Yale has the requirement to allow users to subscribe to a preformatted tab, and 
we are planning to implement this new functionality.   We push specific "Home" 
tab content to Yale staff, faculty and students based on their primary roles at 
the University.  However, some people need to have access to content for other 
roles.  For example, Staff who support faculty want to view the Faculty home 
page. Some Faculty members have staff roles, and need access to both "Faculty" 
and "Staff" home pages. Faculty may want to view the Student home page.   
Access to the "Home" tab for a different role is often view only, but there are 
situations in which a link on another Home page is needed.

I have a proof of concept working and have described the basic design at  

I am interested to hear if you are interested in similar functionality, or have 
suggestions to improve the design.  We will gladly contribute back to the core 
product if there is interest.

Mary Hunt
Information Technology Services, Yale University
25 Science Park - 4th Floor
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
voice: 203-436-3961
fax: 203-436-4064
web: http://www.yale.edu/its/web/

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