This sounds like it could be a pretty big upgrade path for a lot of organizations using uPortal. How does everyone feel about this?

I'm all for moving onward with the later releases of the servlet spec and in particular later releases of Tomcat, but I'm curious how places that will likely need to upgrade their environments feel.

---- Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Now that uPortal will be shipping with portlets deployed within the portal webapp we're going to have to require a Servlet 2.5 container. The requirement comes from a need to be able to determine the web-application context path to be able to dispatch to these embedded portlets correctly.

This means Tomcat 6.0 will be required to run the trunk of uPortal in SVN. I'll be adding a check which will log a useful error message if an older version of the servlet API is used. I'll also make sure to add notes about setting up Tomcat 6.0 for uPortal in the readme and on the wiki.


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