Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-18 Thread radsfaninlv


I couldn't find an answer searching with google so I thought I'd ask

pCP 6.0
RPi Zero W
LMS 8.0 on separate computer (Linux)
DSDplayer plugin enabled
DAC: Topping D30

Using the pCP GUI I have added -D to the various options on the
Squeezelite settings tab.  The Device supports DSD/DoP is empty. 
Removing the -D gives me no sound even though LMS says the file is

pCP plays the file but it is way too loud and the volume slider does
nothing (I am not using 100% output in LMS).  Where have I gone wrong?

My squeezelite command string is: 

/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n "Living Room" -o front:CARD=D30,DEV=0 -a 
160:4::1: -D

  This string actually worked with no problem when this DAC was hooked
to a RPi 2.

Any help would be appreciated.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Link to latest Ubuntu istallation guide wiki?

2020-04-18 Thread pablolie

Could someone kindly point to the latest LMS installation guide on
Ubuntu? There are so many links to obsolete guides that it seems hard to
actually find the right one as I am not in front of my home computer.
The wiki I fond has no mention of Ubuntu...

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation) running Ubuntu 18.04 +
LMS 7.9.1
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- KEF
Reference 1
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado RS1/Shure

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-18 Thread Greg Erskine

klimmeru wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I tried to use the setup script for setting up Wifi. But it does not
> allow the full possible length of a Wifi password to be entered. 
> See part of the setup script below: It is limited to 40 chars. SSID
> should be 32 long. Key 64. 
> I don't know if the setup script is supposed to be working in v6.0.0. I
> made a new image with a fix. But it did not seem to work. 
> Below: part of setup script with the 40 char limit.
> > 

  >   > pcp_wireless_menu() {
  > exec 3>&1
  > VALUES=$(dialog \
  > --title"Wireless Menu" \
  > --ok-label "OK" \
  > --no-cancel \
  > --output-separator "," \
  > --backtitle"$BACKTITLE" \
  > --form "Setup Wifi" \
  > 0 0 0 \
  > \
  > "SSID:" 1 1  "$SSID"1 27 40 0 \
  > "Password:" 2 1  "$PASSWORD"2 27 40 0 \
  > "Security [WEP|WPA|OPEN]:"  3 1  "$ENCRYPTION"  3 27 4 0 \
  > 2>&1 1>&3)
  > result=$?
  > exec 3>&-
  > SSID=$(echo ${VALUES} | awk -F, '{ print $1 }')
  > PASSWORD=$(echo ${VALUES} | awk -F, '{ print $2 }')

> > 

The CLI setup interface is not as up to date as the web interface. Use
the web interface if you can. I will see what I can do to update setup.
No country code either.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-04-18 Thread paul-

Only source for binary content is there.  It's mostly kernel related

Our development git for the web interface is not public.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-18 Thread paul-

klimmeru wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I don't know if the setup script is supposed to be working in v6.0.0. I
> made a new image with a fix. But it did not seem to work. 

We try to keep it up for old times sake, but this method is so much

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-18 Thread thetyrantcbass

Has anyone else been having issues with shairport-sync disappearing from
the local network since the package was upgraded to 3.3.6? It will start
and accept connections on a fresh boot, but if its left to idle
itll drop off the network. Squeezelite keeps going no matter
what, but shairport has been almost unusable recently.

Im crossposting this from issue 995 on the shairport-sync repo.

Im experiencing pretty much this same behavior with
shairport-sync on a Pi 3A+ with piCorePlayer 6.0.0; the distro
maintainer upgraded the package to 3.3.6 around the end of March. pCP
doesnt have avahi (and trying to install it just threw me into
dependency hell) so I cant see if the broadcast is still going on
the Pis side of things.

Network-wise Im using openwrt stable 19.07. The Pi receives a
static DHCP lease from the router. The Pi and my iDevices are on wifi.
Ive tried disabling and re-enabling IGMP snooping as its
reputed to affect multicast, no change either way. Ive even tried
hardcoding an avahi.hosts file entry pointing at the Pi. The only thing
that really seems to work is rebooting the Pi and connecting to
Shairport as soon as it appears. If the process is left idle after
starting or if playback stops for more than a few minutes or the
connection is otherwise interrupted itll disappear from the local
domain and doesnt rebroadcast. The port does appear to still be
claimed; if I SSH in and run shairport-sync -v itll complain that
theres already something listening on the port and exit.

Im going to cross post this to the pCP discussion thread and see
if anyone there has any ideas.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] squeezeplay i386 does not display all cover art

2020-04-18 Thread Stig Nygaard

This thread is very technical, and I don't think I get exactly what
caused the problem.

But it sounds like a similar problem to what I'm seeing on my
Max2Play/Jivelite based RPi3 player.
My RPi3 player will not display album-art served by , but the album-art shows fine on the LMS
web-UI, on my SBTouch and on Orange Squeeze Android app. 

Any ideas to the reason?

'*rockland*.dk' ( - '**/user/rockland'
( - '*discogs*.com/user/StigNygaard'
( -
*Server:* LMS 8.0.0 ('LmsUpdate'
( - 1586752615 @
Apr 13 2020 on Synology DS716+II.  *Clients:* 'RPi3 (Max2Play, 7\"
touch, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)'
(, SB
Touch, OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer. *Livingroom HiFi:* Marantz PM6005
and F3/Lyd Audiovector 2.
Try my *'Art Grabr' (* for
fetching big *cover-art* from various sites - And *'Album Linkr'
(* for a better ** desktop
browser experience...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-18 Thread klimmeru


I tried to use the setup script for setting up Wifi. But it does not
allow the full possible length of a Wifi password to be entered. 

See part of the setup script below: It is limited to 40 chars. SSID
should be 32 long. Key 64. 

I don't know if the setup script is supposed to be working in v6.0.0. I
made a new image with a fix. But it did not seem to work. 

Below: part of setup script with the 40 char limit.
[ S I Z E = 6 ] P C P _ W I R E L E S S _ M E N U ( )   { 
E X E C   3 > & 1 
V A L U E S = $ ( D I A L O G   \ 
- - T I T L E \
" W I R E L E S S   M E N U \ "   \ 
- - O K - L A B E L   \
" O K \ "   \ 
- - N O - C A N C E L   \ 
- - O U T P U T - S E P A R A T O R   \
" , \ "   \ 
- - B A C K T I T L E \
" $ B A C K T I T L E \ "   \ 
- - F O R M   \
" S E T U P   W I F I \ "   \ 
0   0   0   \ 
\ " S S I D : \ "  
1   1 \ " $ S S I D \ " 1   2 7 
4 0   0   \ 
\ " P A S S W O R D : \ "  
2   1 \ " $ P A S S W O R D \ " 2   2 7 
4 0   0   \ 
\ " S E C U R I T Y   [ W E P | W P A |
O P E N ] : \ " 3   1 \ " $ E N C R Y P T I O N \ " 3   2 7 
4   0   \ 
2 > & 1   1 > & 3 ) 
R E S U L T = $ ? 
E X E C   3 > & - 
S S I D = $ ( E C H O   $ { V A L U E S }   |   A W K  
- F ,   ' {   P R I N T   $ 1   } ' ) 
P A S S W O R D = $ ( E C H O   $ { V A L U E S }   |  
A W K   - F ,   ' {   P R I N T   $ 2   } ' ) [/SIZE]

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[SlimDevices: Unix] exporting using Database Query plug-in

2020-04-18 Thread dbinder101

I have RP 4 and I just added this plug-in so I can export some of the
information into a CSV file. However, when I attempt that, instead of
creating a CSV file,  it creates a binfile. What am I missing?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-04-18 Thread newusername

paul- wrote: 
> The source code is on your device,  99% is text scripts.  For binary
> content, take a look at the extension .info files on our repo.   Or on
> our github.

Github ? I'd be happy to contribute patches.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-04-18 Thread paul-

There is some new firmware that is in testing that is supposed to help
BT coexist.   The first release was a mess, They just released a patch
yesterday that does look better.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-04-18 Thread paul-

The source code is on your device,  99% is text scripts.  For binary
content, take a look at the extension .info files on our repo.   Or on
our github.

What makes the most sense in your case is use the LMS is setting from
the squeezelite page.  I can make that update.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.x.x - Bluetooth

2020-04-18 Thread newusername

first, thanks for pCP, it's really cool :)

So, I have a piCore on a RPiZW, and the latest update does not work: my
LMS is not auto discoverable (behind a firewall and all), and since the
bt daemon starts squeezelite without taking the IP address set in the
main options into account, it does not find it.

I had to patch (ugly patch) to hardcode the IP
and now it works.

On a related note, where is the source code for pCP ? I could not find
it anywhere

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Overlay for DAC audiophonics i-sabre ES9023 in PcP 6.0.0?

2020-04-18 Thread doggod

@ truscellino > cheers for kind info, very helpful and interesting!

Funny how knowledge just leads to more question ...:-D

Ok after some "research" I now actually have a specific question ;-)
:-), but first I just want to make one thing clear. I'm by no means
nowhere near some sort of electronics engineer or expert! Just guessing
here but I would suspect that Paul has a lot of experience.

So @ Paul, if one look at these 3 audiophonics dacs latest discussed :

Anyone can see there is a clear price difference. And what I can
understand they all have their own "onboard master clock" but the
difference is that the two dearer ones have a better one. Hence the
price difference one would think. Also it seems like the dearest one has
a couple of "better" caps + the design is different with the two RCA
outputs.(have not studied every detail, just a quick look)

And from what I now hopefully understand, none of them has a "dedicated
custom driver" but they all have the same ES9023 dac which I would think
would make any of them "work" with the driver the OP is using in his set
up? (with "work" meaning they can play "sound")

Q : if there isn't a "custom driver that operate the clocks" could one
say that the cheapest one is "best bang for bucks"? (assuming there's no
need for the different RCA placing of the dearest one) 
And then from what you wrote : > > =Other pieces you would find in a custom 
driver would be some of the
> DAC's, like the hifiberry DAC+Pro series that has on board master
> clocks, these require special drivers to operate the clocks.

Then how is the OP's card/clock running/controlled? I guess what I'm
wondering is if when not having a "custom driver" for a dac is it then
controlled by the Rpi clock? 

Sorry if that might be a very stupid question ... as mentioned earlier,
I've no idea :-/ But I do know though that in digital audio the quality
of the clock is very important. So trying to see/understand the point of
using  a dearer clock if one have an inferior designed driver. (or
"might have" since I really don't know all aspects of digital audio SW

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on a Pirate Audio 240x240 screen

2020-04-18 Thread chill


Put a fresh pcp6.0.0 image on the SD card.

Whilst the SD card is still in the laptop:
Enter wifi credentials in wpa_supplicant.conf.sample and save as

Add these parameters to the end of cmdline.txt.  All of the parameters
in cmdline.txt should be on one continuous line, with a space between
each one.


fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:VGA8x16

Add the following lines to config.txt, in the Custom Configuration area
at the end of the file (between the Begin-Custom and End-Custom lines)



Boot the RPi from this SD card.

Find the ip address of the RPi, and enter this in a browser.  Once the
RPi has booted up, this should bring up the pCP web interface.

Scroll down 'Additional functions' and click on 'Extensions'.  Wait for
three green ticks, then click on the 'Available' tab.  In the 'Available
extensions in the piCorePlayer repository' section, load the
pcp-jivelite_default-qvga240squareskin.tcz extension.

In the Jivelite section of the tweaks page, change the Framebuffer to
/dev/fb1 and click on 'Set FB'.  The Frame Rate and Frame Depth can be
left blank - they will default to 22 and 32 respectively, which are

Install Jivelite from the Tweaks page (this step includes an automatic
backup, so accept the reboot prompt.)

The screen should now show console messages during boot, then the
piCorePlayer splash screen, then Jivelite ‘Choose Language’.

Go back to the pCP web interface and load pcp-sbpd.tcz from the
Extensions page.

Make a /home/tc/ with the following content:


  # start pigpiod daemon
  pigpiod -t 0 -f -l -s 10
  # wait for pigpiod to initialize - indicated by 'pigs t' exit code of zero
  count=10 # approx time limit in seconds
  while ! pigs t >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do
if [ $((count--)) -le 0 ]; then
printf "\npigpiod failed to initialize within time limit\n"
exit 1 
  # printf "\nWaiting for pigpiod to initialize\n"
sleep 1
  printf "\npigpiod is running\n"
  # load uinput module - required to be able to send keystrokes
  # then set the permission to group writable, so you don't need to run sbpd 
with root permissions
  sudo modprobe uinput
  sudo chmod g+w /dev/uinput
  # The full list of Jivelite key commands can be found here:
  # button A
  SW1=5 # GPIO pin 
  SH1=KEY:KEY_EQUAL # command for SHORT press ( = 
volume up)
  LO1=KEY:KEY_SPACE # command for LONG press (= 
  LMS1=250  # milliseconds for long 
  # button B
  SH2=KEY:KEY_MINUS # ( = volume down)
  LO2=KEY:KEY_Q # ( = power)
  # button X
  # button Y
  #CMD="sbpd -v -f /home/tc/sbpd_commands.cfg \
  CMD="sbpd -v \
  b,$SW1,$SH1,2,0,$LO1,$LMS1 \
  b,$SW2,$SH2,2,0,$LO2,$LMS2 \
  b,$SW3,$SH3,2,0,$LO3,$LMS3 \
  echo $CMD
  $CMD > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Make /home/tc/ executable: 


chmod +x /home/tc/

Add /home/tc/ to user commands (bottom of the 'Tweaks'
page), then save.

Set up the Squeezelite output device, e.g. to 'HiFiBerry DAC
Zero/MiniAMP'.  Click 'Save' and accept the reboot prompt.

That's it.  The three main functions - display, buttons, sound output -
should all now work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite on a Pirate Audio 240x240 screen

2020-04-18 Thread chill

piPlayer wrote: 
> It would be nice if you could write a final summary.
> Best regards
> PiPlayer

My apologies - sidetracked again.  I'll do this now.

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