Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCore Player and gpio-poweroff / gpio-shutdown overlays

2020-02-21 Thread Rnee

I did.

Could the button that I've used be a problem?
It's a reset button from a desktop, so not a sticky contact - or how you
call that.

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCore Player and gpio-poweroff / gpio-shutdown overlays

2020-02-05 Thread Rnee

Hi Paul!
Pin 5 & 6.

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCore Player and gpio-poweroff / gpio-shutdown overlays

2020-02-03 Thread Rnee

Hi guys, I tried this with a ZeroW and a reset button from a pc but
couldn't get it to work.
Any suggestions?

*Happy and healthy 2020!*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Howto update LMS on a Debian server?

2020-02-03 Thread Rnee

Thanks guys, it worked out fine!

*Happy and healthy 2020!*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Howto update LMS on a Debian server?

2020-01-22 Thread Rnee

Hi all, is there a way to update to the latest LMS and if so, can you
give me some pointers please?

*Happy and healthy 2020!*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Debian server: file permissions

2019-12-29 Thread Rnee

Thanks for clarifying things Roland! ;-)

Roland0 wrote: 
> As I said, I think it muddies the waters - e.g. people tend to assume
> it's the "same user" when it is not, and both have the same properties
> (e.g. password, permissions etc.) when they may not (e.g if you change
> the linux user's password, the samba user's will not be updated in a
> typical samba installation)
You're right and I know that it's not the same user, I did this to make
things easier as in accessing without having to provide credentials.

Roland0 wrote: 
> That's not what I suggested. Why do you need a new group?
To be able to assign permissions to multiple users...

Roland0 wrote: 
> What does squeezelite have to do with anything here? Does it run on the
> same server?
Nothing, I know that now. I thought that pcp/squeezelite somehow was in
between there.

Roland0 wrote: 
> DId you set the SGID bit on the folder?
No, have to look into this: you've explained 2 ways and I'm eager to
know what the right way is.

Roland0 wrote: 
> Which user/group/permissions do files created in it by either LMS or
> Samba have?

-rw-r--r-- 1 squeezeboxserver nogroup  1725 Dec 29 13:22  test.m3u


-rwxr--r-- 1   0 Dec 29 13:18  test.txt

*Happy holidays*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Debian server: file permissions

2019-12-27 Thread Rnee

Roland0 wrote: 
> Not sure what you mean by "syncing"
To have a backup from my music collection + the fact that I make changes
regularly since I have quite a lot single tracks that need some work, I
work on the folder located on my desktop PC.
>From there, I sync with Syncback or Robocopy towards the networkshare.

Roland0 wrote: 
> imo, this just leads to confusion. ymmv.
Just by creating a Linux user with same name/password as the Windows
user of my desktop, I thought of making it simple/easier.

Roland0 wrote: 
> Yes (LMS runs as user squeezeboxserver)
So to be able to save playlists from the LMS interface, I have to give
that user write access to the playlist folder, right?
This seems to be what you are explaining hereafter...
Roland0 wrote: 
> Well, it's two commands, both of which I've supplied - you'll just have
> to replace <0_Playlists owning group> with the group owning 0_Playlists
> (as you didn't supply that information).

Roland0 wrote: 
> You could have used the squeezeboxserver user as local samba user for
> the share, some may consider this simpler
I have installed LMS on the same machine as Samba so I can access that
folder directly through the filesystem instead of through the share.
The disk is passed on (bind mounted) from the host to the LXC running

@SpiderJon: it's a Dell Optiplex 7010 SFF, i3 - 2c/4t, 16Gb Ram, SSD for
OS/VM/LXC's, HDD for data.
Ideal for my situation, it's small, quiet and has enough power.

*Happy holidays*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Debian server: file permissions

2019-12-27 Thread Rnee

Hi Roland, I'm aware that the  doesn't have anything
to do with Linux, I wrote this because syncing the musicfolder also
doesn't go very well.
Just for ease of use, I have created the same user on Linux.

Roland0 wrote: 
> I certainly hope it isn't - check with ps -ef|grep squee
I thought so since I did install under root, this is the output:


root@v-srv:~# ps -ef|grep squee
  squeeze+83 1  0 Dec24 ?00:00:00 /bin/bash 
/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver_safe /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver --prefsdir 
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs --logdir /var/log/squeezeboxserver/ --cachedir 
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache --charset=utf8
  squeeze+9683  0 Dec24 ?00:05:37 /usr/bin/perl 
/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver 
/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver --prefsdir /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs --logdir 
/var/log/squeezeboxserver/ --cachedir /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache 
  root  2590  2575  0 11:04 pts/200:00:00 grep squee
  root@v-srv:~# less /etc/passwd
  root@v-srv:~# less /etc/passwd | grep squ
  squeezeboxserver:x:107:65534:Logitech Media 

So is it 'squeeze+', and what is 'squeezeboxserver'?
Does that '+' just indicate that there is more text?
If I use 'top', I also see that 'squeeze+'...

Roland0 wrote: 
> Anyway, the simplest approach is to make 0_Playlists group writeable and
> and set  the SGID bit on it (chmod 2775 0_Playlists), then add the user
> LMS is running as (ususally squeezeboxserver) to the group owning
> 0_Playlists (usermod -aG < 0_Playlists owning group> squeezeboxserver)
This goes above my head, have to look into it.
Simplest but not 'the right' approach?

*Happy holidays*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Debian server: file permissions

2019-12-26 Thread Rnee

Hi Paul, thanks for your quick response!

All music is on a subfolder of the SMB share, the playlists are in a
seperate folder under same subfolder.
This is part of the output of that ls -l command:

drwxr-xr-x   246 Dec 26 12:11  
  drwxr-xr-x   5   219 Nov 17 13:11  

That  user also exist as a linux user with same

I think LMS is running as root... :o

*Happy holidays*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2019-12-26 Thread Rnee

Hi schup011
Don't know if your problem is related to WAP mode but I had similar
Did you save the jivelite settings after making changes?

*Happy holidays*

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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[SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Debian server: file permissions

2019-12-26 Thread Rnee

Hi guys, could use some help here. :o

I moved LMS from a RPi to a Debian Buster LXC which, overall, is a big
- scrolling/searching tracks is much faster
- BT pairing on the zero also is much faster and playback is more in
- the main RPi with LCD has some hiccups and rebooting doesn't influence
LMS/playback anymore

The only thing is that I have some issues with file permissions and I'm
not a Linux expert at all.
- I cannot save playlists from squeezer or the LMS web UI
- syncing the music folder with Syncback or Robocopy from my desktop
towards the SMB share works but Robocopy prompts as if the files are
new, even if they already exist.

My setup is a Proxmox server with a LXC which runs Debian Buster, Samba
and LMS.
The share is on a bindmounted host HD.


pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Need help installing on Debian 10

2019-12-16 Thread Rnee

1uke_ wrote: 
> Thank you for sticking with me and helping me with this :)
Sorry for misleading you, I have missed the x32 part which changes the
game completely.

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Need help installing on Debian 10

2019-12-15 Thread Rnee

You still have to run the rest of those instructions since, probably,
the LMS package was not downloaded and installed before.
Did you do that?
What is the output, any errors?

It does not do any harm to run the whole thing from start again.

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] official RPF touchscreen not fully recognized?

2019-12-15 Thread Rnee

Hi Marsupial, did you perform the Jivelite setup in you picoreplayer
You have to, at least, switch from 'Basic' to 'Normal' in it's 'Main
Page' menu, go into the 'Tweaks' menu and there you find the option to
install Jivelite and set it up to start automatically.
Don't forget to save.

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Need help installing on Debian 10

2019-12-15 Thread Rnee

1uke_ wrote: 
> bash: wget: command not found
> $This is where it goes wrong: wget is a program to download from the
command line and apparently it's not installed by default on a desktop
Therefor the LMS package has not been downloaded; you can check this by
having a look in the 'sources' directory.


mkdir -p /sources
  cd /sources
  wget $latest_lms

This is where that 'sources' directory is created, changed to it and the
package is downloaded into it.

You can install wget by either the package manager in the GUI (Graphical
User Interface) or on the command line by:


(sudo) apt install wget

Again, preceding with sudo or not depends on how your system was set up.

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Need help installing on Debian 10

2019-12-14 Thread Rnee

It's quite simple, I'm not a Linux expert either, used another howto
which didn't work but with this one it was easy.
I started from:

You open a command line and all depends a little on whether you have
admin rights or not.
If not, you have to precede those lines which start with sudo exactly
that way.
If you do already have admin (root) rights, you can omit sudo.
Then just copy/paste each line followed by enter.
Just pay attention that you don't see any errors after entering.

That's how it has worked for me.
At the end, depending if you use the same machine or not, you have to
enter the right address of the machine you installed LMS on as pointer
in the browser.


pCP v5.0.0 on all players
LMS 7.9.2 on Debian Buster server in a Linux Container
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite +
Jivelite), +27k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Need help installing on Debian 10

2019-12-14 Thread Rnee

I have successfully installed LMS on a Debian server in a container with
this howto:

pCP v5.0.0 on all players
RPi 3B+ with Hifiberry AMP2 and official 7" touchscreen (Squeezelite,
LMS and Jivelite), +24k titles on SMB share
RPi B as dedicated player, connected over wifi with USB dongle
RPi 2B as dedicated player, connected over powerline
RPi Zero W as dedicated player
Squeezer on Android to control

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2018-12-04 Thread Rnee

@Jeff07971: Thanks that did the trick! Did not notice that option and
was wondering how settings would be saved.
It's pcp4.1 indeed, saw that version n° somewhere in the diagnostics
screen and thought it would indicate more specifically what I'm

Is there some sort of detailed user information for Jivelite? Haven't
found one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2018-12-04 Thread Rnee

Hi guys.

I just got a 7" touchscreen and started using Jivelite.
It took some time to get LMS working because I kept getting the wizard
over and over again.
So now LMS runs fine but the Jivelite wizard keeps popping up at every

Can anyone please help me with this?

System: RPi 3B - 9.2pCP, 185Mb available + Hifiberry AMP2 + official 7"


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Newbie: no music/files on PCP3.2

2017-06-18 Thread Rnee

Hi kidstypike, apparently we replied at the same time.
All is working now, am trying to make a wifi dongle work on an
additional RPI.

Thanks a lot!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Newbie: no music/files on PCP3.2

2017-06-06 Thread Rnee

Hi kidstypike, thanks for your quick response!

I thought that by mounting the share, that was all that had to be done.
At first I couldn't find anything that looked like your screenshot and
also nothing n port 9000 but suddenly I discovered the media server but
in the meantime music is sounding through the speakers!

Thanks again!

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