Re: strange text problem

2011-10-31 Thread Chris Sheffield

Good idea. I haven't tried that. Will do so and let you know.


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

On Oct 31, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Have you tried explicitly setting the textColor of all text in the field to
> your default before setting the textColor of the next string?  Perhaps
> resetting the text to the default (or empty) in between updates will get
> around the problem.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX Design
> Recently, Chris Sheffield wrote:
>> Wondering if anyone has a fix for this one.
>> I'm working on an iOS app for iPad. I've got a block of text (a story) in a
>> text field. I'm changing the color of sentences in time with audio that is
>> playing. As the color changes, the text is shifting, almost as if the size of
>> the text is changing slightly. All I'm doing is setting the textColor of a
>> chunk of text. Something like:
>> set the textColor of word 1 to 8 of fld "text" to blue
>> I am not applying a font size or style or anything like that. The problem 
>> does
>> not occur in the LiveCode IDE as far as I can tell. Only in the iOS simulator
>> and on the device.
>> Has anyone done anything similar? Can the problem be fixed? I don't know if
>> it's just a matter of finding the right dimensions for my field and/or a
>> combination of text size and text height? Right now the field is 600 pixels 
>> in
>> width. The font is Arial, size 20, and the text height is set to 28.
>> Any suggestions would be welcome.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
>> --
>> Chris Sheffield
>> Read Naturally, Inc.
>> ___
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Re: strange text problem

2011-10-31 Thread Scott Rossi
Have you tried explicitly setting the textColor of all text in the field to
your default before setting the textColor of the next string?  Perhaps
resetting the text to the default (or empty) in between updates will get
around the problem.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

Recently, Chris Sheffield wrote:

> Wondering if anyone has a fix for this one.
> I'm working on an iOS app for iPad. I've got a block of text (a story) in a
> text field. I'm changing the color of sentences in time with audio that is
> playing. As the color changes, the text is shifting, almost as if the size of
> the text is changing slightly. All I'm doing is setting the textColor of a
> chunk of text. Something like:
> set the textColor of word 1 to 8 of fld "text" to blue
> I am not applying a font size or style or anything like that. The problem does
> not occur in the LiveCode IDE as far as I can tell. Only in the iOS simulator
> and on the device.
> Has anyone done anything similar? Can the problem be fixed? I don't know if
> it's just a matter of finding the right dimensions for my field and/or a
> combination of text size and text height? Right now the field is 600 pixels in
> width. The font is Arial, size 20, and the text height is set to 28.
> Any suggestions would be welcome.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> Chris Sheffield
> Read Naturally, Inc.
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
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strange text problem

2011-10-31 Thread Chris Sheffield
Wondering if anyone has a fix for this one.

I'm working on an iOS app for iPad. I've got a block of text (a story) in a 
text field. I'm changing the color of sentences in time with audio that is 
playing. As the color changes, the text is shifting, almost as if the size of 
the text is changing slightly. All I'm doing is setting the textColor of a 
chunk of text. Something like:

set the textColor of word 1 to 8 of fld "text" to blue

I am not applying a font size or style or anything like that. The problem does 
not occur in the LiveCode IDE as far as I can tell. Only in the iOS simulator 
and on the device.

Has anyone done anything similar? Can the problem be fixed? I don't know if 
it's just a matter of finding the right dimensions for my field and/or a 
combination of text size and text height? Right now the field is 600 pixels in 
width. The font is Arial, size 20, and the text height is set to 28.

Any suggestions would be welcome.


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.

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Re: Sending image plus parameters on ios

2011-10-31 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Maarten,

I made a desktop application that uploads binary data to PHP. I decided to 
encode the data as base 64, but PHP had to replace the crlf with cr or lf 
before it could decode the data. Perhaps something similar is going on with 
iOS. When LiveCode posts data, it url-encodes the line endings and thus your 
data might be scrambled. It is as if you're writing data to a file and LiveCode 
assumes you're always on Windows, even if you're on a Mac.

Probably I could have done it differently, e.g. by replaceing all returns with 
tabs and changing then back to returns in PHP. I was surprised that PHP 
couldn't decoded the data right-away.

As far as I see. the post commands works fine on iOS.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Become our partner in sales Start selling Color Converter 
today. 20% commission!

On 31 okt 2011, at 20:48, Maarten Koopmans wrote:

> . Can I just do that with post and All Will Be Well? Or any special
> precautions (I started base64 encoding, but wonder if it is necessary)
> --Maarten

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Sending image plus parameters on ios

2011-10-31 Thread Maarten Koopmans
. Can I just do that with post and All Will Be Well? Or any special
precautions (I started base64 encoding, but wonder if it is necessary)

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Re: handler to connect buttons with a line

2011-10-31 Thread Richmond

if you adjust this:

on mouseDown
  grab me
end mouseDown

to this:

on mouseDown
  grab me
set the idleRate to 1
end mouseDown

you get fairly spiffy results!

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Re: handler to connect buttons with a line

2011-10-31 Thread Richmond

Cop a load of this:

put this script in "Button":

on mouseDown
  grab me
end mouseDown

on mouseStillDown
  put the mouseLoc into VL1
  set the loc of me to VL1
  put the loc of btn "Button" into line 1 of fld "VL"
  put the loc of btn "Button1" into line 2 of fld "VL"
  set the points of graphic "line" to fld "VL"
end mouseStillDown

on mouseUp
  put the mouseLoc into VL1
  set the loc of me to VL1
  put the loc of btn "Button" into line 1 of fld "VL"
  put the loc of btn "Button1" into line 2 of fld "VL"
  set the points of graphic "line" to fld "VL"
end mouseUp

and, surprise, surprise, this script in "Button1":

on mouseDown
  grab me
end mouseDown

on mouseStillDown
  put the mouseLoc into VL2
  set the loc of me to VL2
  put the loc of btn "Button" into line 1 of fld "VL"
  put the loc of btn "Button1" into line 2 of fld "VL"
  set the points of graphic "line" to fld "VL"
end mouseStillDown

on mouseUp
  put the mouseLoc into VL2
  set the loc of me to VL2
  put the loc of btn "Button" into line 1 of fld "VL"
  put the loc of btn "Button1" into line 2 of fld "VL"
  set the points of graphic "line" to fld "VL"
end mouseUp

Still fairly clunky, but a lot better than my first effort. The secret 
lies in the 'mouseStillDown' thing .. . :)


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Re: handler to connect buttons with a line

2011-10-31 Thread Richmond

On 10/31/2011 07:25 PM, Jim Lambert wrote:


  Create a line, attaching its endpoints to the buttons, so line will stay 
between them wherever they are positioned on the card.

Well, it doesn't feature live updating, by I did thi2:

created a card, with a graphic object "Line", and 2 buttons, "Button" 
and "Button1" respectively [I made
them 24 x 24 squares, set their labels to an empty space and coloured 
them red].

made a field called "VL'

put this script in "Button":

on mouseDown
  grab me
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  put the mouseLoc into VL1
  set the loc of me to VL1
  put the loc of btn "Button" into line 1 of fld "VL"
  put the loc of btn "Button1" into line 2 of fld "VL"
  set the points of graphic "line" to fld "VL"
end mouseUp

and, surprise, surprise, this script in "Button1":

on mouseDown
  grab me
end mouseDown

on mouseUp
  put the mouseLoc into VL2
  set the loc of me to VL2
  put the loc of btn "Button" into line 1 of fld "VL"
  put the loc of btn "Button1" into line 2 of fld "VL"
  set the points of graphic "line" to fld "VL"
end mouseUp

if you are really excited about this (har, har) I can send you the stack 

Although it would be dead easy to do it yourself.


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RevOnline Problems Again

2011-10-31 Thread Roger Guay
I'm having problems yet again with uploading to  RevOnLine. Does anyone have 
any recent information on this continual nuisance problem?

Thanks very much, 
Roger Guay

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Re: handler to connect buttons with a line

2011-10-31 Thread Malte Brill
Hi Kersten,

on card level:

on moveControl
   set the points of grc 1 to the loc of btn 1&cr&the loc of btn 2
end moveControl

This is not moving the line while dragging though. Stuff to handle that indedd 
is in AE (Thanks for the plug Jim!)



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Re: handler to connect buttons with a line

2011-10-31 Thread Jim Lambert

>  Create a line, attaching its endpoints to the buttons, so line will stay 
> between them wherever they are positioned on the card.

I believe there are such handlers in the AnimationEngine library.

Jim Lambert

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Re: [OT] images: best transparent format

2011-10-31 Thread Scott Rossi
Thanks for the kind words, but I really just want to see good graphic/image
support in LiveCode like anybody else :-)

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

Recently, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

>> I'm pretty sure the issue is LiveCode, not you.
> I thought so too. Cause, within Fireworks, visual effects such as
> shadowing are clean and jagged-less. But when LC applies graphic
> effects, that is when the imperfections arise. And that is also when I
> decided to contact the list, plus upgrade to 5.0 just in case.
> So, I guess there is not much I can do at my end. Heavy sigh...
> Thanks all the same, Scott ... and, a confession. Having seen online
> for years now your brilliant graphical work, "Scott Rossi" was one of
> the names I was very much hoping to read in my email's "From:" box. As
> always, it's amazing the generosity that the professionals on this
> list extend towards us groundlings.
> Cheers!
> --
> Nicolas Cueto

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Re: [ANN] event #41

2011-10-31 Thread Björnke von Gierke
Despite the short term notice, and only having one presentation, the event 
trucks on. Andre showed us his dual licensed social network (currently only 
facebook) suite.

Watch the presentation:

Learn all about the social network suite:

Download it:


On 29 Oct 2011, at 19:16, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

> Andre will show us his facebook integration in about an hour, so please join 
> chatrev soon:
> On 28 Oct 2011, at 23:11, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
>> We do have an event tomorrow, but I don't know who will present. Most likely 
>> it will be a single presentation.
>> Join ChatRev to watch live at 20:00 CET on Saturday, 29th October. Download 
>> a standalone from
>> or enter in the message box:
>> go stack URL “”
>> Sat. 29th October 2011
>> 20:00 Rome
>> 19:00 London
>> 14:00 New York
>> 11:00 Los Angeles
>> 5:00 Sydney (Sun.)
>> Recordings available when people remember to record:
>> -- 
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Watch live presentations every Saturday:

Use an alternative Dictionary viewer:

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Re: Base64 weirdness

2011-10-31 Thread Maarten Koopmans
Still struggling, I'll try,

@Mark: I'm on a mac

On Saturday, October 29, 2011, Richard Gaskin 
> Maarten Koopmans wrote:
>> You're right, but i've found that other languages don't ignore them,
>> whether they are c-based string wrapped scripting languages or compile to
>> the JVM for instance.
>> I think LC follows the RFC better, but not necessarily better
>> Anuway, another recent thread turned out to have a solution - copy 72
>> chars, skip 1, loop
> Since white space is independent of data in base64, would this serve the
same purpose?:
>  replace crlf with cr in tBase64Data
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World
>  LiveCode training and consulting:
>  Webzine for LiveCode developers:
>  LiveCode Journal blog:
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Re: SalineOS and WINE 1.3

2011-10-31 Thread Richmond

On 10/31/2011 04:35 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:


Do image objects render correctly in WINE now? (I guess not).

Certainly NOT the PNG images along the top of the Livecode 4 menubar . . 
.  :)

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Become our partner in sales Start selling Color Converter 
today. 20% commission!

On 31 okt 2011, at 15:28, Richmond wrote:

Dear Andre Garzia,

[I am posting this to the Livecode Use-list as well, as other people may not be exactly 
"WINE guy" s,
but it always seems a good idea to have it lurking in the background for "the odd 
thing"] . .  just
waiting for Jacques to come up with the all-too obvious quip about being a Wine 
g; well, never mind . . . :)

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handler to connect buttons with a line

2011-10-31 Thread Kresten Bjerg
I have been experimenting to create a handler (as button or menu), which will 
permit user

a)  To select two existing moveable button

b)  Create a line, attaching its endpoints to the buttons, so line will 
stay between them wherever they are positioned on the card.

c)   It is important that same button can be connected to more buttons, 
thus creating a simple user-built and editable mindmap.
My experiments - I am lousy as a programmer - have  been of no avail.
Could somebody help, and sketch a handler ?
The context is that of extending the functionalities of a freeware 
patient/citizen diary
Best regards
Kresten Bjerg

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Re: SalineOS and WINE 1.3

2011-10-31 Thread Mark Schonewille

Do image objects render correctly in WINE now? (I guess not).

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Become our partner in sales Start selling Color Converter 
today. 20% commission!

On 31 okt 2011, at 15:28, Richmond wrote:

> Dear Andre Garzia,
> [I am posting this to the Livecode Use-list as well, as other people may not 
> be exactly "WINE guy" s,
> but it always seems a good idea to have it lurking in the background for "the 
> odd thing"] . .  just
> waiting for Jacques to come up with the all-too obvious quip about being a 
> Wine g; well, never mind . . . :)

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Re: SalineOS and WINE 1.3

2011-10-31 Thread Richmond

Dear Andre Garzia,

[I am posting this to the Livecode Use-list as well, as other people may 
not be exactly "WINE guy" s,
but it always seems a good idea to have it lurking in the background for 
"the odd thing"] . .  just
waiting for Jacques to come up with the all-too obvious quip about being 
a Wine g; well, never mind . . . :)

Hi there my friend,

I am not a WINE guy, I never installed it. I remember a friend having 
a lot of trouble to install from packages and in the end, if I 
remember correctly he downloaded the source and built it by hand. I 
think the main page is something like winehq.


On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 7:40 AM, Richmond > wrote:

Dear Andre,

Sorry to bother you; but I wondered if you could advise me how to
get WINE 1.3 up and
running on my new set-up. Having got mucked about by Ubuntu (i.e.
crashed when I tried to get 'proper' GNOME 2 running on 11.10) I
have moved to SalineOS (baby's version of Debian); but it won't
let me have any form of WINE after version 1.0.x; and tells me
that there are unresolved dependencies, which seem unresolvable as
they are not in any of the repositories for SalineOS.

I played around with ZevenOS (have it running on a slower
machine), but couldn't get very far with WINE there; AND, do not
want to go through another long install & customise process.

Perhaps I should point out that I have GNOME 2 running on SalineOS
with gdm3; but there are upgrades pending that, at the same time
as they install, remove gdm3, impose gdm and screw GNOME 2; I
really don't want to revert to XFCE.

decide to be "completely alcoholic" and build from source (what a 
detective story that was; fossicking out all the dependencies), so: for 
Debian Squeeze and derivs:-

Get the latest source code:

un-tar it to your desktop

crack open a terminal (oooh, getting boozy) and do this:

sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall gcc libncurses5-dev 
libc6-dev g++ make dpkg-dev

and this:

sudo apt-get install bison comerr-dev flex gir1.0-gst-plugins-base-0.10 
krb5-multidev libc6-dev libcapi20-3 libcapi20-dev libcups2-dev 
libdbus-1-dev libexif-dev libfontconfig1-dev libgcrypt11-dev 
libgnutls-dev libgpg-error-dev libgphoto2-2-dev libgsm1-dev libhal-dev 
libice-dev libjpeg62-dev libkrb5-dev liblcms1-dev libldap2-dev 
libmpg123-0 libmpg123-dev libopenal1 libopenal-dev libpng12-dev 
libsane-dev libsane-extras-dev libsm-dev libssl-dev libtasn1-3-dev 
libtiff4-dev libtiffxx0c2 libusb-dev libv4l-dev libxslt1-dev 
libxxf86vm-dev x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev

and this:

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxcomposite-dev libxcursor-dev 
libxext-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxml2-dev libxrandr-dev 
libxrender-dev libxslt1-dev libxt-dev libxxf86vm-dev

cd to your wine folder: i.e. type 'cd' in your terminal and drag and 
drop the folder


make  [this is mind-bogglingly drawn out, with miles and miles of freaky 
code flashing before your eyes]

sudo checkinstall make install



should be in place 'should' being every English teacher's favourite 
modal verb).

NOT my idea of fun, but it gets the job done.

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Re: [OT] images: best transparent format

2011-10-31 Thread ddas
Thanks for the 32 bit tip Scott.


On Oct 31, 2011, at 1:41 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:

> I'm pretty sure the issue is LiveCode, not you.  See an example here:
> LiveCode has had antialiasing issues for years (try creating a sharp line
> using an even line width in LC -- can't be done when antialiasing is
> enabled).  My guess is whatever routines are being used to antialias object
> edges are also being applied to edges of images and producing less then
> desirable results.
> BTW, the image format you want is 32 bit PNG.  And, yes, it is worth the
> bother, so we can get good results using native graphics effects, and keep
> apps efficient, instead having to go outside LiveCode and "hard code"
> graphic effects into images.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX Design
> Recently, Nicolas Cueto wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using Fireworks 2004 to create transparent images of alphabet
>> letters that I import onto an LC stack using LC's "File > Import"
>> menu. Problem is, when in LC I set "dropshadow" and "innershadow"
>> there is still a teeny little bit of jaggedness noticeable between the
>> image itself and the inner/outer shadows.
>> As attempts to a solution, in Fireworks I've tried:
>> -- the various "Anti-alias" options (smooth, crisp)
>> -- a PNG8 file export, with either/or Alpha- and Index-transparency
>> (whatever those mean!), and with either/or no-Matte and Matte of a
>> color either/or exact or similar to the image color
>> -- a PNG32 file export (no option available for Alpha- or Index-transparency)
>> ... and in LC I've messed around with the various
>> dropshadow/innershadow settings, including  "Filter"  from Gaussian
>> down to box3pass.
>> As I say, the jaggedness is quite slight. Some might say it's not even
>> worth the bother. But, if I notice it, my finicky Japanese learners
>> will too.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Nicolas Cueto
>> ___
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>> preferences:
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Re: Base64 weirdness

2011-10-31 Thread Maarten Koopmans
There was a thread on that, that seems to do the trick...

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Maarten Koopmans
> On Saturday, October 29, 2011, Richard Gaskin 
> wrote:
>> Maarten Koopmans wrote:
>>> You're right, but i've found that other languages don't ignore them,
>>> whether they are c-based string wrapped scripting languages or compile to
>>> the JVM for instance.
>>> I think LC follows the RFC better, but not necessarily better
>>> interoprable.
>>> Anuway, another recent thread turned out to have a solution - copy 72
>>> chars, skip 1, loop
>> Since white space is independent of data in base64, would this serve the
>> same purpose?:
>>  replace crlf with cr in tBase64Data
> I'll try and report back, thanks

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Re: OT: Command-line blues (ImageMagick)

2011-10-31 Thread Graham Samuel
Richard, far be it from me to criticise the obviously clever and dedicated 
people who have created IM and continue to update it as free software for the 
good of their community: my point really is that "their community" isn't mine, 
or really their universe isn't mine. I think the core users of IM and other 
tools of that sort are primarily living in a command-line *nix-oriented world 
where considerable effort on the part of users just to carry out day-to-day 
activities is acceptable in a way which just ain't so in the world of Windows 
or Mac. Really as one of those GUI-using consumers, I should be, and am, glad 
to get crumbs from the open source table - I say this without intended irony. 
Having had, virtually for the first time in over 40 years, to rub up against 
command-lines, faceless apps, actually having to compile a program not written 
by me before I can use it etc etc, I guess I am suffering from a certain level 
of culture shock and puzzlement. But I am not claiming any superiority - indeed 
I am also having to come to terms with my own laziness about all this.



On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 17:10:17 -0700, Richard Gaskin  

> Graham Samuel wrote:
>> I did not realise that MacPorts will create a 'fully functional
>> binary', so thanks very much for that info. I have some hopes after
>> all for my geography teachers.
>>  If this is the case, then why the heck haven't the producers
>> of ImageMagick gone so far as to do this?
> I'll bet you could ask for a refund. ;)
> ImageMagick is community software, free and open source.
> While there is a main pool of developers who maintain it, there's 
> nothing stopping anyone from enhancing it further.
> Indeed, that's how projects like this work.
> If anyone here has the time to make this sort of Mac package, they're 
> free to do so under the Apache license ImageMagick is made available under.
> ImageMagick represents a tremendous amount of effort as it is; I 
> certainly can't fault them if they haven't gone further to make it even 
> more convenient for every platform.
> Given what the core team has put into it, it doesn't seem too much to 
> ask that the community can give something back by making those sorts of 
> builds available, so the core team can continue to focus on the trickier 
> stuff they do so well.
> --
>  Richard Gaskin

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Re: a shake and a wiggle

2011-10-31 Thread Nicolas Cueto
> :-) How do you imagine wiggling and shaking on a Windows computer?

Picking the monitor up like an Etch-a-Sketch and shaking it wildly ^o^

Actually, moving the mouse over a very short distance with a very
quick back-and-fro motion while holding down the mouse-left button.

> Wouldn't
> you rather have a the user select the object and press delete

No. Obliges extra actions on the user, especially moving the
mouse-cursor from one area of the screen to another.

> or into a kind of trash can?

A trash can is what I did for another stack. And just now I was
reopening that old stack to restudy my implementaion of it. Still,
this time around, I wanted to try and learn something new. Plus I
wanted to allow my young learners (5 - 11 years old) the fun of
wiggling the mouse wildly, just as if they were using an eraser or
scribbling wildly or shaking a pesky fly off their hand.

Thanks again, Mark.

Nicolas Cueto

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Re: a shake and a wiggle

2011-10-31 Thread Mark Schonewille
:-) How do you imagine wiggling and shaking on a Windows computer?  
Wouldn't you rather have a the user select the object and press  
delete or drag the object either outside the app's working area or  
into a kind of trash can?


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Op 31-okt-2011, om 12:00 heeft Nicolas Cueto het volgende geschreven:

Oops. Just learnt that "touchMove" is only for iOS. My app is for  

Oh well. Back to my orginal question...

Nicolas Cueto

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Re: a shake and a wiggle

2011-10-31 Thread Nicolas Cueto
Oops. Just learnt that "touchMove" is only for iOS. My app is for Windows.

Oh well. Back to my orginal question...

Nicolas Cueto

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Re: a shake and a wiggle

2011-10-31 Thread Nicolas Cueto
> I think you can use some of the touchMove messages or whatever they're called 
> to find out whether the user is wiggling/shaking an object. Check the release 
> notes.


Which leads to a new question.  Since my object's script uses
AnimationEngine's "constrainRectangular", which the AE docs warn can
conflict with LC's mouse-related commands, will there be a conflict
with touchMove? (Malte?)

Thanks, Mark.

Nicolas Cueto

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: a shake and a wiggle

2011-10-31 Thread Mark Schonewille
Hi Nicolas,

Yes, send a message in time will allow an object to delete itself.

// stack script:
on deleteObject theObject
  delete theObject
end deleteObject

// object script:
on deleteMe
  put the long of me into myObject
  send "delete myObject" to this stack in 0 millisecs
end deleteMe

I think you can use some of the touchMove messages or whatever they're called 
to find out whether the user is wiggling/shaking an object. Check the release 

Usually, I can delete an object by pressing it for a full second and pressing 
the little red delete button that appears on top of it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 31 okt 2011, at 11:31, Nicolas Cueto wrote:

> Hello again.
> If an object is grabbed, what parameters could a script/behavior
> within that object poll to evaluate if the user is quickly
> shaking/wiggling that grabbed object? I'd like to use that shaking
> motion to delete the grabbed object -- which, come to think of it now,
> begs the question of whether an object can delete itself... perhaps a
> send message?
> Thanks.
> --
> Nicolas Cueto

use-livecode mailing list
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a shake and a wiggle

2011-10-31 Thread Nicolas Cueto
Hello again.

If an object is grabbed, what parameters could a script/behavior
within that object poll to evaluate if the user is quickly
shaking/wiggling that grabbed object? I'd like to use that shaking
motion to delete the grabbed object -- which, come to think of it now,
begs the question of whether an object can delete itself... perhaps a
send message?


Nicolas Cueto

use-livecode mailing list
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