This is not really a uPortal bug but it affects our uPortal build process. The problem is that the Pluto Maven plugin has a bug such that is leaves behind a war file in the tmp directory every time it is run. I tracked the problem down to the class where it does the following:

                   dest = File.createTempFile( source.getName(), ".tmp" );
                   config.setDestination( dest );
                   assembleInternal( config );
                   // renameTo() is impl-specific
                   boolean success = dest.renameTo( source );
                   if (! success ) {
                       // do it the old-fashioned way
                       FileUtils.copyFile( dest, source );


I believe this code needs to remove the temp file after the copy. I have created a jira in the Pluto project I am sort of hoping that Eric or Elliot will see this and put in the fix. Because I know you have nothing else to do... ;-)

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