727069 @ Sat Jan 11 08:44:06
CET 2020
Hostname: ubuntu-lms  - ProxMox Virtual Environment 5.4-3
piCorePlayer | piCorePlayer v5.0.0 | linux 4.19.40-pcpCore_v7 | piCore
v10.1pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.2-1158-pCP

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