
Most of you are aware of Jasig's move to Apache 2.0 licensing for its
software products (, and many of you
have already complied with the request to submit an Individual Contributor
License Agreement.  You may also know that the institutions and corporations
that employ our developers are asked to sign a Corporate Contributor License

While some of our participating institutions are familiar with this kind of
request, others are not and have had questions about the agreement and its
implications.  To address these, we have asked Tracy Mitrano, at Cornell, to
be available via a teleconference not yet scheduled.  Tracy is
Cornell's Director
of IT Policy and a co-director of the EDUCAUSE/Cornell Institute for
Computer Policy and Law.  She has extensive experience assisting Cornell
with issues pertaining to institutional and developer participation in open
source projects.  While not able to offer legal advice, she has agreed to
answer other questions about your institution's involvement in our projects.

Before scheduling a time for this teleconference, we would like to get a
sense of how many schools would be interested in attending.  Please let us
know if there is interest at your institution by sending an email to info at
jasig dot org by Friday, February 19th.

General questions about licensing may be addressed to licensing at jasig dot

 Jonathan Markow
 Executive Director | Jasig
* "Open for Higher Education"*
 New York, NY

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