Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Possible that PicorePlayer 8.2 not as stable as Raspios?

2022-10-18 Thread vlgindeed

paul- wrote: 
> I have zeros running for a really long time.  But every hardware
> situation is different.  Is there anything other than squeezelite
> running?  Memory usage comes to mind if doing extra things.
> RaspiOS also is not going to use the same versions of libraries, perhaps
> there is an audio driver bug.  Getting the problem to repeat is key to
> figuring it out.
> Which version of RaspiOS are you running, and what is the kernel
> version?

Not a particularly new release …
pi@rpi0-livrm:~ $ uname -a
Linux rpi0-livrm 5.4.79+ #1373 Mon Nov 23 13:18:15 GMT 2020 armv6l

I do have a python script listening for upd packets - the lsnr turns on
the connected amp via GPIO pin switching an isolated MOSFET switch. Top
shows around 0.7% mem usage for the python process and less than 1% cpu
at any given time. It doesn’t seem like this could be the cause - I
cannot see a mem leak over time.

The reproducibility is indeed a key problem. The reason why I switched
to RaspiOS was so I could leave it running and logging for a long while
to catch the moment it fails and analyse logs retrospectively.

I keep thinking it must be hardware given that setup A had the same
os/sw as setup B originally. The only real diff between the 2 setups
originally, was the psu and dc-dc converters. I think setup B has enough
pwr, but maybe the superior, isolated dc-dc converter makes a difference
for PicorePlayer?

Appreciate the suggestions and input. I will keep monitoring.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Possible that PicorePlayer 8.2 not as stable as Raspios?

2022-10-17 Thread vlgindeed

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> All I can think of, only a guess, is the USB Ethernet adaptors are
> different and there are also different drivers (or driver versions)
> between pCP and RasPiOS.
> Are there any low power errors messages when using pCP?

Thx Greg - No I haven’t seen any low power errors. In theory both usb
Ethernet adaptors should be the same as I bought them at the same time:
ASIX AX88772 USB 2.0 Ethernet.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Possible that PicorePlayer 8.2 not as stable as Raspios?

2022-10-17 Thread vlgindeed

Hoping someone can help with a long standing issue I have had with a pi
zero (non wifi) / Allo miniBoss dacHat setup - using Plugable usb
Ethernet adaptors. I appreciate this might be an obscure problem, but
any info opinions welcome.

I have 2 of these setups. Both are using PiCorePlayer 6.0. Setup A is
using a 24v/4amp psu and 5v/1.2amp isolated dc-dc converter. Setup B is
using a 20v/2.2amp psu and 5v/2amp dc-dc converter (non isolated).

Setup A is rock solid - I never have and crashes of squeezelite and the
OS is stable. It is set to reboot once a week.

Setup B used to have frequent problems coming back up after a scheduled
reboot (again once per week), until I changed to a beefier psu that I
have detailed above. Now it’s in frequent that it fails to come back
up, but it still happens every few weeks. I also get the odd crash that
I have not been able to diagnose. This is random although I am usually
listening to the excellent BBC Sounds app plugin - Radio 2 Live. I
cannot ping or ssh when it happens, but the USB Ethernet adapter still
seems active ( leds on ). 

I recently upgraded setup B to PicorePlayer 8.2 - but still see the same
issues. So I decided to switch to Raspios instead with the same version
of squeezelite setup as a service. This was primarily so I could look at
logs and diagnose issues more easily after crashes, but this has proved
reliable so far with no crashes and reboots every time - have been
testing for a week now.

Does anyone have suggestions/opinions? As always, thx to all who give up
their spare time and contribute here - much appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer - save console boot messages

2022-03-30 Thread vlgindeed

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Are all your RPi0W's the exact same version?
> It's a bit weird that pCP fails to complete the startup script.
> Are you able to ssh into it?
> /mnt/mmcblk0p2 is persistent, so it might be better to write to it
> rather than use "".
> I would get a new SD card, and try pCP8.
> The normal suspects in random cases like this is a failing SD card or
> PSU.

Thx for reply.

RPi0Ws are the same as are the usb Ethernet devices and pwr supplies. 

I haven’t tried replacing the SD card. Are there any recommendations for
SD card speed or size?

No - I cannot ssh or ping it. I was thinking maybe a failure to
recognise the usb Ethernet device.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer - save console boot messages

2022-03-30 Thread vlgindeed

Hi all,

Is it possible to redirect console messages to a file and save them
between boots? 

I am using piCorePlayer 6.0.0 (been very stable and not seen the need to
change it), but one of my raspberry pi zero's (WIFI disabled and using
usb ethernet instead) fails to restart on schedule reboot, but only
sometimes and very rarely. I have 3 others with same sd card build and
hardware and they don't exhibit this issue - all using same pwr supply
(3Amp 5.25v).

I had tried running a script from piCorePlayer's User Commands, to
capture dmesg to a unique file-name and persist with -b.
However this is not getting called on failed reboots. ATM, my
comdline.txt has console=tty and I was hoping to be able to easily
redirect to a file. I have seen I can capture via a serial->USB dongle,
but I have an Allo miniBoss DAC plugged in and not so easy to access
gpio pins.

Maybe I can just leave an hdmi connector plugged in and when I detect
boot failure, plug it into a monitor then (not easy to leave it plugged
in all the time and the issue rarely repros)? Will boot console messages
still be there? Is it dangerous to the pi to plug hdmi in after boot


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