Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-02-24 Thread Gizmoh

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> I did some searching for the Jivelite keyboard shortcuts and found the
> list below:
> > 

  >   > 
  > ["/"]   = "go_search",
  > ["h"]   = "go_home",
  > ["J"]   = "go_home_or_now_playing",
  > ["D"]   = "soft_reset",
  > ["x"]   = "play",
  > ["p"]   = "play",
  > ["P"]   = "create_mix",
  > [" "]   = "pause",
  > ["c"]   = "pause",
  > ["C"]   = "stop",
  > ["a"]   = "add",
  > ["A"]   = "add_end",
  > ["W"]   = "play_next",
  > ["M"]   = "mute",
  > ["\b"]  = "back", -- BACKSPACE
  > ["\27"] = "back", -- ESC
  > ["j"]   = "back",
  > ["l"]   = "go",
  > ["S"]   = "take_screenshot",
  > ["z"]  = "jump_rew",
  > ["<"]  = "jump_rew",
  > ["Z"]  = "scanner_rew",
  > ["b"]  = "jump_fwd",
  > [">"]  = "jump_fwd",
  > ["B"]  = "scanner_fwd",
  > ["+"]  = "volume_up",
  > ["="]  = "volume_up",
  > ["-"]  = "volume_down",
  > ["0"]  = "play_preset_0",
  > ["1"]  = "play_preset_1",
  > ["2"]  = "play_preset_2",
  > ["3"]  = "play_preset_3",
  > ["4"]  = "play_preset_4",
  > ["5"]  = "play_preset_5",
  > ["6"]  = "play_preset_6",
  > ["7"]  = "play_preset_7",
  > ["8"]  = "play_preset_8",
  > ["9"]  = "play_preset_9",
  > ["!"]  = "set_preset_1",
  > ["?"]  = "help",

> > 
> According to this list there are no keys for Power ON / OFF. Since I'm
> using the 7 inch touch display it would be great to include power
> state control by means of the IR remote. The display blacks out when
> it receives a power off command from LMS. So this functionality is
> supported.
> Is it possible to included a Power ON / OFF keyboard shortcut in
> Jivelite?

Try the button "q"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-02-15 Thread Gizmoh

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Thanks Gizmoh !

I managed to get the alarm working :-) 

After enabling the "Alarm Settings" menue you have to edit the
PFTFTSkinApplet.lua file and change the lines starting at "local


local _timeFirstColumnX12h = 48
local _timeFirstColumnX24h = 83
s.time_input_background_12h = {
w = WH_FILL,
h = screenHeight - TITLE_HEIGHT,
position = LAYOUT_NONE,
img = _loadImage(self, 
x = 0,
s.time_input_background_24h = {
w = WH_FILL,
h = screenHeight - TITLE_HEIGHT,
position = LAYOUT_NONE,
img = _loadImage(self, 
x = 0,
s.time_input_menu_box_12h = {
position = LAYOUT_NONE,
img = _loadImage(self, 
w = 220,
h = 37,
x = 50,
y = 127,
s.time_input_menu_box_24h = _uses(s.time_input_menu_box_12h, {
img = _loadImage(self, "UNOFFICIAL/menu_box_fixed_2c.png"),
w = 180,
x = 87,

-- time input window
s.input_time_12h = _uses(s.window)
s.input_time_12h.hour = _uses(, {
w = 75,
--h = screenHeight - TITLE_HEIGHT,
h = screenHeight,
itemHeight = 38,
position = LAYOUT_WEST,
padding = 0,
border = { _timeFirstColumnX12h, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
item = {
bgImg = false,
order = { 'text' },
text = {
align = 'right',
font = _boldfont(30),
padding = { 2, 4, 8, 0 },
fg = { 0xb3, 0xb3, 0xb3 },
sh = { },
selected = {
item = {
order = { 'text' },
bgImg = false,
text = {
font = _boldfont(30),
fg = { 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6 },
sh = { },
align = 'right',
padding = { 2, 4, 8, 0 },
pressed = {
item = {
order = { 'text' },
bgImg = false,
text = {
font = _boldfont(30),
fg = { 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6 },
sh = { },
align = 'right',
padding = { 2, 4, 8, 0 },
s.input_time_12h.minute = _uses(s.input_time_12h.hour, {
border = { _timeFirstColumnX12h + 75, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
s.input_time_12h.ampm = _uses(s.input_time_12h.hour, {
border = { _timeFirstColumnX12h + 75 + 75, TITLE_HEIGHT, 0, 0 },
item = {
text = {
padding = { 0, 2, 8, 0 },
font = _boldfont(26),
selected = {
item = {
text = {
padding = { 0, 4, 8, 0 },
font = _boldfont(26),
pressed = {
item = {
text = {
padding = { 0, 4, 8, 0 },
font = _boldfont(26),
s.input_time_12h.hourUnselected   = s.input_time_12h.hour
s.input_time_12h.minuteUnselected = s.input_time_12h.minute
s.input_time_12h.ampmUnselected   = s.input_time_12h.ampm

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-02-12 Thread Gizmoh

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Ahhh OK, I Don't remember having any problems even with my sausage
> fingers

It's not because of your sausage fingers ;-)

The time input screen was not intendet to work on such a small screen so
the rendering gets messed up.

You could try it:
Just remove the line


elseif == "settingsAlarm" then

from share/jive/applets/SlimMenus/SlimMenusApplet.lua so that the Alarm
Menue point gets visible.
You can enable and disable alarms but if you try to set an alarm time it
is not possible to confirm the selected Time.

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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2016-02-10 Thread Gizmoh

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Hi All
> Is it possible to set Alarms from Jivelite ?
> I run Jivelite on Picoreplayer (2.01) and thought that I had set the
> alarm from this before but am not sure.
> I now cannot find "Alarm Clock" under settings (or anywhere else)
> Jeff

This setting has been removed due to compatibility issues with the
time-selector and the small touchscreen.

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