Re: where files are copied to in a Mac standalone - changed in 8.1?

2016-10-13 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 10/14/16 12:22 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

Instead of parsing a path from the engine folder, use:

  specialFolderPath("resources") & "/media/" & gMediaPath

Actually, that should probably be:

   specialFolderPath("resources") & "/media/" & 

unless gMediaPath is just a file name.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Passing Constants or Variables as Command Params

2016-10-13 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 10/13/16 9:56 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:

But when passed as a param the gradient ramp gets (where start defaults to 

setRamp "","","",sSoftRed,"","" # this also fails

# we see this:

# or


# if I try to pass the param as a constant

and errors out with "bad gradient ramp" because the literal string value of the 
name of the variable or constant is passed and not the value it contains.

It should work. The only thing I can think of is if you've declared the 
same variable name in the script containing the ramp handler. LC may be 
using the wrong variable, and a variable without a value will return its 
own name.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: where files are copied to in a Mac standalone - changed in 8.1?

2016-10-13 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 10/13/16 6:17 PM, Curtis Ford wrote:

I've just made a new module for this client with largely the same code;
now LiveCode 8.1 saves the files in Contents > Resources > _MacOS > media.

So the standalone doesn't find the sound files unless I move them
manually after doing 'show contents' in the Finder.

Is this a bug, or should I be setting the path differently now?

Apple now requires all resources to be in a separate folder. Nothing is 
allowed in the engine folder except the executable. We now have a new 
specialFolderPath("resources") to access that folder.

Instead of parsing a path from the engine folder, use:

  specialFolderPath("resources") & "/media/" & gMediaPath

Everything in the Copy Files pane of the standalone settings now gets 
put into specialFolderPath("resources").

In the IDE, the resources folder is the one that contains your 
mainstack. This is handy because you can keep the same hierarchy in your 
working folder and the specialFolderPath still works there.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread J. Landman Gay

On 10/13/16 7:03 PM, Trevor DeVore wrote:

On Thursday, October 13, 2016, J. Landman Gay 

Apparently in LC 8.x, LC text in the clipboard can't be pasted into
Powerpoint, though it works in MS Word and some other apps. I know the
workaround -- paste into a text editor, copy, paste into Powerpoint -- but
is there a better way?

My app is just setting the clipboarddata["text"] to a variable containing
plain text. I wonder if I should be setting some of the other keys in the
clipboard array.

It worked okay until the last version we released, compiled with LC 8.0.2
on Mac OS X. Maybe it's been fixed since then? I don't have a copy of
Powerpoint so I can't test.

Last week I had a user report issues pasting images into SnagIt but not
other apps (Windows). This issue is new to 8.x and the clipboard changes.
It seems that the way LiveCode is placing content on the clipboard is not
correct in 8.x. I have to in estimate further though.

Could the clipboardData be storing UTF16? Some apps might not work with 
that if they expect UTF8. If so, the fix would be to textEncode before 
setting the clipboardData, but we have no way of knowing what the user 
intends to do with the clipboard. It would break if they try to paste 
back into LC.

Just a guess.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread Scott Morrow

Thanks for the stack. It was educational for me and a good start for some 
additional learning.

- -
Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
office 1-800-615-0867

> On Oct 13, 2016, at 9:11 PM, stephen barncard 
>  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 7:10 PM, hh  wrote:
>> Hopefully you do think about extending that to the rawClipboardData?
> yes a lot of catching up to do. thanks
> Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

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Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread stephen barncard
On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 7:10 PM, hh  wrote:

> Hopefully you do think about extending that to the rawClipboardData?

yes a lot of catching up to do. thanks

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
use-livecode mailing list
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Passing Constants or Variables as Command Params

2016-10-13 Thread Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
I'm in the early stages of using more external libs/behaviors for things I used 
to always pile up in stack/card/object scripts and custom properties.  My  old 
practice was less than stellar in terms of re-usability, fixing the same thing 
in multiple places etc.. So I'm looking to make more libs that can be re-used 
as behaviors.  But now I face message path mysteries I'm sure all of you have 
understood for decades. In particular:

passing values, via constants or local vars, as params.

I'm working on a gradient library to use as a behavior with graphics objects, 
the idea is to be able to pass a one or more curated color values to a gradient 
ramp where the gradient type, location, span etc are already set. 

If nothing is passed the function set defaults and returns a black and white 
radial gradient. or you can just pass a single RGB value to the end stop…  I 
have not included that function here, because it works if I pass an explicit 
three integer RGB value… 

But I am unable to pass either a constant or a local variable as a parameter

What am I doing wrong here:

on mouseUp

setRamp "","","",sSoftRed,"",""  
# function generates a fillGradient["ramp']  using defaults 
# for the empty params, with a single color applied to the end stop.

# I can't get the value of sSoftRed to go thru….
# it works if I pass and explicit RGB string: "255,20,20" 

end mouseup

# We want to set up some curated colors in advance:

# Defaults:
constant kPureWhite= "255,255,255"
constant kPureBlack= "0,0,0"
constant kDefaultStart= "0.0"   # left stop
constant kDefaultEnd= "1.0" # right stop
constant kDefaultOpacity= "255" # 100% opaque

# Curated Colors
constant kSoftGreen = "88,246,27"
constant kSoftRed = "255,6,23"
# more to come later…

setRamp "","","","255,6,23","","" # this works

setRamp "","","",kSoftRed,"","" # this fails

# since a constant did not work, I tried locals:

command assignColors # trying locals here…
local sSoftGreen, sSoftRed
put "88,246,27" into sSoftGreen
put "255,6,23" into sSoftRed
end assignColors

if I set the break point on the mouseup  I can see in the variable watcher that 
the values we expect are there:

kSoftRed  255,6,23
sSoftRed 255,6,23

But when passed as a param the gradient ramp gets (where start defaults to 

setRamp "","","",sSoftRed,"","" # this also fails

# we see this:

# or 


# if I try to pass the param as a constant

and errors out with "bad gradient ramp" because the literal string value of the 
name of the variable or constant is passed and not the value it contains.

I would rather avoid "do" if at all possible. 


Missing something really simple here.


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Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread hh
Very good and interesting stack.
Hopefully you do think about extending that to the rawClipboardData?

On Mac there is a ClipboardViewer 
that shows even more entries in the clipboard than the rawClipboardData
reports, after putting a simple plain string into the clipboard in LC.

When pasting a copied text into a "plain" TextEdit window this reduces to
** public.utf8-plain-text **
(and NSStringPboardType). This UTF8-key works here, with MacOS 10.12, for
pasting in every other app. Probably this key, used with rawClipboardData,
has currently most chances to work for MacOS (and it's equivalents for Win
and Linux, given in the Dictionary).

> Stephen B. wrote:
> I made this dumb stack to view all elements of the clipboard contents...
> works inter-app, type
> go URL ";
> in msg box.

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LiveCode Meeting

2016-10-13 Thread Mark Schonewille

Aanstaande zondag 16 oktober organiseert eHUG een LiveCode-meeting (tevens voor 
eenieder geÔnteresseerd in SuperCard, Xojo, HyperStudio and zelfs HyperCard). 
Toegang is gratis, maar consumpties zijn voor eigen rekening.


De bijeenkomst zal informeel van karakter zijn. Er staan enkele punten op de 
agenda, maar de agenda is vooralsnog incompleet. Het volgende zal, in 
willekeurige volgorde, aan bod komen:

LiveCode 8
SuperCard 4.8
Arduino / HyperDuino
Verloting van HyperStudio-licentie
Verloting van boek Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner
Verloting van 50% korting op LiveCode
De volgende meeting in Antwerpen
Projecten van deelnemers

We hopen nog meer aan te kunnen bieden, maar daar wordt nog aan gewerkt. 

Belangrijk: eigen inbreng van de deelnemers maakt de bijeenkomst veel 
interessanter! Neem je eigen project mee en laat het zien! Laat ondergetekende 
per e-mail even weten hoeveel tijd je nodig hebt (alles tussen 5 en 30 minuten 
is mogelijk). 


De bijeenkomst wordt gehouden in de lobby van het NH Hotel in Utrecht. Het 
adres is:

Jaarbeursplein 24
3521 AR Utrecht
The Netherlands

Het hotel ligt op loopafstand van het centraal station van Utrecht zoals je op 
deze kaart kunt zien: 

De bijeenkomst begint om ongeveer 13:00u. en is uiterlijk 17:00u. afgelopen. 
Het is mogelijk om na de bijeenkomst nog even iets te gaan eten in het 
gezellige centrum van Utrecht.

Meer info

Wil je op de hoogte blijven van activiteiten rond xTalk en LiveCode? Stuur mij 
een e-mailtje en ik zet je op de lijst.

Je kunt mij ook op Twitter volgen. Mijn persoonlijke account is 
@xtalkprogrammer en als je op de hoogte wilt blijven van computernieuws volg me 
dan op @MoreNewz.

Je kunt me tevens op Facebook vinden op het adres en je kunt lid worden van de LiveCode Facebook 
groep op

Heb je op het laatste moment nog vragen? Je kunt mij bereiken op Skype via 
xtalkprogrammer en als je mijn telefoonnummer hebt, kun je mij een berichtje 
sturen op Whatsapp of Viber.

Lees meer over het boek Programming for the Real Beginner op

Je kunt alles over HyperStudio lezen op  en we raden 
je zeker aan om ook te bezoeken aangezien dit een 
geweldig gadget is voor je Arduino Uno board.

De SuperCard website kun je vinden op en je kunt meer 
over Xojo vinden op Om de lijst compleet te maken, 
vermelden we nog even de website van LiveCode:

LiveCode Meeting

This Sunday 16th October, eHUG organises a LiveCode meeting (also for anyone 
who might be interested in SuperCard, Xojo, HyperStudio and even HyperCard). 
Entrance is free but drinks are on your own account.


The meeting will be informal. There are a number of items on the agenda, but 
for now the schedule is incomplete. The following subjects will be included in 
our program:

LiveCode 8
SuperCard 4.8
Arduino / HyperDuino
Raffle of a HyperStudio license
Raffle of the book Programming for the Real Beginner
Raffle of a 50% discount on LiveCode
Next meeting in Antwerp
Projects of participants

We hope to have more on offer soon, but we're still working on that.

Important: own contributions by participants make the meeting much more 
interesting! Bring your own project and show it! Please tell me how much time 
you need (anything between 5 and 30 minutes goes).


The meeting is in the lobby of the NH Hotel in Utrecht, the Netherands. The 
address is:

Jaarbeursplein 24
3521 AR Utrecht
The Netherlands

The hotel is within walking distance from the Utrecht Central Station, as you 
can see on this map:

The meeting starts at approximately 13:00h. and finishes before 17:00h. It is 
possible to have a nice dinner in the centre of Utrecht afterwards.

More info

Do you want to stay informed about activities about xTalk and LiveCode? Send me 
an e-mail with your request and I'll add you to the list.

You can follow me on Twitter. My personal account is @xtalkprogrammer and if 
you want to get news about tech and computers you can follow @MoreNewz.

You can also find me on Facebook at  and there 
is a LiveCode Facebook group at

Do you have any question in the last moment? You can contact me at Skype at 
xtalkprogrammer and if you have my phone number you can contact me on Whatsapp 
or Viber.

You can read more about the book Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner at

You can read everything about HyperStudio at and we 
really recommend taking a look at as it is a great 
little gadget to accompany your Arduino Uno board.

The SuperCard website is at 

Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread stephen barncard
I made this dumb stack to view all elements of the clipboard contents...
works inter-app


go URL ";

in msg box.



ps the hex display displays incorrectly at the moment. Probably the changes
to unicorn.

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:21 PM, J. Landman Gay 

> Excellent! Thank you. I'll try it.
> On 10/13/16 5:18 PM, hh wrote:
>> Sadly this may depend more on user's OS than on the LC version or
>> your compiling OS.
>> I had a similar issue with pasting to Mail on Mac OS > 10.10. This
>> disappeared when I used the rawClipboardData[key] (exactly to such
>> "plainText"-encodings there is an example for different platforms).
>> Jacqueline L.G. wrote:
>>> Apparently in LC 8.x, LC text in the clipboard can't be
>>> pasted into Powerpoint, though it works in MS Word and
>>> some other apps. I know the workaround -- paste into a
>>> text editor, copy, paste into Powerpoint -- but is there
>>> a better way?
>>> My app is just setting the clipboarddata["text"] to a
>>> variable containing plain text. I wonder if I should be
>>> setting some of the other keys in the clipboard array.
>>>  It worked okay until the last version we released,
>>> compiled with LC 8.0.2 on Mac OS X. Maybe it's been
>>> fixed since then? I don't have a copy of Powerpoint
>>> so I can't test.
>> ___
>> use-livecode mailing list
>> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
>> subscription preferences:
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay |
> HyperActive Software   |
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> subscription preferences:
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread Trevor DeVore
On Thursday, October 13, 2016, J. Landman Gay 

> Apparently in LC 8.x, LC text in the clipboard can't be pasted into
> Powerpoint, though it works in MS Word and some other apps. I know the
> workaround -- paste into a text editor, copy, paste into Powerpoint -- but
> is there a better way?
> My app is just setting the clipboarddata["text"] to a variable containing
> plain text. I wonder if I should be setting some of the other keys in the
> clipboard array.
> It worked okay until the last version we released, compiled with LC 8.0.2
> on Mac OS X. Maybe it's been fixed since then? I don't have a copy of
> Powerpoint so I can't test.

Last week I had a user report issues pasting images into SnagIt but not
other apps (Windows). This issue is new to 8.x and the clipboard changes.
It seems that the way LiveCode is placing content on the clipboard is not
correct in 8.x. I have to in estimate further though.

Trevor DeVore
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread J. Landman Gay

Excellent! Thank you. I'll try it.

On 10/13/16 5:18 PM, hh wrote:

Sadly this may depend more on user's OS than on the LC version or
your compiling OS.
I had a similar issue with pasting to Mail on Mac OS > 10.10. This
disappeared when I used the rawClipboardData[key] (exactly to such
"plainText"-encodings there is an example for different platforms).

Jacqueline L.G. wrote:
Apparently in LC 8.x, LC text in the clipboard can't be
pasted into Powerpoint, though it works in MS Word and
some other apps. I know the workaround -- paste into a
text editor, copy, paste into Powerpoint -- but is there
a better way?
My app is just setting the clipboarddata["text"] to a
variable containing plain text. I wonder if I should be
setting some of the other keys in the clipboard array.
 It worked okay until the last version we released,
compiled with LC 8.0.2 on Mac OS X. Maybe it's been
fixed since then? I don't have a copy of Powerpoint
so I can't test.

use-livecode mailing list
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Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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LiveCode podcast just posted

2016-10-13 Thread me
@jerrydaniels and @trozware podcasting about 'LiveCode: Yesterday and Today' on 

Apologies: my audio degrades a bit (clipped words) in the last third of the 

use-livecode mailing list
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where files are copied to in a Mac standalone - changed in 8.1?

2016-10-13 Thread Curtis Ford
I've been doing a number of modules for a client that include a few 
dozen sound files in a folder "media." In the stack script I have used:

on setgMediaPath



putgMediaPath & slash& "media"& slashintogMediaPath

end setgMediaPath

When I was making the first set (back in LiveCode 6?), they were saved 
in the bundle in Contents > MacOS > media.

I've just made a new module for this client with largely the same code; 
now LiveCode 8.1 saves the files in Contents > Resources > _MacOS > media.

So the standalone doesn't find the sound files unless I move them 
manually after doing 'show contents' in the Finder.

Is this a bug, or should I be setting the path differently now?



Sent from Postbox 

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread hh
Sadly this may depend more on user's OS than on the LC version or
your compiling OS.
I had a similar issue with pasting to Mail on Mac OS > 10.10. This
disappeared when I used the rawClipboardData[key] (exactly to such
"plainText"-encodings there is an example for different platforms).

> Jacqueline L.G. wrote:
> Apparently in LC 8.x, LC text in the clipboard can't be
> pasted into Powerpoint, though it works in MS Word and
> some other apps. I know the workaround -- paste into a
> text editor, copy, paste into Powerpoint -- but is there
> a better way?
> My app is just setting the clipboarddata["text"] to a 
> variable containing plain text. I wonder if I should be 
> setting some of the other keys in the clipboard array. 
>  It worked okay until the last version we released, 
> compiled with LC 8.0.2 on Mac OS X. Maybe it's been 
> fixed since then? I don't have a copy of Powerpoint 
> so I can't test.

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Livecode podcast

2016-10-13 Thread me
In 2mins

On Oct 13, 2016, 5:05 PM -0500, Colin Holgate , wrote:
> Are you podcasting yesterday and today, or are you podcasting right now?
> > On Oct 13, 2016, at 3:03 PM, Jerry Daniels  wrote:
> >
> > @jerrydaniels and @trozware are podcasting about 'LiveCode: Yesterday and 
> > Today' on @ZCastApp
> >
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Jerry Daniels
> >
> > ___
> > use-livecode mailing list
> >
> > Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
> > subscription preferences:
> >
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Livecode podcast

2016-10-13 Thread Colin Holgate
Are you podcasting yesterday and today, or are you podcasting right now?

> On Oct 13, 2016, at 3:03 PM, Jerry Daniels  wrote:
> @jerrydaniels and @trozware are podcasting about 'LiveCode: Yesterday and 
> Today' on @ZCastApp
> Best,
> Jerry Daniels
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 
> preferences:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Livecode podcast

2016-10-13 Thread Jerry Daniels
@jerrydaniels and @trozware are podcasting about 'LiveCode: Yesterday and 
Today' on @ZCastApp


Jerry Daniels

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Pasting to Powerpoint

2016-10-13 Thread J. Landman Gay
Apparently in LC 8.x, LC text in the clipboard can't be pasted into 
Powerpoint, though it works in MS Word and some other apps. I know the 
workaround -- paste into a text editor, copy, paste into Powerpoint -- 
but is there a better way?

My app is just setting the clipboarddata["text"] to a variable 
containing plain text. I wonder if I should be setting some of the other 
keys in the clipboard array.

It worked okay until the last version we released, compiled with LC 
8.0.2 on Mac OS X. Maybe it's been fixed since then? I don't have a copy 
of Powerpoint so I can't test.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Keep taking the tablets

2016-10-13 Thread AndyP
This is rather cool, I hadn't realised this was possible before.

So here I am on an Android tablet adding buttons and fields and moving them
around in real time,...made me smile.

Anyway this is actualy a great way to get into script only coding with
Thanks for pointing this out.

Andy Piddock 

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. 

Copy the new cloud space, get your free 15GB space now:
Get Copy 

Script editor Themer for LC  

PointandSee is a FREE simple but full featured under cursor colour picker / 
finder.  - made with LiveCode
View this message in context:
Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at

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Re: more postgres madness

2016-10-13 Thread Dr. Hawkins
On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Dr. Hawkins  wrote:

> It took a bit to track this down,, but the command
> SELECT unqKy, ktyp, kywd, usr, tstmp, scr, cmd FROM
> dhdbt_testy_xlvi___001 WHERE ((tstmp > '2010-01-01 00:00:00.00-00')
> OR (tstmp IS NULL));
> is yielding
> revdberr,
> That's it; just "revdberr,"


Suppose I use revDataFromQuery with the command,


UPDATE someTable SET someField ='someValue' WHERE otherField>7;

SELECT rats, snails, puppy_dog_tails FROM anotherTable WHERE sex='M';


The first line, update, or any number of UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, etc.
returns "revdberr," as the normal response when successful.

I'm wondering now if that SELECT returning nothing causes no overwrite of
the revdberr, from the final update.  This would explain this response
(maybe this routine is getting called earlier than before, and I just never
had a call with no return (that shouldn't happen, as the UPDATEs themselves
are supposed to get selected as part of the same transaction, but if the
relevant lines are all missing . . .)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
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Re: Close and Delete a stack

2016-10-13 Thread Phil Davis

My comment wrapped. Sorry.

On 10/13/16 10:32 AM, Phil Davis wrote:

Hi Graham,

What happens if you do only this?

   lock messages -- assuming you don't want any handlers to be
   triggered by the stack's closing
   delete stack "myDataStack"

I'm also assuming "myDataStack" is a mainStack and not a substack. (As 
you know, you can't remove a substack from memory independent of its 
mainStack unless you end its existence with "delete stack".)

Food for thought...

Phil Davis

On 10/13/16 10:10 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:
I have a situation where I want to close a stack and then delete it, 
so that it no  longer exists in memory and so that no naming 
conflicts occur when I load a fresh stack with the same name. This 
used to work - part of a script running in a different stack to the 
one being deleted:

   set the cantDelete of stack "myDataStack" to false

   set the destroyStack of stack "myDataStack" to true

   set the destroyWindow of stack "myDataStack" to true

   close stack "myDataStack" -- this should ensure that there are no 
messages operating in that stack

   delete stack "myDataStack" -- this should remove it from memory
   What happens in 8.1.1 rc2 (on a Mac with El Capitan, if that’s 
relevant) is that all goes well until the ‘delete’ command, when I 
get error 347, which is “stack locked, or object’s script executing”. 
Well, since the stack is closed (this is apparent on the screen), its 
scripts can’t be running, and it’s not locked (whatever that means - 
the dictionary is not helpful), I don’t think the error is the 
correct one.

The problem exists both in the IDE and in the standalone version of 
the program.

I have two problems tracking this down:

(a) it used to work up to LC7.x; and

(b) an attempt to abstract the issue by repeating it with some very 
simple stacks doesn’t demonstrate the error.

Can anyone suggest an approach to debugging this?  I am totally foxed.


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subscription preferences:

Phil Davis

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Close and Delete a stack

2016-10-13 Thread Phil Davis

Hi Graham,

What happens if you do only this?

   lock messages -- assuming you don't want any handlers to be
   triggered by the stack's closing
   delete stack "myDataStack"

I'm also assuming "myDataStack" is a mainStack and not a substack. (As 
you know, you can't remove a substack from memory independent of its 
mainStack unless you end its existence with "delete stack".)

Food for thought...

Phil Davis

On 10/13/16 10:10 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

I have a situation where I want to close a stack and then delete it, so that it 
no  longer exists in memory and so that no naming conflicts occur when I load a 
fresh stack with the same name. This used to work - part of a script running in 
a different stack to the one being deleted:

   set the cantDelete of stack "myDataStack" to false

   set the destroyStack of stack "myDataStack" to true

   set the destroyWindow of stack "myDataStack" to true

   close stack "myDataStack" -- this should ensure that there are no messages 
operating in that stack

   delete stack "myDataStack" -- this should remove it from memory
What happens in 8.1.1 rc2 (on a Mac with El Capitan, if that’s relevant) is that all goes well until the ‘delete’ command, when I get error 347, which is “stack locked, or object’s script executing”. Well, since the stack is closed (this is apparent on the screen), its scripts can’t be running, and it’s not locked (whatever that means - the dictionary is not helpful), I don’t think the error is the correct one.

The problem exists both in the IDE and in the standalone version of the program.

I have two problems tracking this down:

(a) it used to work up to LC7.x; and

(b) an attempt to abstract the issue by repeating it with some very simple 
stacks doesn’t demonstrate the error.

Can anyone suggest an approach to debugging this?  I am totally foxed.


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Phil Davis

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Close and Delete a stack

2016-10-13 Thread Graham Samuel
I have a situation where I want to close a stack and then delete it, so that it 
no  longer exists in memory and so that no naming conflicts occur when I load a 
fresh stack with the same name. This used to work - part of a script running in 
a different stack to the one being deleted:

  set the cantDelete of stack "myDataStack" to false

  set the destroyStack of stack "myDataStack" to true

  set the destroyWindow of stack "myDataStack" to true

  close stack "myDataStack" -- this should ensure that there are no messages 
operating in that stack

  delete stack "myDataStack" -- this should remove it from memory
What happens in 8.1.1 rc2 (on a Mac with El Capitan, if that’s relevant) is 
that all goes well until the ‘delete’ command, when I get error 347, which is 
“stack locked, or object’s script executing”. Well, since the stack is closed 
(this is apparent on the screen), its scripts can’t be running, and it’s not 
locked (whatever that means - the dictionary is not helpful), I don’t think the 
error is the correct one.

The problem exists both in the IDE and in the standalone version of the program.

I have two problems tracking this down: 

(a) it used to work up to LC7.x; and 

(b) an attempt to abstract the issue by repeating it with some very simple 
stacks doesn’t demonstrate the error.

Can anyone suggest an approach to debugging this?  I am totally foxed.


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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Graham Samuel
Thanks Richard - I didn’t know how to update a plugin but I worked it out (you 
have to delete the old one manually). Anyway very useful - thanks to you and to 


> On 13 Oct 2016, at 18:01, Richard Gaskin  wrote:
> I was mistaken:  it seems Jacque has already updated the tool to use the 
> scriptExecutionErrors function (apparently undocumented) if the older error 
> string list stored in stack "revErrorDisplay" is empty.
> This should allow it to work in all versions from at least 5.5 and later.
> Perhaps you have an older version of that stack?
> I just added the most recent version of the LiveCode Error Lookup stack to 
> the Stacks section of LiveNet - in the IDE see Development -> Plugins -> 
> GoLiveNet
> The version available there has been tested in v8.1.1 and 6.0 so it should 
> also work with everything in between.
> -- 
> Richard Gaskin
> Fourth World Systems
> Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
> ambassa...@fourthworld.com
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread mwieder
Sorry for the typo.


type response
hit send
get caffeine


get caffeine
type into message box
copy working statement from message box
paste into email
hit send

 Mark Wieder

 Mark Wieder
View this message in context:
Sent from the Revolution - User mailing list archive at

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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread J. Landman Gay
I uploaded a revision to User Samples some time ago when the problem first 
arose. It branches lookups based on the LC version.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

On October 13, 2016 10:35:19 AM Richard Gaskin  

Graham Samuel wrote:

 > I love the ‘LiveCode Error Lookup” plugin (by Richard Gaskin, revised
 > by Jacque Gay), but in 8.1.1 (rc2) it doesn’t seem to work - am I
 > doing something stupid?

My hunch is that the location of the error strings has changed between
versions.  I'll have to let Jacque do the update as I don't know where
the latest master copy lives (I guess at some point we should move that
to Github).

 > On 13 Oct 2016, at 17:07, Mark Wieder  wrote:
 > put line 347 of the executionerrors


  put the executionErrors the Message Box throws an "error in source expression", and there
is no Dictionary entry for "executionErrors".

I believe I'd read somewhere that these are now stored in the engine -
is that the case?  If so, why doesn't querying the executionErrors work?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Richard Gaskin
I was mistaken:  it seems Jacque has already updated the tool to use the 
scriptExecutionErrors function (apparently undocumented) if the older 
error string list stored in stack "revErrorDisplay" is empty.

This should allow it to work in all versions from at least 5.5 and later.

Perhaps you have an older version of that stack?

I just added the most recent version of the LiveCode Error Lookup stack 
to the Stacks section of LiveNet - in the IDE see Development -> Plugins 
-> GoLiveNet

The version available there has been tested in v8.1.1 and 6.0 so it 
should also work with everything in between.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Graham Samuel
Phew - that at least is a simple fix!

Thanks - G

> On 13 Oct 2016, at 17:38, Ali Lloyd  wrote:
> It's 'scriptExecutionErrors'
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:22 PM stephen barncard <
>> wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:17 AM, Graham Samuel  wrote:
>>> put the number of lines of the executionerrors
>> double-take :this looks like executioners   when glanced at quickly.
>> Yikes.
>> First 'Delete Stack', now this!
>> ... gotta turn the news off...
>> Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
>> ___
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Ali Lloyd
It's 'scriptExecutionErrors'

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:22 PM stephen barncard <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:17 AM, Graham Samuel  wrote:
> > put the number of lines of the executionerrors
> double-take :this looks like executioners   when glanced at quickly.
> Yikes.
> First 'Delete Stack', now this!
> ... gotta turn the news off...
> Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Richard Gaskin

Graham Samuel wrote:

> I love the ‘LiveCode Error Lookup” plugin (by Richard Gaskin, revised
> by Jacque Gay), but in 8.1.1 (rc2) it doesn’t seem to work - am I
> doing something stupid?

My hunch is that the location of the error strings has changed between 
versions.  I'll have to let Jacque do the update as I don't know where 
the latest master copy lives (I guess at some point we should move that 
to Github).

> On 13 Oct 2016, at 17:07, Mark Wieder  wrote:
> put line 347 of the executionerrors


 put the executionErrors the Message Box throws an "error in source expression", and there 
is no Dictionary entry for "executionErrors".

I believe I'd read somewhere that these are now stored in the engine - 
is that the case?  If so, why doesn't querying the executionErrors work?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread stephen barncard
On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:17 AM, Graham Samuel  wrote:

> put the number of lines of the executionerrors

double-take :this looks like executioners   when glanced at quickly.

First 'Delete Stack', now this!

... gotta turn the news off...

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -
use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Graham Samuel
Spoke too soon - doesn’t work for me on 8.1.1 rc2. Also

put the number of lines of the executionerrors

just gives ‘bad factor’.

> On 13 Oct 2016, at 17:09, I wrote:
> Thanks very much Mark. G
>> On 13 Oct 2016, at 17:07, Mark Wieder  wrote:
>> put line 347 of the executionerrors
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Graham Samuel
Thanks very much Mark. G

> On 13 Oct 2016, at 17:07, Mark Wieder  wrote:
> put line 347 of the executionerrors

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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Mark Wieder

On 10/13/2016 07:30 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

I should have asked as a supplementary how one might find the textual version 
of numerical error codes oneself, for example, I have an error


put line 347 of the executionerrors

 Mark Wieder

use-livecode mailing list
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Re: Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Graham Samuel
I should have asked as a supplementary how one might find the textual version 
of numerical error codes oneself, for example, I have an error


and later



These are all to do with trying to delete a stack which has already been 
closed, like the IDE does with ‘close and remove from memory’ - but I have no 
idea what’s going wrong and am stuck.


> On 13 Oct 2016, at 16:22, I wrote:
> I love the ‘LiveCode Error Lookup” plugin (by Richard Gaskin, revised by 
> Jacque Gay), but in 8.1.1 (rc2) it doesn’t seem to work - am I doing 
> something stupid?
> Graham
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Is 'Error Lookup' broken?

2016-10-13 Thread Graham Samuel
I love the ‘LiveCode Error Lookup” plugin (by Richard Gaskin, revised by Jacque 
Gay), but in 8.1.1 (rc2) it doesn’t seem to work - am I doing something stupid?

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Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.

2016-10-13 Thread Thierry Douez
Mmm, just did a test:

COPY:  ./Applications/LiveCode Indy


in BBEdit, edit   ./Desktop/Info.plist and add

Here are the latest lines of this file:





Then, in LC 8.1.1:

Open Standalone Applications Settings for Test4iOS

Go to Copy Files Tab:

Add : ~/Desktop/Info.plist

Save and build the iOS Test4iOS .app

Then, go where the app was built, and open "Test4iOS .app"

Open the Info.plist file, and here are the latest lines:






So, this recipe works !


-Original Message-
> > On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:26 AM, Thierry Douez 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Phil,
> >>
> >> Did you try this recipe:
> >>
> >> Copy the template plist from LC.
> >>
> >> Edit it the way you like.
> >> .
> >> Name it Info.plist and add it to "copy files" tab in Standalone
> settings.
> >>
> >> ​Not sure if this still works
> >>
> >> HTH,
> >>
> >> Thierry
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RE: iOS Background Audio rejection.

2016-10-13 Thread Ralph DiMola
I set the folder permissions did the plist edits and OSX 10.11.6 did not 
complain when opening LC 8.1.1.

If the copy files pane method works then my question is: are all the plist 
files for both devices and simulators identical?

+1 for the standalone settings option.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-Original Message-
From: use-livecode [] On Behalf Of 
Mike Kerner
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 8:57 AM
To: How to use LiveCode
Subject: Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.

And Ralph, there's at least n bug reports/feature requests to do just that.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:56 AM, Mike Kerner 

> Don't try to edit LC while it's in the applications folder.  Put it on 
> your desktop, then change the permissions on the settings.plist files, 
> then edit them, save them, change the permissions back, and put LC 
> back in Applications.
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:26 AM, Thierry Douez  wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> Did you try this recipie:
>> Copy the template plist from LC.
>> Edit it the way you like.
>> .
>> Name it Info.plist and add it to "copy files" tab in Standalone settings.
>> ​Not sure if this still works
>> HTH,
>> Thierry
>> --
>> Thierry Douez - http
>> ​s
>> ://  
>> ___
>> use-livecode mailing list
>> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your 
>> subscription preferences:
> --
> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth On the second 
> day, God created the oceans.
> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>and did a little diving.
> And God said, "This is good."

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth On the second day, God 
created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-livecode mailing list
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use-livecode mailing list
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Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.

2016-10-13 Thread Mike Kerner
And Ralph, there's at least n bug reports/feature requests to do just that.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:56 AM, Mike Kerner 

> Don't try to edit LC while it's in the applications folder.  Put it on
> your desktop, then change the permissions on the settings.plist files, then
> edit them, save them, change the permissions back, and put LC back in
> Applications.
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:26 AM, Thierry Douez  wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> Did you try this recipie:
>> Copy the template plist from LC.
>> Edit it the way you like.
>> .
>> Name it Info.plist and add it to "copy files" tab in Standalone settings.
>> ​Not sure if this still works
>> HTH,
>> Thierry​
>> --
>> Thierry Douez - http
>> ​s​
>> :// 
>> ___
>> use-livecode mailing list
>> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
>> subscription preferences:
> --
> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
> On the second day, God created the oceans.
> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>and did a little diving.
> And God said, "This is good."

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.

2016-10-13 Thread Mike Kerner
Don't try to edit LC while it's in the applications folder.  Put it on your
desktop, then change the permissions on the settings.plist files, then edit
them, save them, change the permissions back, and put LC back in

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:26 AM, Thierry Douez  wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> Did you try this recipie:
> Copy the template plist from LC.
> Edit it the way you like.
> .
> Name it Info.plist and add it to "copy files" tab in Standalone settings.
> ​Not sure if this still works
> HTH,
> Thierry​
> --
> Thierry Douez - http
> ​s​
> :// 
> ___
> use-livecode mailing list
> Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your
> subscription preferences:

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.

2016-10-13 Thread Thierry Douez
Hi Phil,

Did you try this recipie:

Copy the template plist from LC.

Edit it the way you like.
Name it Info.plist and add it to "copy files" tab in Standalone settings.

​Not sure if this still works



Thierry Douez - http
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Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.

2016-10-13 Thread Phil Jimmieson
When I tried to edit it, it broke LiveCode - Gatekeeper complained it was no 
longer valid - I think because it’s now all signed and changing the plist file 
makes the signing invalid. 

LiveCode - Can we please have an option in the standalone builder to set the 
ExitsOnSuspend item in the plist please? You can pop up a warning dialog box in 
72pt red text if you like, warning that it can cause problems, but please allow 
us to do this easily, rather than choose background audio, or manually hack the 
appropriate plist files.

> On 12 Oct 2016, at 13:21, Mike Kerner  wrote:
> Why can't you edit the plist file?  I'm pretty sure I have done it in 8 and
> I think 8.1, too.
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 5:52 PM, Ralph DiMola 
> wrote:
>> Randy,
>> Thanks!
>> I'll just make those folders read/write and make the edits. I did not
>> realize that the "background audio" option sets UIBackgroundModes key to
>> "audio".
>> Ralph DiMola
>> IT Director
>> Evergreen Information Services
>> Phone: 518-636-3998 Ex:11
>> Cell: 518-796-9332
>> -Original Message-
>> From: use-livecode [] On
>> Behalf Of Randy Hengst
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:04 PM
>> To: How to use LiveCode
>> Subject: Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.
>> I'm still using the same hack on LC8.1 that I used in 7.x. And, it seems
>> to work fine with the updates I've sent to apple after iOS 10. I've not
>> checked the background audio you mentioned.
>> be well,
>> randy
>>> On Oct 11, 2016, at 3:49 PM, Ralph DiMola 
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, I checked it because you can't edit the plist files anymore. I
>> wanted to delete the "exit on suspend" key. The startup of the app take
>> some time(3-6 seconds). When the user returns to the app I want it
>> instantly in the same state as when the user left. I know I could save the
>> state but just loading the stack and the engine initializing takes too
>> long. I've been using the plist hack for years now without any rejections.
>> I wonder if ticking the background audio box does more than delete then
>> "exit on suspend" key?
>>> Thanks
>>> Ralph DiMola
>>> IT Director
>>> Evergreen Information Services
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: use-livecode [] On
>> Behalf Of Colin Holgate
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 4:01 PM
>>> To: How to use LiveCode
>>> Subject: Re: iOS Background Audio rejection.
>>> Are you saying that you did check the “Background Audio” box? That would
>> be the reason Apple are asking. Why was it you checked that box?
 On Oct 11, 2016, at 12:50 PM, Ralph DiMola 
>> wrote:
 I just got an Apple rejection with this question.
 We began the review of your app but aren't able to continue because we
>> need additional information about your app.
 - What features in your app use Background Audio?
 I used to just delete the "exit on suspend" key using the plist hack. I
>> thought that ticking the "Background Audio box" would do the same. Is there
>> another key that is in the plist causing Apple to ask this question?
 Thanks for any help on this.
 Ralph DiMola
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> -- 
> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
> On the second day, God created the oceans.
> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>   and did a little diving.
> And God said, "This is good."
> ___
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