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I'm happy to announce that Jasig has now launched the process for accepting proposals for incubation. The goal of Jasig Project Incubation is to work with new or existing software projects to become officially sponsored Jasig Projects.  The incubation working group has defined a process (see incubation process wiki ) for accomplishing this goal and now have several proposals for portlets and new work under consideration.  The Incubation Working Group (IWG) welcomes all to participate in the discussion of the incubating candidates.  If you are interested, please join the incubation mailing list

Currently incubating projects are tracked on the incubation jira:  The current list includes:

Key Summary Reporter Status
INC-3 Announcements Portlet Erik Olsson Incubating Project
INC-6 Bookmarks Portlet Eric Dalquist Incubating Project
INC-5 Calendar Portlet Jen Bourey Incubating Project
INC-10 ERP Integration Aaron Fuleki Pending Review
INC-4 Facebook Connect Portlet Erik Olsson Incubating Project
INC-7 Functional Tests Portlet Eric Dalquist Incubating Project
INC-9 OpenRegistry Benn Oshrin Incubating Project
INC-2 Weather Portlet Dustin Schultz Incubating Project
INC-8 Web Proxy Portlet Eric Dalquist Incubating Project
INC-11 esup-helpdesk Pascal Aubry Incubating Project

We look forward to your feedback, contributions and collaboration.

Susan Bramhall (

Incubation Working Group chair
Senior Developer, Technology & Planning Operations (T&P)
Yale University Information Technology Services (ITS)
25 Science Park, 150 Munson St, New Haven, CT 06520
Phone:  203 432 6697

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