Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Start up Behaviour unstable/nw: Normally should resume playing radio on all devices

2022-12-28 Thread peddanet

peddanet wrote: 
> I have the following configuration:
> I must add, that since update picores from 8.1.0 to 8.2.0 an LMS from
> 8.2.0 to 8.3.0 the behavior works like intended (three on /off cycles
> with all or just the plug controlled ones ...

It seems that the update of PiCore has solved this issue (and broke some
fixes :D)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Start up Behaviour unstable/nw: Normally should resume playing radio on all devices

2022-12-28 Thread peddanet

peddanet wrote: 
> I have the following configuration:
> I must add, that since update picores from 8.1.0 to 8.2.0 an LMS from
> 8.2.0 to 8.3.0 the behavior works like intended (three on /off cycles
> with all or just the plug controlled ones ...

It seems that the update of PiCore has solved this issue (and broke some
fixes :D)

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Start up Behaviour unstable/nw: Normally should resume playing radio on all devices

2022-12-25 Thread peddanet

I have the following configuration:

Picores v8.2.0 on four devices : LivingRoom, Bedroom, Bathroom and
Squeezelite-X on Windows 10: Workspace room

*Version LMS*: Logitech Media Server Version: 8.3.0 - 1667251155 @ Fri
04 Nov 2022 09:17:53 AM CET
*Version Picores*: 8.2.0
*piCorePlayerLivingRoom *| piCorePlayer v8.2.0 | www v00017 | linux
5.15.35-pcpCore (32) | piCore v13.2 | Squeezelite v1.9.9-1403-pCP
*piCorePlayerKitchen *| piCorePlayer v8.2.0 | www v00017 | linux
5.15.35-pcpCore-v8 (64) | piCore v13.2 | Squeezelite v1.9.9-1392-pCP
*piCorePlayerBathroom *| piCorePlayer v8.2.0 | www v00017 | linux
5.15.35-pcpCore-v8 (64) | piCore v13.2 | Squeezelite v1.9.9-1392-pCP
*piCorePlayerBedroom *| piCorePlayer v8.2.0 | www v00017 | linux
5.15.35-pcpCore-v8 (64) | piCore v13.2 | Squeezelite v1.9.9-1392-pCP

All devices were synced, when they were powered on:

Startup Behaviour set up for all devices are like  this:

LivingRoom will be powered on manually on demand from time to time. 
Bedroom, Kitchen and Bathroom are powered on and off by a time scheduled
wifi power plug (9:40-19:45 each working day (besides Saturday))

Squeezelite-X is powered by PC on demand, but follows loose manually the
working day scheme of the others.

Although and despite of all this settings, the start up behaviour is
unstable, in the last time it seems to be very stable to not starting my
favourite radio!
I have tried all variations, also not resuming but restarting, with no
Squeezelite-X can be terminated and restarted and will often start again
(as a single radio (the sync settings should be stored when the others
are off) as well in sync with the others (when they are on)). As soon as
Squeezelite-X is off, and I try to restart the Picores of bedroom,
livingroom and kitchen, the radio cluster stays silent.

I am desperated, what am I missing here? Do I have to write a script for
this? How should it be like, where can I apply it? Please help!

|Filename: 2022-12-25 11_14_46-Server Settings LMS.png  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-12-15 Thread peddanet

I have this funny phenomenon, that sometimes after reboot, the
screensaver does not turn on after 30s to my "beloved" black digital
clock (black). Also switching to other "clocks" does not help them.
After a few days normally it suddenly works again (so after a few

My 4 picore players are turned on via wlan plugs each morning and turned
off in in the evening. One at the moment shows the digital clock this
morning the others not, yesterday it was 2 of 4 showing the clock, the
third one only showed one time the clock, the fourth has never turned on
the clock (but the display went black)...

Does anybody know, what is the reason and how this could be prevented.
Picoreplayer was updated a few month ago to the then latest

Another "funny" but maybe not related fact is, that sometimes the radio
stays silent. It should start with my favorite broadcast. I have the
suspicion that this behaviour is controlled by the server. If I turned
off my pc application (so just close it), maybe it sends a signal to
stop broadcasting, which affects after restart the other devices (that
stay silent then)`?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Touch freezes from time to time...

2022-10-27 Thread peddanet

Hi, after having time and exchanging the Raspberry PI I found out that
the display is out of order. So I ordered a replacement (which was no
harrassment because it was ordered at Amazon), and now it works fully!

Sometimes things can get so easy. But because of my construction, It is
quite badly maintainable I did not find the time (and obviously I do not
have any hardware around just to see if it is a hardware issue)...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Touch freezes from time to time...

2022-10-14 Thread peddanet

Ok calibrating with ts_calibrate wasn't working quite well, but after a
time I managed to calibrate it with my fingers with enough precision, 

but I can now surely say, every region works well with the touch except
the two first "thought" finger lines (so in terms of our menu, the first
row of a table, when choosing a sender for example). Especially the
second line is works rarely, only randomly.
The first line sometimes does not work (right is better than left). 

It is a 5 inch DSI 800x480, did anybody faces hardware issues with some
areas? Because every othe region works quite well.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Touch freezes from time to time...

2022-10-11 Thread peddanet

With one of my PicorePlayers I have a weird issue, which starts getting

I have problems using the touch pad, I can not continuously use the
touch, it seems to work like a PWM, so 5 seconds fluent work, then stops
working for another 5 seconds (only as an example time!).

*Has anybody faces issues like this? *

Possible reasons:
- calibration? -did not calibrate, because normally I can reach every
region with my finger in a reasonable exactness...
- power peak leakage?
- driver problem?

My system:
- Raspberry Pi 4b with 8 GB (it is a former server, that why it is such
a high performing device)
- 5 inch DSI display 800x480 IPS with capacitive touch
- PicorePlayer v.8.2.0
- Wifi


|Filename: 20221011_144350.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Change Jivelite surface to tiles

2022-10-11 Thread peddanet

kidstypike wrote: 
> You only need to set the players name in the pCP web UI. Then on your
> joggler go to "Choose Player" and select that player.
> 38863

Ah, thanks! 

Before my upgrade to v8.2.0, I had a weird issue. Sometimes my old
picoreplayer v8.1.1 was connecting and acting like a "bathroom" player,
sometimes it was not connecting to the LMS and said it was not connected
to any network! But it played music. And I could - only sometimes - tell
him to be a twin of "kitchen" player. But I could not choose "bathroom"
player, which was funnily double in the list.
This is why I experimented a little with more stability in my wifi
network (moving antennas, setting repeaters and extenders) and I
upgraded to version 8.2.0. Since then problem vanished. Because I
changed more than one parameter at a time, I cannot exactly tell, which
change cause the system to act more stable again, but

do you have any idea about this behaviour, especially the double entry
of "bathroom" player?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Change Jivelite surface to tiles

2022-10-11 Thread peddanet

Two side questions arose as weill:
- how to save the name of the picore player (instead of *picorePlayer
*it should be named like *picoreplayerBathroom *(I can set one name in
Jivelite and I guess one in the web interface and one somwhere else... I
forgot in config.txt?)? I got confused about that, plus saving the
settings in jivelite repeatedly did not save the name.
Ok maybe there are "only" two names:
- host name for LAN recognition : I choose "pcPBathroom"
- The picorePlayer's name in the settings dialog:
But why can I set a name in the Jivelite? Why won't it be saved? For
what reason does this entry exist, I would assume it mirrors the the
piCoreplayer's Name in the settings dialog above?? It seems a nonsense
setting to me, because it does not affect anything and can't be saved to
SSD...After reboot, it still remains default..

- *Is there a proper way to upgrade without loosing config for example
from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0? It took a hell lot of time to do repeat all the
steps of manual configuraton, and as you can see, I am not already done.


|Filename: 2022-10-11 10_48_46-pCP - Squeezelite Settings.png   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Change Jivelite surface to tiles

2022-10-11 Thread peddanet

kidstypike wrote: 
> Settings > Screen > Select Skin > Grid Skin?

Thanks kidstypike! I always get lost in the settings woods. For some
reason in the "grid skin" settings  the "Joggler" skin was chosen here
(I remember clearly to have set up "800x480"). 

Now it has got the tiles look, but I do not really understand the
contexts and interrelationships here. I remember that I also installed a
package called "slimdevice.tcz" and "slimdevice-CPAN.tcz". 
I don't believe that this has something to do with the looks, but at
least I did it before. Why was my skin changed??

So issue solved, but I have no clear mind, how to reproduce it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Change Jivelite surface to tiles

2022-10-11 Thread peddanet

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Is this what you did last time? Joggler skin appears to be the answer.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk
Thanks slartibartfast! I indeed did not find my own thread even in my
own history!

But this thread "only" describes the issues of setting the right
resolution of jivelite and the touchscreen calibration, but not how to
get the "tiles" look. 

What are the installation steps to install these tiles look (I only find
"Jiggler" but not Joggler with Google, so where is a step by step
installation guide for Joggler skin?? Joggler skin remains a little bit
foggy to me...)? These steps I did not document there. The tweaks
settings in the first screen of my post I have copied to my new image
(set kolossus oval as default screen)...


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[SlimDevices: Unix] Change Jivelite surface to tiles

2022-10-10 Thread peddanet

Hi all,

I hope someone can help, because I had problems after I had to upgrade
(in terms of complete reinstallation) to picore player 8.2.0...
I think I used the wrong keywords (here in the forum and in google) or
something, I was not able to find help for this topic, although I might
not be the only one  looking for this...I hope for your help!

I needed to update my Picoreplayer to 8.2.0 for stability reasons. This
worked well (so far).
But I forgot how I set up these special tiles look of the Jivelite
Instead of that I got that surface here:

Two side questions arose as weill:
- how to save the name of the picore (I can set one name in Jivelite and
I guess one in the web interface and one somwhere else... I forgot in
config.txt?)? I got confused about that, plus saving the settings in
jivelite repeatedly did not save the name.
- how to change the jivelite skin if it is once saved ?
- Is there a proper way to upgrade without loosing config for example
from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0? It took a hell lot of time to do repeat all the
steps of manual configuraton, and as you can see, I am not already done.

Thanks for help appreciated!


|Filename: 20221010_141033small.jpg |

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